Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Europe and Canada Vs USA

Europe and Canada Vs USA
16:17:03 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Accord:

Who would you think would win?
( No Nukes )

16:21:50 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Love:

Europe n Canada. Easily.

Russia and Germany togheter has a bigger population then the USA. In the end the US wont be able to withstand them. Also count in the fact that the US will be totally isolated, heavily dependant on its exports its economy will crumble.

Also i think EU/CAN will be able to gather support from some south american countries aswell. Its a done deal im afraid.

16:22:48 Aug 17th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Why even bother?

but since sweden is in europe, europe would win, we have such an advanced army that all the soldiers are invisible, and the tanks and aircrafts aswell.. INVISIBLE!

16:29:42 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Meaning they don't exist? ;p

16:59:50 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Orrises:

stupid Thread ... USA will never be stupid enough to challenge the Common wealth World

16:59:50 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Britain alone would take on a much larger American force. :P


Jinx! 8/17/2008 4:59:50 PM

17:39:04 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Zump:

New Jersey would pwn everyone!

17:51:40 Aug 17th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Since GB is USA marionette, this war could never happen :)

18:07:43 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Why bring it up seriously? Russia, and Germany do not have a larger population than the U.S. by the way.

Also he said US vs Canada & Europe meaning south american countries are not in this conflict what so ever.... 

If America was isolated from the world it would just adapt. America isn't utilizing all of it's resources like it should be....

All America would need to do is just defend itself from attacks, and make it become an unpopular war basically. America would just have to defend themselves long enough to make most people tired of the war. Also Canada doesn't really have anything to defend itself or attack with, so Canada would probably be absorbed by the U.S.

Though it'll never happen....this war....

18:17:35 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Ms. Jasmina


8/17/2008 4:51:40 PM
Since GB is USA marionette, this war could never happen :)

well firstly we are saying if it were to happen and ya know USA look back at pearl harbor the japanese took out a fair amount of the usa's battleships and possiable would have taken out the aircraft carriers too yer it was a surprise attack but we could do the same it would be like takin out a bigger germany but as Jasmina said it is litrealy impossable for europe and canada to get in a war with usa.

19:15:26 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Is Russia counted in this? Because Russia is usually considered to be Asian not European. If not then eventual American victory.


Also can Americans gather support from elsewhere?  Most of Africa would attack Europe pretty heatedly and distract them for a while. South American countries stay neutral because it's either  like 6 Military Dictatorship countries that fights for America or Hugo Chavez.

19:30:32 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Kayn:

Since GB is USA marionette, this war could never happen :)

Try the other way around. Who do you think the US owes that large debt to? American banks? tsk tsk, do some research.

19:46:26 Aug 17th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

America would win. There will never be a land invasion of america, come from the north, you have all the hunters with rifles and pistols, come from the south, the cowboys, the west, try to go through oakland, and then you would have to meet our more highly trained military, all three of canada troops would be toast quickly.

europe would eventually follow.


Mr. Samual


8/17/2008 10:17:35 PM

Ms. Jasmina


8/17/2008 4:51:40 PM
Since GB is USA marionette, this war could never happen :)

well firstly we are saying if it were to happen and ya know USA look back at pearl harbor the japanese took out a fair amount of the usa's battleships and possiable would have taken out the aircraft carriers too yer it was a surprise attack but we could do the same it would be like takin out a bigger germany but as Jasmina said it is litrealy impossable for europe and canada to get in a war with usa.

if you are to bring that up, think of how quickly almost all of europe fell to hitler in the same war.

19:54:44 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Samuel look at it like this. By the end of WW2 we were producing  2 Airships a day. And that was only 20% of our military might that was headed towards Japan.


Imagine if EU tried to fight a Naval Army that already outnumbered and outteched them 3 to 1. Throw in the fact that our purchasing power is near ungodly and we could *beep* Aircraft and Ships to deal with anything you tried to send to help Canada with well... lets leave it at the fact that nearly all major Canadian cities are only 300 miles from the border of America(or on islands). The somewhat *beep*ic patriotism some people feel for America and if it were invaded and how many would volunteer. Our Arms forces would triple at least.

20:00:50 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

ww2 was most of europe and america vs Germany. im pretty sure if it was Europe vs America we would win. not to mention Russias capital is in europe so its almost never considerd to be an asian country. America is so far away it couldnt invade Europe and we couldnt invade America. try shipping a large enough force all the way from america or europe without getting blown to hell by planes and missles

20:12:09 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Air:

USA would probably win, EU sucks until we have a president, without russia europe is what, 750 million ppl compared to USA:s what 290 million? Alot more tax money to put into it, then again, to get a working military force and industry for whole of europe, we would probably need 15 years or so lol

20:15:10 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Osi our Navy makes it impossible for Europe to do anything 3 to 1 is not something you can overcome. We take out Canada and have Naval Warfare for a few years until eventually our GDP military purchases really start to kick in and we can take you guys out.And he said Europe not Eurasia so Russia doesn't count. Besides 75% of Russia is in Asia. ;)

20:18:50 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

who cares about population size, lets look at common warfare machines, such as tanks and aircraft, USA I would say is much further advanced, in terms meaning total mass destruction. >8)

20:20:28 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

America has over 324million people, but thats including illegals lol without them its 304million

20:20:43 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

lol America navy indeed. but you really think your 3:1 will mean a lot when we start launching missles and air force at you so far from home? besides how much of your exports go to europe? a lot of european countries do not have military forces but make no mistake if europe got into gear it would far outweigh American forces.

20:43:36 Aug 17th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Samual

... pearl harbor ... it was a surprise attack but we could do the same ...

Do you honestly think anything like this would happen to the U.S.A. with advanced Radar and Geosynch satellites?  Don't even bring 9/11/01 into this, at that was an attack from the inside.

... be like takin out a bigger germany ...

Not even close.  Just look at 9/11/01 in this case and see how EVERYTHING was put aside so American could help American.  I could honestly say that if the U.S.A. was ever attacked by direct force, you would find a Nation highly united and of one mind, "Defend my Country".

20:45:13 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

The American Airforce:  18,169

Top 5 European Airforces that I know of.

Ukraine: 2,451

France: 2,175

Britain: 1,891

Germany: 1,641

Italy: 1,594

After that your next highest has only got 800 so I didn't feel like adding it. And I've got to wonder whether parts of Europe would even help against America.

20:48:14 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

right now check out the stats between the UK and Germany pre WW2 when our navy was bigger then the next two combined and see how much that helped everyone :) how many of those 18k planes can you ship to europe? :) how many of your carriers will be hit by missles subs planes before you get here? Your economy our economies would both be ruined so yeah in that war you would never be able to take over europe and we wouldnt be able to take america. America vs Europe = china and russian win :)

20:49:52 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

ok you know that all 300 million people in America are not going to sit on there butts and look at you like your stupid because 1 in 4 people in the us own a fire arm ok so do the math and we have over 300 million stores that sell fire arms ok you have to fight our army and our civilians also Canada doesn't really have an army so a lot of good that would do you also we have military bases around the world so theres more troops you have to fight also America is one of a few countries that are willing to use a ICBM so looking at it this way America would win

20:56:51 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Yeah I know. But to retort you just sounded exactly like that guy who said Not even one American troops will step on this land. Our U-Boats will sink all the ships.

I could argue about this forver. With you but it's hypothetical and will hopefully never happen.

20:57:51 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Omg, Jackdaniels, lol! You just made my day with your retardness! :D

21:00:56 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol its not the american army you have to worry about getting ur asses kicked by. Its the rednecks =P

21:01:50 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

lol yes America is so going to nuke europe.. as if Europe doesnt have enough nukes to wipe the USA out... please. facepalm. to think that the USA could sent a large enough force via sea to conquer europe without stopping (like ww2) is pretty laughable. Jack why would anyone bother going all the way to take over the USA? taking over any country that size the other side of the world just cant work.

21:05:32 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

At least it's more viable then the other way around. And really it's been a while since WW2 a lot more has become possible.

21:14:14 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

lol britain has military bases all over the world 2 dumass, on top of that the reason why the militaries of europe are considerably smaller is because we have no REAL wars atm and assembling + maintaining an army costs alot of money which is pointless unless there is a need to do so. America has a RL war goin on in afghanistan and iraq and altho recievin help from europe in particular: Britain it still ISNT our war and we still currently have no need to fully arm ourselves. Assuming america could beat europe an canada single handedly is COMPLTELY false and wud either result in america loosing or a draw. The EU is weak because the EU countries still have INDIVIDUAL militaries and etc. if we were to band all our militaries together and go into full co-operation as a single state then we cud start to see the EU becoming the most powerful nation on the globe but we're not.

21:19:29 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well its not like history is going to change. 10k FARMERS beat the greatest army in the world Britian at the time. Sure the french helped but that was at the end of the war. Not like history is going to change watsoever in the past 300 yrs

21:20:06 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and thank god :) id rather Britain stood alone then unite as one europe

21:24:08 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

having numbers in war isnt really advantage, quality is more important. i think that EU and canada would beat the USA but in war any thing can happen.

if there was a war, then it would be battles at sea and in the air first for usa vs EU, american troops would go north ands invade canada.


21:27:19 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Mr. Justin


8/17/2008 8:19:29 PM
well its not like history is going to change. 10k FARMERS beat the greatest army in the world Britian at the time. Sure the french helped but that was at the end of the war. Not like history is going to change watsoever in the past 300 yrs


it wasnt that simply, and it wasnt the greatest army in britan. all americans think like that, that they are the best and they win every thing with out help.

we had to send troops by sea which took a long time.

american is still a young countrie and has alot to learn about war

21:36:25 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

lol yes we sent our Enitre army to the states....... do they actually teach you that?

21:38:08 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

lol ye it wuz only 1/20 of the brittish army

21:55:44 Aug 17th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Sir Darkmarsbar

it wasnt that simply, and it wasnt the greatest army in britan. all americans think like that, that they are the best and they win every thing with out help.

we had to send troops by sea which took a long time.

american is still a young countrie and has alot to learn about war

No that is not how all Americans think, that would be like saying "All Britians have bad teeth, and crappy humor".  But if you want to "Stero-type" that is your right.  As for war, I think we taught quit a lot, just as we learned quit a lot as well.

Dark Lord Osiris

lol yes we sent our Enitre army to the states....... do they actually teach you that?

No that is not what they teach us, and if it WAS that way, most people, let alone Americans are smart enough to figure this out.

22:00:10 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

no im not ignorant enough to think all americans are blind patriotic fools. but certainly justin is :)

22:12:56 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

Lol we pwned the british army with our Farmers! :p We are teh leatest!!!

In the end if war ever did happen I think it would matter on whether America could take out Britain or if EU would actually be united or just individual countries.

22:25:22 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

Praetorian Wyzer


8/17/2008 8:55:44 PM

Sir Darkmarsbar

it wasnt that simply, and it wasnt the greatest army in britan. all americans think like that, that they are the best and they win every thing with out help.

we had to send troops by sea which took a long time.

american is still a young countrie and has alot to learn about war

No that is not how all Americans think, that would be like saying "All Britians have bad teeth, and crappy humor".  But if you want to "Stero-type" that is your right.  As for war, I think we taught quit a lot, just as we learned quit a lot as well.


lol i know, its just that a lot of americans i have spoken to are like that then all the others are all cool

22:36:08 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Selocgotatanandcold:

I really can't see the UK and America going to war.....

22:39:47 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i know its like a lil kid trying to kill his daddy. baby britain cant do that to daddy England :p

23:26:26 Aug 17th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Selocgotatanandcold

I really can't see the UK and America going to war.....

This is just a hypothetical thread, and that's it.

00:50:24 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:

this thread is bull its another thread where both sides can claim that they would win or they have more militery power e.g.

Mr. Facepalm


8/17/2008 8:45:13 PM

The American Airforce:  18,169

Top 5 European Airforces that I know of.

Ukraine: 2,451

France: 2,175

Britain: 1,891<< this figure is incorect

Germany: 1,641

Italy: 1,594


Sir Harry The Crazy


8/17/2008 4:59:50 PM

Britain alone would take on a much larger American force. :P


Jinx! 8/17/2008 4:59:50 PM

Mr. Facepalm


8/17/2008 7:15:26 PM

Is Russia counted in this? Because Russia is usually considered to be Asian not European. If not then eventual American victory.


Also can Americans gather support from elsewhere?  Most of Africa would attack Europe pretty heatedly and distract them for a while. South American countries stay neutral because it's either  like 6 Military Dictatorship countries that fights for America or Hugo Chavez.


Mr. Bloodlust


8/17/2008 9:14:14 PM
lol britain has military bases all over the world 2 dumass


i have to comment on the one above tho.

we only have bases in 

base                                             personel numbers

 germany                                             aprox 23,000

Cyprus                                                 aprox 3,500

Gibraltar                                              A handful of units

and in Brunei                                         500-1500

this is hardly all over the world. and most of the personel are there merly on trainning purposes.

greetings pws.

p.s. to cheeck my figurs i used wikipedia link below and then use the links on the right hand side


01:17:29 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

wel wen i sed all ova the world i admit i wuz over-doin it lolz, but point remains we hav bases in multiple countries

01:55:53 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

i prefere older warfare, modern warfare isnt intresting

"oh look the enemy"

soldier pushes butten and a fires a nuke


"we win"

02:09:29 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

2006 Estimates, I couldn't find the estimates for some of those countries in 08. Thanks but the estimates in 06 still give you the obvious difference in America.

03:42:21 Aug 18th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Wolflord Karac


8/17/2008 11:46:26 AM

America would win. There will never be a land invasion of america, come from the north, you have all the hunters with rifles and pistols, come from the south, the cowboys, the west, try to go through oakland, and then you would have to meet our more highly trained military, all three of canada troops would be toast quickly.

europe would eventually follow.


Mr. Samual


8/17/2008 10:17:35 PM

Ms. Jasmina


8/17/2008 4:51:40 PM
Since GB is USA marionette, this war could never happen :)

well firstly we are saying if it were to happen and ya know USA look back at pearl harbor the japanese took out a fair amount of the usa's battleships and possiable would have taken out the aircraft carriers too yer it was a surprise attack but we could do the same it would be like takin out a bigger germany but as Jasmina said it is litrealy impossable for europe and canada to get in a war with usa.

if you are to bring that up, think of how quickly almost all of europe fell to hitler in the same war.


LMFAO!!! Don't forget that we've got Chuck Norris!

05:40:30 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Kalkan:

it would work cop of russia wouldnt work. i think it would be easier if mexico and canada would probly be a better chance.

14:12:19 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Selocgotatanandcold:

Well its virtually impossible for europe to war america. Think of how many immigents are in each country, what would happen to them? america's population is probably only like 50% true americas. Anyway I'll think you'll find that the UK, France and Germany are pretty huge on military power. Also there's the matter of the trade america has made a deal with some of Europe to be able to trade without quotes and taxes, the rest of the world apart from the U.N have to pay taxes and use quotes when trading with all U.N members. It would be a huge economical blow for america to have that right revoked.

As for Africa attacking europe, thats bollocks, a small portion of africa is already in the U.N and many more are trying to join. Then theres the matter of all the aid Europe sends to Africa.

Now I know the U.N arn't the ones going to war it's europe, but the fact is Europe is the backbone of the U.N. and there's no way it wouldn't get involved in a war that involved the whole of Europe.

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