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For Slade
05:50:57 Oct 13th 12 - Zond (The Defiant One):

Slade bro, man i was just wondering if you took this girl back... 

you never reply to meh, so posting here hoping your noob ass reads it. 

08:28:00 Oct 13th 12 - HIROSHIMA (Mr. Huntsmang):

I testify to the validity of that post. I can confirm it is 100% slade.

14:02:44 Oct 13th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Zuko):

hahaha wanna know how you fail? AT&T is an american telephone company, i am Australian... Mega Nooobs!

16:21:51 Oct 13th 12 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Well mate looks like you don't get around the death pool often do you? You make me ashamed to be called Austrian. G'day mates! I'm about to do battle with the wild safari! Wish me luck!

*grins* your a mega noob slade, do research before you open your big mouth..

16:47:35 Oct 13th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Well i would have known that if i was with them, but im more of a Telstra guy!


But if you wanna get on a technical level, The date and time format is also all wrong!

So you and Zond are still the nooobs.. and fail trolls :) go Butt sex each other over someone elses image, go ask TBl to give you some pics of Wilber or somthing!

17:40:39 Oct 13th 12 - Zond (General of Legend):

I already have those pics :P who you think took em!

And come on slade, gotta admit it was cool i ran across that :PP

18:12:47 Oct 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

You know... it is strange.

England and Australia are supposed to be among the most developed and educated nations on the planet. You would expect everyone originating from those countries to at least have a decent level of intellect and competency.

But then England has Wilberforce, and Australia has Slade.

Mmmm..... I guess anomalies do happen from time to time.... even the most advanced countries can produce some buffoons on a galactic scale like the above two....

19:04:26 Oct 13th 12 - HIROSHIMA (Mr. Huntsmang):

Bahaha and then there is even more to discover in the universe, like those who are uneducated enough to know their environments and how people act and WHY they act the way they do. Those that are naive to the truth! The truth that surrounds them, envelopes then yet they shine light on it as if it needs to be inspected. Even though you are blind to the truth, I'll be the one to educate and open your mind to that which you so easily disclose...

13:22:03 Oct 18th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

You know... it is strange.

England and Australia are supposed to be among the most developed and educated nations on the planet. You would expect everyone originating from those countries to at least have a decent level of intellect and competency.

But then England has Wilberforce, and Australia has Slade.

Mmmm..... I guess anomalies do happen from time to time.... even the most advanced countries can produce some buffoons on a galactic scale like the above two....

wilb is welsh

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