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Github sponsors hustle
22:56:54 Dec 4th 19 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

You can now sponsor me via Github.

Ask your employer if you have any budget for sponsoring "open source". Then use that money to sponsor me on Github sponsors :)

You don't have to tell your boss the money goes to VU.

Any suggestions to improve the profile?

23:16:08 Dec 4th 19 - Phat (Mr. Slaughter of Laughter):

So, VU is open source?

23:23:11 Dec 4th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Good Boy):

Out of curiosity, what are the specs on the machine that VU is run on, and is it a server primarily for VU or do you have it running multiple things(or is it a desktop?)

23:34:09 Dec 4th 19 - Penguin (Ms. Anigav II):

A mistake was made here


  • A small logo in web and printed media

23:59:57 Dec 4th 19 - ZeTa (VU Admin):


So, VU is open source?

The current state of the game is not "open source", more then you can right click an "view source".
But on my Github profile you can find VU movie maker
 which I use to create end of era videos. And it's open source.
If I make a new version of the game, it will probably be open source.

Out of curiosity, what are the specs on the machine that VU is run on, and is it a server primarily for VU or do you have it running multiple things(or is it a desktop?)

The game runs on a 4U tower which is not cheap to host, but the hosting costs are low compared to the cost of human time.

What do I need to do in order to make you a sponsor? :)

04:34:20 Dec 5th 19 - Endless (Lady Real Slim Chady):

what kind of sponsorship $$ wise would help you out?

04:40:56 Dec 5th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Thrawn):

I am all about open source, and I appreciate that you've got so much stuff you're trying to publish as open source. 

If you can add a $10.00 USD tier, I will contribute 10 a month to you to continue working on the open source things. 

Additionally, I'm hoping you can build VU out more in the future too, and if you go to open source route, I would love to be a collaborator in the project. 

I'm mostly a hardware geek with my hobbiest hours, however I do currently work as a Full Stack Web Developer, but transitioning to a project manager role and would love a major project to keep me engaged in the code side of stuff.

05:49:07 Dec 5th 19 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

And cue the app requests.. lol

06:05:28 Dec 5th 19 - Phat (Mr. Slaughter of Laughter):

Lol. Honestly, app development is so alien from browser development. 

08:06:00 Dec 5th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Estarossa):

I can definitely do without the app personally, what I would like is the game fleshed out more.

- More uniqueness to each race.

-Better science trees(rather then a resource sink for a base 10%).

-Maps the work properly.


Like many people that still play here, if I saw actual progression in this game I would HAPPILY donate money.

09:05:18 Dec 5th 19 - Binh (Mr. Forgotten Dead):

I like regular updates before I can donate to the game.

09:33:47 Dec 5th 19 - Polydeuces (Duke Valkyros XLVI):

Im not sure but i dont think the github sponsorship is for VU stuff

09:48:49 Dec 5th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Dark):

What came first.... the hen or the egg???

I don't know, therefore I made a split. 40BTs for me (should be enough for next 8-10 months or so) and the rest as a plain donation.

I wrote I was ready to donate and now I have started. Next donation will come in 3-4 month with no demands (except I do hope to see some more attention and active development of the game).

15:30:43 Dec 30th 19 - Sir Surprise:

VU doesn't need developmemt. If anything it should be rolled back to one map only with everyone on it and if u die u restart on lower world. That system was the best. Also: working Maps.

18:43:59 Dec 30th 19 - Emperor Caligula:

I agree 100% with the below comment 

Sir Surprise:thor">09:30:43 Dec 30th 19 - Sir Surprise:

VU doesn't need developmemt. If anything it should be rolled back to one map only with everyone on it and if u die u restart on lower world. That system was the best. Also: working Maps.

14:13:18 Dec 31st 19 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Sir Surprise:

Also: working Maps.

Can you make a new post in bugs & errors or bump an existing post to document your map issues!?

18:25:48 Dec 31st 19 - Sir Surprise:


Sir Surprise:

Also: working Maps.

Can you make a new post in bugs & errors or bump an existing post to document your map issues!?

Tbh most maps have issues, mainly when it comes to making blockers that  actually block. The fact that we keep adding maps doesn't help. There has been several threads about it. Mby I bump a Good one. Crux is this is what you would call a "målkonflikt".

18:49:27 Dec 31st 19 - Mr. Glarus Ignazius:

Hahaha målkonflik.  Well you could call it so. And the issue with blockers,   in some maps blockers are just useless.

19:59:25 Jan 1st 20 - McMax (Mr. Lightfoot):

More maps with different "challenges" for the gameplay DO help. That's my not-so-humble opinion and it's the reason why I do make maps for this game (for free).

Making blockers however is not something, that allways should work. It should depend on the players "skill"/"fingerspitzengefûhl" and/or the paid scout-terrain feature. And in some places, it shouldn't be possible at all.

But the most important issue is, that the terrain is plottet as close to the visible terrain as possible AND in case a good decent plotting isn't possible due to what-ever reason, the terrain should be plotted as part of the nearest river/mountain/forrest. It must NEVER be plotted as "open land".

Only execption from this is the bridge. The area without terrainplotting should always be wide enough to let a unit pass it. Maybe even wide enough to allow a city on it if it looks "ok". But never so wide, that armies can "pass" the river "on the wrong side" of the bridge.

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