Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
14:36:45 Nov 25th 10 - Mr. Panic VIII:

here to hoping everyone has a wonderful holiday



17:13:19 Nov 25th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:


23:58:20 Nov 25th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

:D  The best time of the year.

04:30:04 Nov 26th 10 - Ms. Failure The Goddess of Losers:

not if you're a turkey :p

18:48:15 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

Actually it probably is.  My guess is those poor bastards welcome death. >:(

19:09:11 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol :P

20:52:25 Nov 26th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

whats thanksgiving?

21:21:57 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Barny:

It doesn't concern you Brannigan, only Americans have something to be thankful for.

21:36:11 Nov 26th 10 - Mr. Umpa Lumpa:

Yes.. They should be thankfull that we still support them all the time.. thankyou for giving your thanks to me americah!

01:48:20 Nov 27th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

what a lousy holiday

17:53:01 Nov 27th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

a time to be thankful you dont live in one of the neighbourhoods you bombed?

21:56:38 Nov 27th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Sorry Brannigan, Freedom isn't free.

22:36:24 Nov 27th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:



21:27:59 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Umpa Lumpa:

Civil liberties... hmmm then you can't be talking about the USA

22:22:07 Nov 28th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:


17:08:25 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

"I am a big supporter of free internet and oppose any restriction on internet access, because it forces me to examine what I am doing and makes me a better leader and makes our democracy stronger."
--- Obama, speech in Shanghai, China,16/Nov/2009

//Wikileaks releases damning evidence of American plotting, spying on allies and cover ups.

"STOP THEM! :(((((("
--- Obama, 28/Nov/2010

11:01:31 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

I am against wiki leaks, some affairs just need to be kept secret for the wellbeing of the people.

17:49:00 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

I agree wholeheartedly. There should be no transparity.

The U.S should be free to plot invasions, spy on its allies and cover up massacres of innocents they've committed and not be held accountable for them.

We should protect the perpetrators for their "wellbeing"!

Look what happened at the last wikileaks release -- dozens died. :((((

18:00:08 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Nooooobhammer:

....massacres of innocents?

22:46:37 Nov 30th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

Killing children and news reporters? Do they not count as innocents?

01:49:57 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

Honestly, I saw that video and I thought the exact same thing as the soldiers.  It looked like the guy was hiding behind that wall with an RPG pointed at the helicopter.  They reported firing so there very well may have been that.  How the hell could they have seen the children in the van and known it was children?  To me it looked just like men carrying their comrade.  They never even gave the whole story, I mean what actually happened?

02:21:24 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

American's defending massacres. Sound's familiar.

At My Lai, 504 civilians were massacred by the U.S. Consequent cover-ups by your government hid this, and individual soldier complaints were squashed. A year later, the entire affair was revealed to huge international condemnation.

This is precisely the sort of thing Wikileaks is attempting to stop. To make your government accountable for its actions. To make you think twice.

To stop you from:

  • Plotting the downfall of other sovereign and democratically elected nations.
  • Spying on your own allies and independent organisations
  • Covering up your killing of civilians.

The fact that you're having to trump up false charges of rape against Assange, and DDoS the wikileaks site is shameful. Wikileaks is holding your government to account, be thankful for it.

06:04:46 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

I would post more but you're just trolling so tschüß

17:24:12 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

I'm being genuine. Wikileaks is doing a fine job.

18:23:27 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Nooooobhammer:

I'm going to agree with Arthur here, go get a life

18:36:38 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

Its war.. war isn't fair and kills civillians.. it sucks and i hate it but its what happends in a war. Th people in the US wanted that's what they get.. a real dirty war

18:36:49 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:


Impartial spectator: [Evidence]


Your government is full of crocks. Don't feel like you have to defend their disgusting practices, rednecks.

18:41:39 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

William, you can't excuse the deliberate and planned massacre of civilians as "it's war, it happens".

Accidental deaths you can defend, by all means. But planned? No. If this was happening in a Western, developed nation, there would be media outrage. But who cares about the Middle East, right?

Over 100,000 civilians have died, post-2003 in Iraq. That's over thirty-three 9/11's worth of civilian deaths. Worth it? Hardly.

19:34:24 Dec 1st 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i love how the yanks respond just like their leaders, just shows how "great" that piece of land is

23:27:28 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Doobhammer:

And I like how a simple thread, supposed to be one celebrating a holiday for giving thanks, gets hijacked by people bashing America.... if you want to bash it, fine, create your own threads and do it there, don't hijack one like this

00:27:42 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

William, you can't excuse the deliberate and planned massacre of civilians as "it's war, it happens".

Accidental deaths you can defend, by all means. But planned? No. If this was happening in a Western, developed nation, there would be media outrage. But who cares about the Middle East, right?

Over 100,000 civilians have died, post-2003 in Iraq. That's over thirty-three 9/11's worth of civilian deaths. Worth it? Hardly.

I as a matter of fact care the same amount for people that die in the middle east as that die in the west. I really don't care where you are from, if you start a war civillians die. I think its a real shame but it is a law of nature. So i don't excuse it, i just say its inevitable. the percentage of civilian casualties is allways higher then the military casualties. this has allways been the case and will allways stay this way.

01:05:01 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

That's a disgusting attitude to take. Only somebody far removed from reality/maturity could say such a cold thing. Should your country find itself in war, and your innocent family murdered as "collatoral damage", I hope somebody doesn't spout the same nonsense you're spouting now, to you.

"It happens, so I'll just shrug my shoulders and say so what". What is inevitable is that civilians are likely to die, yes. But on  what MAGNITUDE they die is what isn't inevitable. You can't just pass off all civilian deaths as "inevitable". That's the sort of whitewash the U.S. government tries to paint. Just like when U.S. pilots/army fire time and time again upon their allies, killing them. They don't ask why the U.S. pilots didn't follow the proper procedures/training/support, they don't send them to jail, they comb over it and you forum warriors come out in force defending the death of innocents as "inevitable". "Inevitable" is just an excuse for poor judgement, poor training and a poor regard for human life.

The U.S. army/government show a total disregard for for well being of those whose affairs they meddle in. For the amount of weeping we hear over those poor 3000 who died at the WTC, you would think they (and you) would show a little more sympathy/remorse towards those who have suffered more at the U.S. governments hands (on a scale of 33x, no less. 33 fucking WTCs). But no, you think of the "poor, poor government" and the individuals who are being exposed by Wikileaks.

Wikileaks,  a toast to you.

01:37:42 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Barny:

01:45:53 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

02:15:03 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

Where are you even from?  Cause I'd love to find out so I can bash about your pathetic country as well.  See I'm calling it pathetic and I don't even know what country it is.  Basically the same thing as what you're doing.  Why don't you actually use arguments that are based on facts?

"The U.S. army/government show a total disregard for for well being of those whose affairs they meddle in. "

yeah ofc... if you're not American we don't give a shit if you die.  Seriously you're a retard, no one in America believes that other than the small % of our population that is totally retarded, like all countries have.

America's just bigger so it's much easier to make fun of :D

02:30:00 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

I love how, rather than disproving the facts I've presented over the U.S. governments shadiness, you internet-warriors have instead resorted to namecalling, images and ignoring as a means of "rebuttal". I've been taught a thing or two, clearly!

While your chewing over your freedom fries, why don't you take a step back for a second and stop acting like lapdogs for your government? You can't stomach the truth and are falling into the Faux News habit of labelling any criticism (a la' Wikileaks) as: un-American, un-patriotic or terrorist-inclined (LOL!).

I'm not bashing America. I'm bashing the actions of your government. So stop getting your panties in a twist.

02:41:25 Dec 2nd 10 - Lord Reddragon Drunk:

Its war.. war isn't fair and kills civillians.. it sucks and i hate it but its what happends in a war. Th people in the US wanted that's what they get.. a real dirty war

its war if civilians werent american if theyre its called terrorism.

Go USA keep our democracy XD.

02:48:11 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Barny:

03:05:13 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

03:13:35 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Doobhammer:

You want facts? Fine, how about these?

Saddam Hussein was a dictator who would execute or imprison people if he knew or even thought they would be even close to a problem for him. He would routinely try out his chemical weapons on the Kurds of the north, as he didn't give a shit about their population. There have been MULTIPLE reports of mass executions in graves that people had just dug, and instead of your "massacres" of 12 people, these were around 300 people, and look at the world  multiple. He was attempting to get a nuclear arms program, and if shitty North Korea could do it, so could he. 

And since the war started, the VAST majority of civilian causalities have been a result of insurgent's suicide bombers, IED's, artillery assaults and other forms of attacks.... and besides, WE'RE FUCKING OUT OF IRAQ, WE PULLED OUT LAST SUMMER. The only troops left are non-combat troops.

Its regrettable what happened to these two men and the people with them; it really is. But they knew the risks going in, and the way you're painting is as if the men in the apaches knew they were reporters and innocent civilians. They didn't. It was a mistake; please find A HUNDRED THOUSAND MORE if you want to see its all America's fault.

I'm done posting here, you've already got my blood boiling too much. Peace out.

03:17:44 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Happy Turtle:

Edit: Wrong character

03:18:33 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Barny:

Sorry Swifty, you seem to be posting in a thread located here:
Miscellaneous Discussions (70 new)
Serious discussions about VU and other stuff.

I think that you may want to continue posting somewhere in this section:
The hangaround (21 new)
Just chat, tell a joke or tell everyone what you had for dinner...

Or perhaps we can make a new section of the forums, just for you!
Terrorist Banter (0 new)
Conspiracy theories and anti-American discussions

03:31:34 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

Facts? Sure. While we're talking about Iraq, let's discuss how the mess started, in the first place.

It was because the U.S. "intelligence agencies" (irony, LOL) were adamant that Iraq held and was planning to use WMD's against the U.S's regional allies. How true they were! I'm glad you managed to recover them all before they fell into the wrong hands.

Although to be fair, we didn't need a Wikileaks report to tell us that the U.S. administrations reasons for going to war without International sanctioning (a la' UN) were bogus. Saddam was a brutal man, but he hadn't had WMD's since 1991. Your government lied to the international community (and your own citizens) in order to justify going to war.

Which is why I reiterate: Wikileaks was set up to expose the lies of governments, like those expoused by yours when going to war with Iraq. To expose your spying on allies, your plotting against democratically elected persons and your cover ups of U.S brutality.

LL Wikileaks.

p.s. I lol'ed Barny :))))

03:40:18 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Nooooobhammer:

Sorry, I couldn't resist.....

Way to avoid all the facts :P Is that all you got? That's public knowledge... and besides, I always agreed with the reasons I just mentioned with going in there.... the other reason, which was most likely wrong (and by most likely its like 99.9999999% likely wrong), was just cream on the pie for me..... i'll take my pie without cream, though.... lol

03:52:51 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

I don't understand what I'm supposed to have ignored?

You trying to pass off your countries murders as inconsequential, because another terrorist party committed atrocities too? Is that it? You want the U.S. to be compared to Al Qaeda? "Yo, we killed tens of thousands of civilians, but they did too!". A bit sinister of you, but okay. Two wrong's dont make a right.

Those pilots didn't attempt to ascertain the identities of those involved. It's a practice we come across a lot with the U.S. military -- shoot first, ask later. And a lot of these stories are subsequently quashed by the U.S. government in order to protect itself from public backlash and condemnation (for instance, it took a British tabloid to reveal a supressed tape of American pilots destroying visually-marked British tanks, before the pilots inquired as to their identities). As I explained earlier, My Lai is a perfect example of this. Your authorities supressed the massacre and it took a year before individual soldiers revealed its occurence.

Subsequent inqueries post-2003 have proven that Saddam hadn't WMD's since 1991 and wasn't attempting to get them, either. Hence your country entered a war illegally, and it lied to the international community in order to do so. Fact.

05:09:59 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Love Muffin:

How did a thanksgiving talk turn into terrorism? O.o

Besides, everyone knows america would pwn anyone on the world in a thumb war.

05:22:43 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent II:

Way to completely pass over my post...  You're basically saying the same stuff you've said the whole thread; which is basically nothing at all.  So again stop trolling.

11:39:08 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

That's a disgusting attitude to take. Only somebody far removed from reality/maturity could say such a cold thing. Should your country find itself in war, and your innocent family murdered as "collatoral damage", I hope somebody doesn't spout the same nonsense you're spouting now, to you.

Thanks that you say that i am far removed from reality.. as a matter of fact I am quite close to reality as I knew someone that died in afghanistan and I know a few more that are traumatised for life. you still don't understand what I am saying so thats why I think you should stop making assumptions out of my posts. I just said that war is dirty and will allways remain dirty. I never said I supported the war, I do support the soldiers fighting in it though, as they don't really have a choice. But I am pretty much against wars. All i state is that the % of citizen casualties is allways higher, its not my opinion it is a reality.

11:58:53 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Samhuinn:

13:01:09 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Love Muffin:

Thanks that you say that i am far removed from reality.. as a matter of fact I am quite close to reality as I knew someone that died in afghanistan and I know a few more that are traumatised for life. you still don't understand what I am saying so thats why I think you should stop making assumptions out of my posts. I just said that war is dirty and will allways remain dirty. I never said I supported the war, I do support the soldiers fighting in it though, as they don't really have a choice. But I am pretty much against wars. All i state is that the % of citizen casualties is allways higher, its not my opinion it is a reality.

Actually they do have a choice, they can not join the army in the first place. Lol. They know full well of what they're getting into when they join, so... yeah. Can we just chill this thread topic out? It makes no sense why we're arguing this.. it started over a tiny quote.

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