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Fantasia norm
13:13:17 May 28th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

Just wondering..

this deep in the game, what's a "good" production? And army sizes? Sci levels?

1mil gold/turn? 20?
500k op/dp? 5mil?

I know nobody wants to disclose their own prod/mil size, but you can still say a round figure :) 

14:18:22 May 28th 11 - Princess Sladen:

Depends on the race really...

Halfer: Income: 2.5 mil, 200k+ ponies.. and sci well i would say abour 11.. depends if your "finding" Sci.

Other races will vary in what there income, Sci levels and tropps scis as they all have diffrent pros and cons.

15:24:11 May 28th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

Depends on when in the era it is.

I'd ignore anything Slade said, apart from it depends on the race and that each race has it's pros and cons. I doubt too many halfers will have 2.5mill+ income at this point in time....
Scis would be more than 11, easily more.
I also don't think too many people have more than 200k ponies.

16:44:17 May 28th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

why? 2,5 mil is a lot?

it's VU Day 8020 in fantasia, at least it says on the News..
so, in theory, that's 10 months... O_o

17:21:40 May 28th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

It hasn't been reset, thats why.

If you click on the "worlds" tab, next to the character tab it will tell you the true RL day.

Name Open Arma. Size Map Settle
Players Alive
* FantasiaOpen

17:41:31 May 28th 11 - Mr. Pure:

I have a 2.2 mill income. With a op of nearly 300k and dp of 400k.

20:43:34 May 28th 11 - Mr. Barny:

I would ignore most of what people have said in this thread if I were you.

04:13:17 May 28th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

Just wondering..

this deep in the game, what's a "good" production? And army sizes? Sci levels?

1mil gold/turn? 20?
500k op/dp? 5mil?

I know nobody wants to disclose their own prod/mil size, but you can still say a round figure :) 

Defining the "norm" is always tricky because it varies depending on where you are on the map and a lot of other factors. Right now the era on Fantasia has gone on long enough that I can simplify it and say "You should be at the end-era stages, or close to it".

Right now, if you are on Fantasia you should probably be pretty close to whatever the final land count you are looking to farm up to is. For example, Dwarves rarely tend to farm up past 300k land because anything around/after that amount of land takes too long to pay itself back. The same can be said for other races, but with a higher land cap.

A decent player who has been farming this whole time can easily be at 300k+ land right now, but a lot of people have already reached around that much land and have begun pumping massive armies.

A good income for this point would be anywhere from 2.5-4 million net income. Science levels are going to vary wildly depending on what build you are looking to go for. If you are an Elf going "Magic 9-Military 7-Mining 6-ect" than you might not have even begun mining science by this point. If you are a Halfling who is just going "Mining 8-Military 8" ect than you may have "finished" your sciences a long time ago.

As for armies, this will vary moreso than any other factor depending on the conditions that you have been playing under. A decent army for someone in Relentless or MAD might consist of 100k Pony Rider, but that same army would be considered absolute garbage if it showed up in the Darkside/Hex area. Regardless of this I would say that 400k OP/DP would be considered decent, but honestly, if you are a good player who has been playing under survivable conditions this era you should have much more than that.

06:10:53 May 29th 11 - General Who:

im at 2mil+ income... and would have over 200k ponies by a lot if not for Pure attacking me over and over until he won..

07:54:53 May 29th 11 - Princess Sladen:

lol wilber.. see i was right... ish! :P

10:46:01 May 29th 11 - Mr. Farmingskills:


10:49:50 May 29th 11 - Mr. Pure:

15:10:53 May 29th 11 - General Who:
im at 2mil+ income... and would have over 200k ponies by a lot if not for Pure attacking me over and over until he won..

I'm a tank >:D I'm guessing your kill me for free? I actually hit your army with 84% first time then had 87% decided to take a few troops out to make more damages and hit with 43% then I did my final hit at 94%.

Shows how strong your army really was doesn't it? :p
I was also able to follow up by attacking Aussies army with a percent of over 50% which I lost then Sarge Dalimor attacked with 1 % and won ahahhaah

12:45:28 May 29th 11 - Ms. Wilberforce:

Slade, notice he mentioned the word farming several times. From my understanding, most people, at this current point in time, at warring.

13:16:54 May 29th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

20mil income, is it still possible?

or zeta added some exponentially increasing building price?

14:37:12 May 29th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

diminishing returns for resource incomes. That coupled with building upkeep and a few other things creates sort of a glass ceiling at around 4.5 to 6 mill, I think? lol

14:49:56 May 29th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Building price is the same as it has been in the past. The most significant change in respect to economy is the way that production scales with total land type.

If you have 1000 mines those mines will produce a lot per mine whereas 100k mines will produce comparably little per mine. This affects each building type individually and a slightly altered version of this also affects tax income. 

At a certain point the amount of income that each mine produces through direct production and tax income becomes extremely low, and it's Building Upkeep that places somewhat of a cap on your income.

As I mentioned before, most players won't farm up past a certain land count because doing so is not economically viable. You will never see someone reach 20 million income by farming. You probably won't even see someone reach 20 million income by warfare either, but it's possible (as Dwarf).

In nearly all instances in which you are acquiring massive amounts of land you will get a large amount of non-economic cities, be them armories or simply rainbow cities. Even if you are capturing 100% mines there comes a point in which Building Upkeep per building is nearly as high (if not higher) than production per building. It's generally pretty hard to even get to 8 million net income, let alone 20 million income AFTER Building Upkeep.

Very few players have reached that point where Building Upkeep starts running you into negative income, let alone achieved a point in which Building Upkeep has even become a serious issue.

If you are rolling around with extremely low mining science and millions of land it will become a very serious issue.

19:10:37 May 29th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

Thanks Barny

So uh... what's the point in playing after reaching 4mil income? -.-
i don't see troop prices decreasing by building armorires.. 
and it looks like conquering won't bring much fun either....

22:41:00 May 29th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

The era is usually played out by time people start get 4 mill + income and Arma is soon to follow is what. lol 

So I guess the answer to your question is ........ kill all of your kingdom's enemies before Armageddon? 

23:55:09 May 29th 11 - Mr. Barny:

Most people try to hit that "end-game" income and then attack, which is generally around 4 million. These days armories don't decrease troop prices, they just reduce train times.

In my opinion conquest is still a lot of fun though :D

19:02:03 May 30th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

Barny... you should be writing an article about VU. I applaud your replies here. And I agree to almost everything except...

A decent army for someone in Relentless or MAD might consist of 100k Pony Rider, but that same army would be considered absolute garbage if it showed up in the Darkside/Hex area."

Because that's almost accurate. :D

19:53:37 May 30th 11 - I am Legend:

Almost accurate?

Owh I see he forgot a 1. It should be 101k ponies.

Come on Barny know your shizzle...

07:18:17 May 31st 11 - General Who:

i disagree with that also...both sides have had top armies...

12:26:29 May 31st 11 - Mr. Barny:

Thanks Aloysius.

I was just throwing a number out there based on past HoH, what the total land for most MAD/Relentless players was, and the conditions that they have been under this era. At the time I posted that I think that 100k Pony Rider would have been considered a decent army at the time on that front. Semantics are pretty important here, the term "decent" is quite ambiguous.

As Zondervan pointed out both sides have had some high HoH armies, but I still think that the average would have been pretty close to 400k OP/DP.

Right now it would be much harder for me to judge what kind of armies you guys have. People have been sitting on static land counts for quite some time now so it really comes down to the specifics of what the war has been like, but I obviously don't have that much information.

Perhaps you guys can share? :)

16:30:33 May 31st 11 - General Who:

I would, but i wrecked my 2 90k's, my 78k, my food city, and now have a tiny army :P

01:00:23 Jun 1st 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

How much percent did you have on my hoh army? You fookered it? :P Dont worry i still have my city.

11:36:57 Jun 1st 11 - General Who:

91% :P mines about dead :( had 99% on simo, stupid dice couldnt give me 100 :P meh. im about to run out of gold anyways and my army will start lose moral xD

01:47:18 Jun 3rd 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

wow lol. What was in it?

20:21:27 Jun 3rd 11 - General Who:

i had all ponies lol and a few mus. like barely any. i have troops in that city of mine i went in :P

20:55:24 Jun 17th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

what about now? 

Era's almost over anyways.. post your productions :D

Army Upkeep:-1,311,057
Building Upkeep:-104,829
Total Income:+2,036,750

21:31:21 Jun 17th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

lol for you :P

MAD and Dark side are still both strong and I've seen nothing decisive yet. 

Well, nothing other than Dark Side having a large advantage in forward momentum. 

05:39:42 Jun 18th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

b/c MAD have been farmning :P
*troll attemt*

18:20:11 Jun 18th 11 - Mr. Barny:

At this point this isn't really a norm, usually you can judge where you should be at based on what would be considered good for someone who has been mostly farming all era or by checking the players with the highest land counts using /whois.

At this point in the era players will have wildly different landcounts. Most players stopped farming a long time ago and people have ended up with wildly different land/troop counts. The highest land that anyone has at this point is 1.3-1.8 million land and there are a couple players in Darkside sitting around there (Me, Binh, Bogdan). There are also players who have been built up to a lesser degree and are sitting at 800k-1,000,000 land (Bluelight and Shogun for MAD, and 2-3 players other players in Darkside).

Most of the players with extremely high landcounts are juggernauts at this point, but they are outlyers. That said, wars in this late-era phase are defined by outlyers and superpowered players.

"Most players" will still have around 400k land at this point, but you don't want to be in the same position as "most players".

02:37:16 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

Corwin you might wana update that Income speeking because barny just took two of your 90 k cities :P

10:50:24 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Corwin: does /whois work?

@binh here's a more recent one :)
Army Upkeep:-1,735,859
Building Upkeep:-37,238
Total Income:-892,439

12:33:17 Jun 19th 11 - I am Legend:

Corwin: Go to chat. typ /whois [name of the player without the title].

Example: /whois Legend
/whois Barny

20:16:55 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:

# Mr. Corwin, member of Relentless has won 15 battles (47%) and captured 12 cities. He has 2 cities with a total of around 49,000 buildings.

# Mr. Barny, member of Dark Side has won 104 battles (82%) and captured 107 cities. He has 100 cities with a total of around 1,844,000 buildings.

# Mr. Binh The Young Killer, member of Mad and Dangerous has won 9 battles (45%) and captured 21 cities. He has 8 cities with a total of around 282,000 buildings.

# Mr. Binh The War, member of Dark Side has won 89 battles (90%) and captured 80 cities. He has 74 cities with a total of around 1,851,000 buildings.

15:37:46 Jul 15th 11 - Lady Wilb Bride Sry Binh:

I am Venus Willia, before I post. I totally forgot this thread, but I will bump it regardless.

12:13:17 May 28th 11 - Mr. Corwin:

Just wondering..

this deep in the game, what's a "good" production? And army sizes? Sci levels?

1mil gold/turn? 20?
500k op/dp? 5mil?

I know nobody wants to disclose their own prod/mil size, but you can still say a round figure :)

4:24:11 May 28th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

Depends on when in the era it is.

I'd ignore anything Slade said, apart from it depends on the race and that each race has it's pros and cons. I doubt too many halfers will have 2.5mill+ income at this point in time....
Scis would be more than 11, easily more.
I also don't think too many people have more than 200k ponies.

I believe, at that point I was on about 2mill income, possibly the 2.5m mark but I believe not. Plus well over 200k ponies. More like the 300k mark. I had my 2 90kers built days before and had mining 8 and mil 6. However, I believe I was one of the few Halfers in DS with so many ponies (probably the only one) and as Barny said much earlier, what is good in one area, may not be good in another.

I finished the era with about 500k income after tax, 3mill before and over 2mill ponies.

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