Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Goodbye VU

Goodbye VU
06:50:51 Sep 17th 08 - Grumpy old Bastard:

Ok, after a few weeks of serious inactivity due to RL obligations (and Spore and Warhammer online comming out as well *shrug*) i've come to realize that it's time to say goodbye.

I've met a good number of nice people in this game, flamed and warred some of them even. It was a hell of a ride but lately the familliar faces dwindled to only an odd here and there, so basically it's not the VU i came to enjoy so much anymore. And it's all well as generation improvements must occur, and as i so deftly put it in our internal forum - New blood must take over and Old blood must retire to make way for a fresh breeze every now and then.

A collective lick goes to all Z's/LGC peeps still hiding out there, you guys were zee shizzle ;)
A group hug and pat on the rump goes out to all DB's, if LGC were zee shizzle... well... you guys were something else :) It was a privilege to be allowed being your residential hoe and i had tons of fun with you peeps!
What would a farewell post be without special individual mentions tho, right? So here we go...
Quietone: Babes, you know where to find me, 'nuff said ;)
Ali: Read the line above you silly git :)
Roxbury: What can i say dude, read the line above, and then read the one above that one ;)

And then i can't forget my all-time fav sparring partner, Frederick, who prolly doesn't frequent the forums anymore, but still... thx for the chance to unload my napalm on you everytime i felt like it...

as for the rest of you nablets who werent in Z/LGC/DB - pffft, l2p :->

/Raist out

p.s. Almost forgot ZeTa - Damnit man, you should decide finally if you mean VU to be a serious project or not and finally pu*beep* further, it has a lot of potential if you stop treating it in this halfa$$ed-im gonna make enough for a cup of coffee kind of way! :p

06:56:23 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Frederick:

I dont frequent the forums anymore, but this thread lit up though. ;)

Bye Marcel, you will be missed... hopefully it will be a see you later.

07:09:18 Sep 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I joined in one of your era victories :)  sad to see you go =(  (yes Spore is addicting apparently...)

07:35:54 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Meh, Spore is fun for just one day. :P

And cheers Raist.

08:03:35 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Another one goes

Bye Raistlin :(

Rev <3

09:50:39 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Avionaro:

Poor Raistlin, he finally gave up on fantasia.
you are always welcome on Starta, if you can't handle the activety of fantasia.


11:40:16 Sep 17th 08 - Demonic Shezmu: better get back...if not...come visit my Spore-Planet Carrothia...yes it's addictive :D


gl in RL and the other games man...but you will be back...eventually they all come back...even Zeta will eventually come back to his senses and improve the game ;)

12:49:27 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Well I havn't been around anywhere near as long as Raist has, but I've made friends (and enemies) with my share of people. I can't say for sure if this is the end of VU for me for good, because people do have that tendency to come back whenever they leave, but I am certain that I am leaving for a good long time. Well I'm not part of that "old blood" as Raist put it, I always enjoyed those flames and fights much more then the new stuff of today.

And to my favorite peeps : )

To Q and Ali, you two pretty much made my time in DB the best it could have been, when one wasn't there the other one was, but you usually were both working around the clock to keep us all working hard, and to keep my company on Vent : )

Mielo, you're an awesome guy and I'll sure as heck miss ya.

Sean! I'm going to miss my Trigger Happy Hillbilly :(

Thomas, you crazy bastard. You're laugh has sent me into hysterics more times then I can remember, we'll keep in touch with Spore : )

And to everyone else out there I didn't mention, thanks for making VU what it is, you're all great : )


12:52:32 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Brannigans Law:

ive got Spore, and once i got to space age it just got boring!

13:41:33 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Slade:

Cya Raist

it was funny Fighting you and then playing on the same side(for like 2 weeks) :P


Hope you return some time

14:47:13 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Kayn:

I've only been playing along side you for 3 eras (2.25 eras :p) and I just have to thank you. Your advice and humour has helped spawn new grumpies for generations to come. You will be greatly missed.

Take care and lets all hope you come back!

15:32:59 Sep 17th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

baii raist :(

15:46:28 Sep 17th 08 - Mr. Gambit:

thanks for all you're info and guidance...RL is more important. hopefully you'll make a comeback tour sometime..


16:22:11 Sep 17th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

GL grumpy, was fun reading your names and watching your gameplay, i learned a lot. I tip my hat to you.

16:39:51 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

well, this sucks. what's life without a bastard? even more importantly, VU without a bastard! f*CKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

16:56:19 Sep 17th 08 - General Ezatious:

Hey Raist you off again :)

Sorry to see you go mate, pretty sure ive said this before lol

Been a pleasure playing along side you in Z/LGC etc and as my sworn enemy in DB. I look forward to any possible return. *licks*

18:27:11 Sep 17th 08 - Duke Drakos:

From one grumpy old guy to another, sorry to see you go. Your a better player than most. Never been on the same side, but I respect your gameplay. Have a good one.

18:29:27 Sep 17th 08 - Sir Binh:

Feel free to come back to vu  some time later when you feel your skill is *beep*ish again ;)

18:37:21 Sep 17th 08 - The Farchitect:

Bye Raist, it was.....definitely something.  Sad to see you go.  Have fun in RL.  =)

02:48:30 Sep 18th 08 - Sir Epyon:

maybe now someone else can finally win an era! ;)

good luck in rl man, feel free to drop by anytime though :)

02:55:06 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Kilroy Moistbottom:

Gl Raisin.  :D

21:29:36 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

cya raist ;) good luck

17:40:34 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

yay we got a chance of winning the era's again :D nah cya ya raist :( gl :)



19:07:23 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

gd luck raist

08:32:00 Oct 2nd 08 - Lady Vatenkeist:

Have a happy life Raist! ^^

03:59:08 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Good luck. Glad to see I tought you well. Will see you next era and we'll cross swords then.

04:09:15 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Com:


not one person said by to Arzun


Duke Gilthanas


9/17/2008 4:49:27 AM

Well I havn't been around anywhere near as long as Raist has, but I've made friends (and enemies) with my share of people. I can't say for sure if this is the end of VU for me for good, because people do have that tendency to come back whenever they leave, but I am certain that I am leaving for a good long time. Well I'm not part of that "old blood" as Raist put it, I always enjoyed those flames and fights much more then the new stuff of today.

And to my favorite peeps : )

To Q and Ali, you two pretty much made my time in DB the best it could have been, when one wasn't there the other one was, but you usually were both working around the clock to keep us all working hard, and to keep my company on Vent : )

Mielo, you're an awesome guy and I'll sure as heck miss ya.

Sean! I'm going to miss my Trigger Happy Hillbilly :(

Thomas, you crazy bastard. You're laugh has sent me into hysterics more times then I can remember, we'll keep in touch with Spore : )

And to everyone else out there I didn't mention, thanks for making VU what it is, you're all great : )



04:07:21 Oct 4th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

we said good bye in kingdom forums..... then he didn't leave! that turd!

19:00:43 Oct 4th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Yeah I saw that he didn't leave...thus no goodbye for him :p

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