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Got this book?
06:37:57 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Yeoman:

Does anyone have the book "The Battle for Aranna" novel? I need pics of the pages inside the book :P

15:24:50 Jun 3rd 08 - Lord Tudelu:

If you're gonna read it, just search around for a .pdf file of it :p

01:23:38 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

or just google the images.

03:39:15 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Yeoman:

.pdf file?

04:34:00 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Yeoman:

I forgot to mention it's a graphic novel... I need the pics of the drawings in the book to graduate

05:31:18 Jun 4th 08 - Duke Argyle:

it's $6,95 on amazon....why even bother to ask for it elsewhere it's almost free.

05:39:32 Jun 4th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

what are you some sort of advertiser?

06:22:42 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Yeoman:

No... high school student. Working on a project but I need some of those drawings to graduate and I have until friday to get'em.

19:04:14 Jun 4th 08 - Duke Argyle:

as I said, buy the book, you'll ruin the whole idea of creative artists if you just steal their work :P And yes, this did come from my mouth, a swedish pirate :D

19:48:51 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

argy u arent helping him :D come to msn sometimes :) long time no see :D

21:27:07 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Yeoman:

I wasn't copying... I need to show the panel where my inspiration came from for the project. Show them a example of what I did.

If anyone can send those pics it would help out A LOT


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