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Happy earring! 3!
01:40:10 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Bill Thomas Killman:

So, I've been working on this piercing for months and now it's done. It's a 14g helix that goes through 5 piercings, ring diameter approx 1/2"/1.25cm, spaced to fit the piercings. HAPPY!

19:52:38 May 22nd 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Congradulations you are now slightly more likely to set of a metal detector.

19:57:19 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

22:33:38 May 22nd 08 - Lady Quietone:

ewww looks a bit infected there zach...

23:23:10 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Bill Thomas Killman:

That's just stress from the piercer putting it in. My double eyebrow got for-real infected, it inflated like a balloon and every so often the scab would peel off and all the pus would flow out. It was funny as hell.

09:43:29 May 23rd 08 - Sir Brannigans Law:

ffs man i was just eating my breakfast!


oh and wash your hair

12:05:04 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

have a shave you bum

18:52:35 May 23rd 08 - General Ezatious:

nice piercing dude :) ive one of those going up my penor

20:09:40 May 23rd 08 - Lord Tudelu:

General Ezatious


5/23/2008 6:52:35 PM
nice piercing dude :) ive one of those going up my penor

How did it feel putting it there? :O

01:19:45 May 24th 08 - Demonic One:

Ez uses that instead of Viagra ;)

11:04:10 May 25th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

pics plz ez

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