Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / George Bush

George Bush
02:47:16 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

really is a donkey just like America itself. If i were to meet him i tell him to go have intercourse with himself.

02:50:31 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Trynton:

is there a point to this?

03:06:47 Jun 27th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Nah, just someone trying to flame George Bush and America.

03:20:41 Jun 27th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

/me burns flag... it's done with...get back to yer normal lives!

04:55:55 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Ghouma:


05:19:28 Jun 27th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Lol now isn't that the same post that you had deleted by a mod in a similar thread?

05:21:29 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

Trynton, I do not beleive there is a point to his posting that message, most likely he just wants to pretend like he has something worth saying.

Please do not misconstrude that comment to mean that I like Bush in anyway, in fact, on the contrary, he is an *beep*.

Ghouma, you make an interesting point in calling Bush a facist, unfortunatly the only support you provided was typing it three times... I think had you developed your thought your point could have been more then interesting but also intelligent, now I am not going to go that far and say Bush is a facist myself but he certainly has done some facist-esque things:

Since Bush took office one of the largest power shifts has taken place, more of the power belongs to the executive branch; lets see: the patriot act, misleading his people to war, a total and complete disregard for foreign politics, the obvious (so obvious in some cases it becomes obnoxious) going against the will of the people of the United States (thus you may go as far as to say not only a total and complete disregard for foreign politics but also domestic ones). All of these things are some of the staples of facism. I believe he has certainly abused his powers. To be fair, the first two things I listed, our congress should have been able to stop... in some ways they failed also.

"really is a donkey just like America itself" come on Anatoliy, that was ridiculous and off-base

06:23:05 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

bush is just ghey

08:18:22 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontaini:

oh my god u like bush, hes like the most hated person in the world

09:00:26 Jun 27th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Also the most poewrful.  There's usually a correlation between the two :)

10:42:26 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

lol i bet america isn't the most powerful, i bet china is. they outnumber america 7-1

10:49:11 Jun 27th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

I think this could make a good discusion. So I'll be a Bush hater here =)

I think Bush is indeed a no good president... He attacked iraq because he said he had proof they had nuclear weapons. Once they took down Housain regime. No nuclear weapons were found. Also, after a month or 2 . It comes clear that no further plans had been made to make iraq a democracy. Leaving terrorism free to roam around the country. Obviously Bush could have predicted that he couldn't just take down a regime and put nothing in it's place. though, that's exactly what Bush did... And still, there is 40% of the Americans that believe he did the right thing. I find this strange and narrow-minded. Though, that's only my opinion.

12:43:21 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Animal Reborn:

I think its true what u say  Ms. Hathor

there's no reason going to war without providing correct proof that there where nuclear warheads inside iraq, and now america and possibly britian could become under great risk ( terrorist )

and who thinks that the new priminister Gordon Brown will do any better ??


personally ive never liked Gordon Brown... But i Guess thats my opinion

13:22:36 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

I don't really like that a world leader would just eat a live kitten...

13:24:08 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Animal Reborn:

LoL  thats a pretty stupid picture

13:48:04 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

hahahaha lmao..

and Anatoliy, Chavez ftw.

15:19:18 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

The masters of Mr. G. W. Puppet need war. Any war. It's their market, their budget, their business. Eisenhover warned about them. They think war is the natural state of man and those who disagree are evil, Godless peacemongers. God save America and punish other nations.

USA will prevail at least until it boils in its selfinflicted climate change together with what remains of the rest of the world after the M.I.C. has got their way of dealing with foreign affairs.

17:39:01 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Wiseguy:

@ Hathor: I have to correct you here. They HAVE made plans to install a democratic regime. It's also not true that he didn't replace Hussain's people with anyone.

True, their plans aren't working. But they have tried to get elections up and they did install a new Iraqi government. Unfortunately, they made a big mistake, a mistake they ironically didn't make after the second world war, but they did now. In Iraq, they have removed all the leaders that were in position during Saddam's regime and put only new people in their places. In Germany, they did NOT remove all these people, instead, some of the Nazi leaders stayed in place for quite some years. Now, though this might sound odd, the best thing to do when bringing down a government, is keeping the political structure intact, at least for the first few years, in order to restore the order and slowly build on your new and improved structure. In Iraq, the political chaos because of a removed elite was obvious and only obstructed the road to democracy as planned by the U.S. government.

Though I do think you're too harsh on him, I absolutely don't think Bush is a good leader for the U.S.A. But on the other hand, there is one good thing about his bad policy: The States are becoming weaker every day and their position as absolute superpower is already becoming very unstable. To have China as a superpower is another thing, I don't think that would be a very good situation either, but the US has been too powerful in the last decades, so this setback is very good for the international situation.
(and btw I'm not American, as you might conclude from my last words :), I'm Dutch)

17:39:09 Jun 27th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

can this be moved to the stupid forums where i'll never mistakenly read this again?

18:25:17 Jun 27th 07 - Sir Spud:

And in other news, We have just recieved message that two identical snowflakes have just been spotted...

Thats what I think of this thread.

18:49:27 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Animal Reborn:

Lol this thread is kind of boring lol   waste of space is only 3 words of millions to describe how bad it is

19:09:27 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

bush is the most sucking leader and presiden .

dude he repreasnt the stupids around the world .

i have a dream that we kill all people around world cuz all the world got nucler weapons and petrol.

19:13:06 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

george bush was the man made america hated by even its people i like klinton he worked for peace and worked for american but bush is using americas money on weapons he used 500 billion on the last war with iraq and more of americans sons are dead viva iran and viva syrea and viva iraq and viva palestine

and viva las vegas

19:15:44 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

i think that george bush took iraq cuz he think if israel become a kingdom from the nile to the river in iraq as its says jesus will come back and i think its serious more than ever . because even israel will be powerfull if it have more lands and its will be danger on america its self but that wont happen .

cuz islam is ther

19:19:05 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

B ush Sucks Monkey Balls

that is all.

19:19:11 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Viva iran, viva syrea, viva palistine? Lol, your a pretty screwed up guy. At least america isn't killing there own people. The people of Iraq needed help, bad. And they still do. I'll admit Bush isn't the right guy for that job but america needs to stick with Iraq. And that thing about americas sons dying, they joined the army! They got trained to fight, they got paid to fight , and so they fight. In war, people die. And in this war, the casualties were much, much lower than in any other war.

20:20:12 Jun 27th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"No nuclear weapons were found."

They were likely hidden or destroyed; it wasn't as if Saddam had no warning.  Yes, it is highly possible there never were weapons.  So why did Saddam refuse to inspections by the US and the UN?  Time after time again, America threatened consequence.  America gave a deadline to comply or be invaded, still nothing.

"Also, after a month or 2 . It comes clear that no further plans had been made to make iraq a democracy."

That's because Iraq is being made a democracy right now.  There have been  successful elections already.

"I find this strange and narrow-minded."

I find you narrow minded.  But that's only my opinion :)

"there's no reason going to war without providing correct proof that there where nuclear warheads inside iraq, and now america and possibly britian could become under great risk ( terrorist )"

Well, Saddam didn't have much good going for him.  Genocide, murder, terrorism, mass executions, etc.  America was attacked on 9/11 before it went to Afghanistan or Iraq; it's not as if no one hated the US before.

"The masters of Mr. G. W. Puppet need war. Any war. It's their market, their budget, their business. Eisenhover warned about them."

Here I'm bound to agree.  It seems almost as though Bush really wanted to be some kind of military hero, when he isn't.  He wanted a war.  And once America "finished" in Iraq he was hungry for more.

"In Germany, they did NOT remove all these people, instead, some of the Nazi leaders stayed in place for quite some years."

And the US certainly got some greif from that.

" like klinton he worked for peace and worked for american"

Clinton addressed the threat of Iraq's potential WMDs in 1998.  But it was not such a large concern, because--9/11.

I do think that this "war on terror" is government propoganda to getting their way.  Border security is fine, but going to Iraq to chase loose terrorist ends and staying there for 6 years in certainly questionable.  Pre-emptive strike against the world, lol.

20:24:19 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Wiseguy:

What do you mean with the US got some grief from that? The build up in Western Germany was quite succesful actually.

21:04:24 Jun 27th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Well, in another VU thread someone was screaming about how America put Nazis back in power after WWII... yes, it was succesful then.  There's just no "right" solution.

21:21:48 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

<Shyers>To have China as a superpower is another thing, I don't think that would be a very good situation either, but the US has been too powerful in the last decades, so this setback is very good for the international situation.


dude i would much much rather america as the super power of the world than china and if you lived in australia you would think the same thing.

22:09:24 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Wiseguy:

MY God farts, i said that, not Shyers.

But of course I agree with that. But what I was trying to say is that to me any form of world dominance by one country is wrong, there should be a balance of power.

22:25:45 Jun 27th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

thanks for correcting that wiseguy. We all know i'm politically incorrect.

04:38:32 Jun 28th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"But what I was trying to say is that to me any form of world dominance by one country is wrong, there should be a balance of power."

Balance is hard to maintain.  Conquering the world is so much simpler, just ask the Romans.  And a lot more fun XD

06:55:24 Jun 28th 07 - Sir Spud:

Lol, I just read the forum rules for the first time because I was bored and this thread seems to break all the rules in there. LOL. I think I am breaking a rule right now...yup, the first one...."Stay on topic."

09:09:11 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

huh yea when sovits was their was a balance of power of the world and the both was calculating the anther movments and fear it but now america dont care it can do it no body say hello .

lol i said bush made america hated by world that what i meant .

09:11:07 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

if their is nucler weapons i think ramsfeld sold them to iraq to make the war lol

dude dont shut down the computer stay  on topic standing or sitting i need to tell admin what to do

15:08:40 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

"Ghouma, you make an interesting point in calling Bush a facist, unfortunatly the only support you provided was typing it three times... I think had you developed your thought your point could have been more then interesting but also intelligent, now I am not going to go that far and say Bush is a facist myself but he certainly has done some facist-esque things"


Bush is indeed a fascist.  If you look at the current structure of the American state, it has grown ever more suppressive of "individual liberty" over the years.  Here are some matiching characteristics America has to fascist states:

1.  Over 1/4 of all american tax revenue goes to building the military

2. Though it poses to be "democractic" America's leaders have always overidden the people's view (Vietnam war, Persian Gulf War, Iraq/Afghan War). 

3.  If you have ever been to America, you will see the US flag everywhere, there is no real "anti american oppostion" newsletter allowed. And "America is the Best" is incorperated into everyones life frmo birth to death.  This is called ultranationationalism; a fascist tactic used by the nazis to make the people at bay.

4.  America has always had a national enemy.  Just like the Nazi's anti-jewish semitism, America has anti arab/moslem semitism.  Before it's hatred of arabs/moslems, they hated "commies."  America has always had a national enemy to keep it's people in fear.   

Unfourtunately, Americans will never be able to change the fascist structure of their government thru democratic vote.  They system is not set up that way.  For example, you need to be a rich millionaire in order to get any sort of position that matters in the US Govt.  America is pseudodemocratic, or a pretend to be democracy.  You are free to vote for whoever you want, but you can only vote from a selected few (of whom are rich people). The one way to overthrow the rich rulers of the american plutocracy?  REVOLUTION! Workingmen of America must unite with one another and see through the lies of thier government, which restrains them so much. Though they preach that they are the friends of the workingman and woman, politicians are liars, in it for themselvs.  Look at the US Army.  It is made up of the sons of proletarians and middle class people.  No senators sons or daughters in it.  Why aren't they at the front with the bloodied? No mud on thier boots, no bullets in thier brains!

15:09:53 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

Mr. MY God Farts


6/28/2007 2:21:48 AM

<Shyers>To have China as a superpower is another thing, I don't think that would be a very good situation either, but the US has been too powerful in the last decades, so this setback is very good for the international situation.


dude i would much much rather america as the super power of the world than china and if you lived in australia you would think the same thing.

Mr. Wiseguy


6/28/2007 3:09:24 AM
MY God farts, i said that, not Shyers.

But of course I agree with that. But what I was trying to say is that to me any form of world dominance by one country is wrong, there should be a balance of power.


I would rather have no superpower at all...


15:13:41 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

if there were no superpower everyone would be fighting all the time

15:15:49 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

if there are superpowers still everyone is fighting all the time......

15:16:42 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

revolution is what we need though.  Once all the fighting is over, there will be no rich leaders or countries left, so people will unite and there will be peace.

15:18:17 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

You know the American Army is all volunteer right?

15:19:12 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:


15:20:13 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

yes forcing jobless to join the army as the only way they can survive is totally voluntarily

15:20:36 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

ya it's volunteer only because the military is all american kids see from day one and they fcaking brainwash them from kindergarten up.

15:22:29 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

haha good point Ithakan.  They also offer you free college if you join the army, so if your a working class person, you have to join and serve if you want an education.  It's like press ganging but in a nice way.

15:24:19 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. The Mighty Hammer:

I agree with a lot of points but I disagree with a lot of them also

""anti american oppostion" newsletter allowed" Have you ever seen CNN? It is one of the top one or two news channels shot out of Atlanta and it is extremely critical of the government.

There is a lot of "If you do not support the war you are a bad American" From certain dumb asses on Fox News, but they are being taken less and less seriously everyday (or at least I think so).

Most Americans realize that they have a lot of problems, but many are still very proud to be Americans, no one forces them to put flags out and if you don't it isn't at all like other people will look down on you, but there is a lot of pride.

The fear thing, exactly right, Bush certainly has tried to do this.


"Workingmen of America must unite with one another and see through the lies of thier government, which restrains them so much. Though they preach that they are the friends of the workingman and woman, politicians are liars, in it for themselvs" ok Karl Marx (j/k)

15:33:53 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Lol Anatoliy, your theory is pretty funny. Where do you live?Unless you live in america you can't talk. That thing about the colleges is actually a good opportunity. Colleges are expensive, the government can't just say "here you go, free college education". The schooling itself costs alot to run. Joining the military is worth it for alot of people. Do you get free colleges where you live?

15:40:57 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

The Thing about America is you can better yourself in the system no matter how poor you start. It's not neccesarily easy, but if it were it wouldn't be worth as much. So many Anti-Americans don't have a clue as to what they are talking about.

15:45:05 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Agreed. Its called the land of opportunity for a reason.

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