Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Ever play this and get asked

Ever play this and get asked
08:21:22 Nov 8th 17 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

"Hey, is that Runescape?"

Happened to me by at least half a dozen people over the years. Mostly aroubd my age (25 ish).

They always ask froendly enough and the casual market exploded so it isnt odd to play a game on one's phone this day and age. But the question always seems telling that 1) they Never played Runescape and 2) They assume Runescape is a nerd game.

Anyone ever had anything like this?

09:27:09 Nov 8th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Bond James Bond):

well I play old school runescape and this game both daily, but ive never had someone mix up the two before lol

09:38:28 Nov 8th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

RuneScape isn't a nerd game? :O

Why did I bother getting my Comp cape then?

22:18:23 Nov 8th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Bond James Bond):

You really have a comp cape?

23:36:03 Nov 8th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Nah, don't even have my quest cape anymore. Max cape is all I can claim these days.

02:51:19 Nov 9th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Bond James Bond):

still pretty impressive, im only at maybe 170m exp :P do you play still? 

02:55:01 Nov 9th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Every now and again, when I get bored. 

05:34:46 Nov 9th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (God Hotline):

if it paid for its membership could I use it as a money making alt :)

06:14:22 Nov 9th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Bond James Bond):

well it is rs so i won't be offended if you say no lol. just gonna kill me some zulrah 

06:51:43 Nov 9th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):


The answer is no, I still have membership, I play enough to keep it with bonds. :P

07:15:25 Nov 9th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Unfroze Toes):

well ya man zulrah is ez pz and if am afking teaks or whatever its good money :p was thinking of making a zulrah alt just dont want to do a month of sandcrabs lol

10:41:33 Nov 9th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Apeiron):

Well I'd love to help and all, but my account isn't OS, its RS3.

14:45:44 Nov 9th 17 - Lord Reddragon Orc:

I just started and did the first mission :P.

18:37:06 Nov 9th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Unfroze Toes):

RS3 (hand over mouth to hold in barf)

20:07:35 Jan 17th 18 - Divine Prince Kathandrion (Prince Sesughter Son of Borago):

got asked if i was playing farmville lol

23:05:12 Jan 17th 18 - Bran (Mr. Santa Bran):

i think its questionable as to whether either of those can be called games

23:10:44 Jan 17th 18 - Mr. Mullet Thc:

wait you mean this isnt dwarf fortress

23:17:04 Jan 17th 18 - Mr. Santa Bling:

Im playing on this too. Quite hectic.

23:30:43 Jan 17th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Humongous):

i play tagpro

13:07:40 Jan 19th 18 - Mr. Google Bear:

I quit runescape after the whole auction thingie fiasco.. have a couple of party hats what are they worth on that game now a days?

13:09:30 Jan 19th 18 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'll buy em for 1m each ;)

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