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Era Updates
11:07:53 Oct 27th 08 - Lord Alban:

VU Admin


10/27/2008 12:30:22 AM
Era updates:
  • Armageddon spell removed.
  • Guardtowers defences increased/decreased to 5 + Military science level
  • The plague will spread between cities


Seriously, just cause some n0obs were moaning about it becasue they couldnt handle armies moving more quickly.

12:37:02 Oct 27th 08 - Duke Argyle:

I didn't see Heaven, who got completely wiped cause of arma complain anything. At least not in the terms of removing arma, perhaps we were a little down because of the lost, but thats totally fine.

I can however understand why it was removed. As the entire eras events become useless hence it's the biggest merge that wins armawar, no matter how good your kingdom have done the rest of the era. This way the ones deserving victory will get it.

Ofcourse thoose with good armaplay tactic will feel anger now that it's gone, it's always like that when something improvements.

18:13:09 Oct 27th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

There is a similar topic in The Hangaround...but yeah I am not too happy about that.  Zeta says that there will be no big updates...he removes arma and plague now moves between cities...of course it is rarely used as it is and the cure for plague is a level 1 spell...

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