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How to increase player base
15:46:59 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Mewtwo:

Post your ideas here!!

I currently post links here on other message boards, and use visual-utopia as my Dota handle

I dont think ranking sites are that great, anyone have any luck with them?

There has got to be ways that we can make this game thrive!! Lets brainstorm people!!

16:28:17 Apr 18th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

  1. Incentives for keeping someone in the game longer.

  2. redesign of the protection worlds. IE: take two and turn them into worlds with some randomly placed and sized Native towns and have all the newbies face the natives, with a stronger tutorial.

  3. Possibly one or two worlds where trusted volunteer's host kingdoms made completely up of newbies on a protection world and kick-start newbies with kingdom training and actual player-to-player interaction, not to mention, a player can be better than a tutorial for teaching basics.

  4. Advertising: somehow; someway. lol

  5. Try for more regular updates; doesn't matter if aesthetic, minor changes.

  6. Free Cookies

  7. Never starting off newbies on the top three worlds, at the least. lol Like throwing someone into a piranha tank.

16:54:00 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Panic XI:

good feedback puppy. i noticed that all your suggestions are coming from the admin side... any ideas on what existing players can do?

17:25:12 Apr 18th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Well, if we could get some cooperation between players, a few *could* potentially try starting kingdoms and picking up newbies to teach. The people teaching couldn't interfere with the fighting much, in any way, of course, to be fair. I see that as a good, but difficult to pull off, solution for better newbie retention. But one thing, I fear, is the tendency of players to come in and grief on protection worlds, just to get that win..... and outside players interfering. :(

Tutorials are nice, but nothing can beat a fairly experienced player teaching you the ropes

18:14:57 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Pure:

I've set my warcraft message as visit and I will post in on the warcraft (custom hero footies) forum page. Most will have a look at it. But in all respect the game kind of looks boring. And that is the feedback I get from friends that I recommend to the game.

06:41:59 Apr 20th 11 - Mr. Aloysius:

my kingdom welcomes new players.

and sometimes I may like to be a mod. :D

on topic... before any suggestion for this game be discussed... Zeta should appear first.

06:31:01 Apr 27th 11 - Mr. Iceberg:

Input as a total noob who joined after some friends recommended it to me
without really giving me any advice on game-play whatsoever: the
current lack of a tutorial is a bit concerning, but browsing the (albeit
not up-to-date) help on the forums and just watching what other people
are up to around me helps a good deal. It would be most beneficial to
make it easier for players who are utterly without a clue to integrate
into the game.

07:07:20 May 12th 11 - Mr. Stick The Bob:

First we have to attract a larger female player base by spreading images of some cute boys who play vu so that we can in turn attract more guys.

13:16:28 May 24th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

Brotip: Don't use pics of Mielo. It'd have the opposite effect.

But I don't know, maybe with this VU FB app, quite possibly hundreds of people will enter the game. I mean, it's excellent advertising, it could give newbs an insight into the game, I think it's got so much potential.

13:53:27 May 24th 11 - Mr. Mewtwo:

i agree, think about the size of facebook vs the size of VU.... if this measly little app zeta puts together draws 100 players we'd triple the player base

15:41:43 Jun 28th 11 - Mr. Mandle:

As a new player I must say that this game is very very UN-user friendly when you first join...I played Mehul's original Utopia waaaaaay back in the day which this game is obviously based on so I guess I have a slight leg-up when it comes to understanding Kingdoms and city builds...

But seriously there are so many bugs and pages that you cannot escape from until you learn how...the movement of armies takes a lot of mouse skill or you have to go back and do it over...

I dunno...The potential of this game looks infinite but the actual thing you see when you first login looks less than finite....It looks impossible for most new players to get that first foothold which would allow them to get to the point where they would say "Wow, this is amazing and I want to play!!!"

16:05:28 Jun 28th 11 - Mr. Panic XII:

...the movement of armies takes a lot of mouse skill or you have to go back and do it over...

settings --> move armies by clicking

20:27:07 Jun 28th 11 - VU Admin:

Good point there Mandle. Most poeple are like "what the hell do I do now" after signing up.

What do you mean with  "bugs and pages that you cannot escape from"?

Do you have any ideas how to get ppl past that barrier?

20:35:03 Jun 28th 11 - Puppy Thinks Barny Mean:

Honestly, with the move armies by clicking option, I've not had many problems making exact movements on a laptop touchpad. 

Maybe make that the default option?

21:44:14 Jun 28th 11 - Mr. Whoopsy:

Maybe have a youtube video with a tutorial and just have someone talking and explaining as they shift through each window and explain some basic tactics and gameplay. One of my friends showed me how to play, so without that, I would have been lost. 

17:58:30 Jul 1st 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Struddle made some actually, we need them to be easily accessible and we need more of em.

19:29:25 Jul 1st 11 - Mr. Skinnysucks:

i have tried to get to Struddles tutorials, it says they are "private" or something.  i can't get to them.  but if they were accessible, they would be a great resource.

19:45:52 Jul 1st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

We are currently working on new ones.

03:34:23 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Opportunity:

Just make sure you keep them up to date after any major changes :/

07:23:26 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

one thing. The average person does not let their life waste away infront of a screen. You can take one day off and not be on the computer to check all day and get ganked because of it. It sucks. I know there is no way to fix it but it is why i continuously quit the game because there is no way to play it and actually play it in a relaxed manner. Either its waste your life on the game or don't play it.

09:45:03 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Opportunity:

I've just been logging on after work and though I'm not GREAT, I can still have fun with it :/

10:50:44 Jul 4th 11 - Puppy Thinks Barny Mean:

^^ solo pain in our side, on Fant. 

19:25:01 Jul 4th 11 - Mr. Opportunity:

Hahaha I am honestly working my ass off just cause I want to see how many I killed when I was in Insane Killers and Eslin forgot to merge up his armies at my city. 

I just want to make it 33 more days in Fant :(

18:45:11 Jul 11th 11 - Mr. Panic Lucky Number XIII:

There are currently 138 players online.


Highest I've seen in awhile.... i thought the entire community was this big..!

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