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Forum personalities
13:38:47 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

Forum Personalities

The Severe Poster

This post will post anything, at anytime. Most times the posts he makes contribute very little to the thread. This person equates a lot posts with accomplishment.

Grammar Police
Every forum has one of these. They will not only go to great lengths to correct simple misspelled words, but will also try and correct l33t as well. They will venture into the realm of grammar as well. This forum poster is usually dismissed by the forum community as someone with nothing more to contribute than their good spelling.

The Big Head
This poster knows more about the game than you. This poster knows more about you than you at times. Everything in the game is easy to this poster. They tend to have short, one sentence posts which basically boil down to you being a noob and them not being a noob.

The Complainer
Nothing is good enough for this forum poster. The game is either too hard/too easy for them. Most aspects of the game need massive amount of work in order to live up to their standards. They will complain about people in the game, game mechanics, game play, and anything else they can get their hands on. Meh is their reply to any sensible post.

The Arguer
This forum dweller lives for an argument. They have a snappy comeback for anything that may not be 100% correct. They do not have the ability to understand generalizations, only specifics.

These types tend to either be very young, very unintelligent, or do not speak the language native to the forum in question. They utilize a lot of l33t, seldom use punctuation, and are huge fans of the ‘Wall of Text’ method of posting. Mostly ignored, they tend to continue their posting and pay little mind to those to try to correct them.

The Creator
This person will actually go out of his/her way to make something original or funny for general forum consumption. These are the type of forum posters that created orly owls. This poster can be mean if their work is met with little appreciation.

The Supervisor
This poster believes he/she is an unofficial moderator. They will tell people to calm down, not argue, don’t violate forum rules etc. This person tends to treat the forums like a job, because most likely, they do not have a job in real life. They take their forum time very seriously, and won’t tolerate anyone messing it up.

Bipolar Poster
This is the kind of poster that you can never be friends with. One minute they are cool with you, the next they aren't.

The ThreadJacker
This person lives for taking a thread off subject. They especially enjoy derailing a serious topic. Some more popular methods of derailment are the posting of lols, ..., 1234567, meh, etc.

The Wall
This type of poster has always done something more or better than you. If you have a Masters in Physiology, they have a PhD. This is the hardest poster to get along with, they are like talking to a wall.

The Troll
This is the poster that will post anything to get attention. They will post senseless threads about TV shows that just started 10 minutes ago or about going to sleep. In a Troll's mind, the letter "a" is good enough for a thread. *Does not include Trollbrain*

The Idol
This is the type of poster that everyone sucks up too. Even is the idol doesn't have a good personality, somehow every will suck up to them and expect you to too.

The Groupie
This poster usually usually clinches to forum groups or important people. The groupie feels the need to be protected by the companionship of players or forum groups. Usually if you insult a groupie, he/she will use everything is his/her power to bring their friends into the conflict.

The Insulter
The insulter is a poster who has a little amount of friends. If any friends, they will usually be idols or someone somehow important in the forum. This poster will most likely insult another poster for no reason. Although the insulters do a lot of insulting, they rarely receive infractions.

Average Joe
The average joe is exactly average. Sometimes combined on two or more personalities, the average joe usually spends his/her time posting regularly and not doing any more than that. Sometimes joining important debates and sometime *beep*ming, usually the average joe is the easiest poster to get along with.

The Compensator
This poster usually feels that he/she must brag about mostly fictional things. They usually have real life issues and feel the need to brag about themselves in some fictional way. The compensator is know to make comments about sexual things or about their ability in sports or education.

The Body Guard
The body guard is one of the most atrocious posters. They feel the need to defend a poster against the insulter. The body guard will usually make just as bad comments to the insulter as the insulter would make. Although they can sometimes be irritating, the body guard adds balance to the forums and sometimes can help you in a situation. Some body guards may also be called suck-ups or groupies too.

The Lurker
The Lurker is if not the most, one of the most mysterious of the posters. He/she will rarely post but instead, read almost every post in the forum. They usually know a lot about the posters and can sometimes be dangerous. Every once in a while the lurker will feel a need to make maybe one to two post on a subject and then run to hide in the amidst. It is recommended to stay away from lurkers.

The Normie

Normies are called normies because they are the norm- the average- and the droll. Normies lack the ability to see connections as Weirds can and are often hard to communicate with. They are more prone to start or instigate fights and are more often then not the people who watch and hoot at fights on the street or at school.(Note that if you're a normie, you most likely still belong in another group)

The Weirdie

Weirds make up a low percentage of the worlds population and even lower in America. Weirds are more prone to reason-ability and often have a higher IQ than Normies. Having a higher IQ means that they can see patterns and learn/store information much easier and faster. Weirds make up a large part of the Off-topic population and enjoy educated debates.(Note that if you're a wierd, you most likely still belong in another group)

14:27:59 Oct 12th 08 - Prince Mielo:

... well this is very 'interesting' ...

15:52:10 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:


15:58:40 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

The Big Head
This poster knows more about the game than you. This poster knows more about you than you at times. Everything in the game is easy to this poster. They tend to have short, one sentence posts which basically boil down to you being a *beep* and them not being a *beep*

Perfectly describes most them legacy players

16:17:25 Oct 12th 08 - Lord Random:

The Severe Poster
This post will post anything, at anytime. Most times the posts he makes contribute very little to the thread. This person equates a lot posts with accomplishment.

septim? ^-^

16:27:16 Oct 12th 08 - General Ezatious:

Been posted before.....

16:32:15 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

Swifty did a helluva lot better version of this

18:34:15 Oct 12th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

so who am I?

I can't find myself in any of those personalities...

18:42:50 Oct 12th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

you're the hawt n sexeh female poster...the one everyone get back in my cellar!!!

19:20:42 Oct 12th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

I'm a few of those in one! :D

The Severe Poster, the ThreadJacker, and the Creator in some cases.


19:28:42 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

You forgot this one septim ;p

These types tend to either be very young, very unintelligent, or do not speak the language native to the forum in question. They utilize a lot of l33t, seldom use punctuation, and are huge fans of the ‘Wall of Text’ method of posting. Mostly ignored, they tend to continue their posting and pay little mind to those to try to correct them.


01:57:26 Oct 13th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

i us teh gud engish!!!111

02:38:55 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Grammar Police
Every forum has one of these. They will not only go to great lengths to correct simple misspelled words, but will also try and correct l33t as well. They will venture into the realm of grammar as well. This forum poster is usually dismissed by the forum community as someone with nothing more to contribute than their good spelling.

*cough Septim cough* :p

16:42:39 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Incognito:

I dont think we actually have one anymore... o.O

16:49:17 Oct 13th 08 - Sir Binh The Avenger:

I wonder what kind i am hehe

16:56:35 Oct 13th 08 - Prince Mielo:

The Weirdie

Weirds make up a low percentage of the worlds population and even lower in America. Weirds are more prone to reason-ability and often have a higher IQ than Normies. Having a higher IQ means that they can see patterns and learn/store information much easier and faster. Weirds make up a large part of the Off-topic population and enjoy educated debates.(Note that if you're a wierd, you most likely still belong in another group)

pretty much this binh :p

18:43:21 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Man, you think little of yourself don't you?
twamao is a wall ^^
but what am I?

18:57:43 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze


10/13/2008 12:44:00 PM
You forgot one....

The Majority of People that Play this Dumb @$$ Game

These posters will type a three hour long political statement in a politics forum for a fantasy world that does not exist.  Many of them can be found in the "Roleplaying" forum where they spend the majority of their lives writing fake, stupid, and immature stories about fantasy situations that don't even exist (all because that is more important than getting laid, having a job, and preparing for your future). Most importantly, they will never ever EVER see a single pu55y in their entire lives, and will probably live in their parents basement until they die of fungal disease that grows in and around their a$$cracks. 

lol people like you who post that probably wish they could write.  I sell stories and get money from them.  Just because you fail at life and writing doesn't mean you can go and throw sh*t at others...I am studying to be a doctor so obviously I am not preparing for my future according to your stupid remark.
Wait! I found you!

The Insulter
The insulter is a poster who has a little amount of friends. If any friends, they will usually be idols or someone somehow important in the forum. This poster will most likely insult another poster for no reason. Although the insulters do a lot of insulting, they rarely receive infractions.

19:38:42 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

The Troll
This is the poster that will post anything to get attention. They will post senseless threads about TV shows that just started 10 minutes ago or about going to sleep. In a Troll's mind, the letter "a" is good enough for a thread. *Does not include Trollbrain*

The Severe Poster
This post will post anything, at anytime. Most times the posts he makes contribute very little to the thread. This person equates a lot posts with accomplishment.

The Wall
This type of poster has always done something more or better than you. If you have a Masters in Physiology, they have a PhD. This is the hardest poster to get along with, they are like talking to a wall.

The Insulter
The insulter is a poster who has a little amount of friends. If any friends, they will usually be idols or someone somehow important in the forum. This poster will most likely insult another poster for no reason. Although the insulters do a lot of insulting, they rarely receive infractions.

Ghost/Justin earned all 4 of those categories. He may fit in a few more categories but my post was getting a little long so I shortlisted these 4.

19:39:16 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

  and charley's in college^ so you know he's getting some. :D 

   college girls ftw !

19:54:11 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Rofl...the girls are jerks and just get wasted half the time...the guys brag about how many girls they have been with and how much they drink. XD  I spend my time writing, studying, doing lab reports for damn Biology major classes and light drinking on weekends ><  girls are like...idk just rediculous to try and understand.  We will talk a ton one day...and then suddenly they stop talking to me...half the time I am like "WHAT THE F*CK!?"

21:46:40 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze


10/13/2008 7:44:00 PM
You forgot one....

The Majority of People that Play this Dumb @$$ Game

These posters will type a three hour long political statement in a politics forum for a fantasy world that does not exist.  Many of them can be found in the "Roleplaying" forum where they spend the majority of their lives writing fake, stupid, and immature stories about fantasy situations that don't even exist (all because that is more important than getting laid, having a job, and preparing for your future). Most importantly, they will never ever EVER see a single pu55y in their entire lives, and will probably live in their parents basement until they die of fungal disease that grows in and around their a$$cracks. 


i bet you dont get any but i will tell you this i have seen dozens of you cute girls they may but jerks like u pay for pu$$y

ohhh and mod can you bann him please.

21:51:29 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Opportunity the Lurker.... it has a good ring to it....

Vlad, if this game is so ghey, then why are you still here replying to threads? You aren't wanted here and you dont even know the type of people who play this game. Not all of us are nerds. I for instance am bored as hell waiting for my snow ski season to start, my dirt bike is at our other house, so i cant ride it, the mountain is closed so i cant go downhill mountain biking, and my AP high school classes are boring the hell out of me.

In fact, I have noticed that the people who come here to insult people are so picked on in RL that they need to take it out somewhere where they can avoid talking face to face because they are really cowards. I apologize for any words stuck together that shouldn't be, my spacebar is acting funny. 

21:58:08 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Piece Maker:

Not all of us are nerds

Yeah, most of us aren't smart enough to be nerds!

22:36:03 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Reddragon:

because im new and i didnt saw any post like this before, i thinik this post is very good. I liked the examples that all the posters put there too, like Vlad personifying the Insulter poster ( :P )

02:37:18 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

In fact, I have noticed that the people who come here to insult people are so picked on in RL that they need to take it out somewhere where they can avoid talking face to face because they are really cowards. I apologize for any words stuck together that shouldn't be, my spacebar is acting funny. 


Good point.

03:22:23 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Epyon:

The Big Head
This poster knows more about the game than you. This poster knows more about you than you at times. Everything in the game is easy to this poster. They tend to have short, one sentence posts which basically boil down to you being a *beep* and them not being a *beep*.

thats me


04:19:24 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i think im kinda a troll/average joe/lurker as i dont post often i only tend to only post *beep*e and read everything :S

07:35:04 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

You forgot "The Emo Poster"....

07:53:57 Oct 14th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

My own personal opinion :p

The Insulter
The insulter is a poster who has a little amount of friends. If any friends, they will usually be idols or someone somehow important in the forum. This poster will most likely insult another poster for no reason. Although the insulters do a lot of insulting, they rarely receive infractions.  They like to make pointless insults to make themselves feel better due to a lack of self esteem.  They hope that by trying to make some people feel bad, they will make their small and useless lives feel better.


14:06:01 Oct 14th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze


10/13/2008 9:44:00 AM
You forgot one....

The Majority of People that Play this Dumb @$$ Game

These posters will type a three hour long political statement in a politics forum for a fantasy world that does not exist.  Many of them can be found in the "Roleplaying" forum where they spend the majority of their lives writing fake, stupid, and immature stories about fantasy situations that don't even exist (all because that is more important than getting laid, having a job, and preparing for your future). Most importantly, they will never ever EVER see a single pu55y in their entire lives, and will probably live in their parents basement until they die of fungal disease that grows in and around their a$$cracks. 

What's wrong? Did your girlfriend leave you for a woman? Stop trying to flame people, you suck at it, and I'm not saying that I'm any good. Why don't you go downtown and get a cheap hooker, that's all you ever succeed at. And after this post I'm sure you'll brag about how many women you've bagged...

The Compensator
This poster usually feels that he/she must brag about mostly fictional things. They usually have real life issues and feel the need to brag about themselves in some fictional way. The compensator is know to make comments about sexual things or about their ability in sports or education.

16:58:26 Oct 14th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I'd say I'm semi-idol... maybe a bit of a big head and arguer

17:42:00 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Brannigans Law:

i cant see myself in any of those. do i belong to the forum?

17:46:17 Oct 14th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

ROFL @ SEPTIM! That was awesome XD

23:06:38 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

they dont count if you've been with those women in fantasies...

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