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I wanted to be president
07:29:25 Jan 12th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

This morning I woke up and decided I wanted to be president. Where do I start?

08:04:57 Jan 12th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Char your skin.

08:49:09 Jan 12th 10 - Archangel Argyle:

Simple Guide to become president.

It depends on your country, if you live in a republic it's a bit easier then if you live in a monarchy.

Start of by joining one of the most succesfull political parties. Gain reputation and love from the other members of the party along with the voters.

Then you climb inside the party until you can't climb higher.

Now you just wait until you have the right age (minimum 40-50 years) by working with lots of charity and party related stuff.

When the time is right, you say to yer party that you want to be president, and that you would be great at it. All of them now love you so much, they can't say no.

08:59:29 Jan 12th 10 - Mr. William Snowman:

or the berlusconi way:

Join the maffia, lobby at the godfather's party and then tell them you want to become president. if they like you then you will be president within a few days.

10:03:25 Jan 12th 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

Slaughter yourself and your family, hope for life conviction.
Be good inside and get out half time, write a book about your whole life

People will buy the book

Then once you've got some money, message the pres, blackmail him with what ever you could find using all your money

He gives up his pres to you, and you still release the crap you've got on him through someone else, to make sure he won't get into power again

11:46:17 Jan 12th 10 - Mr. Breeza The Fcked Bomber:

there's a few countries were there is less then 100 people in them. move there shott them up then u got a whole country to yourself so you can be what ever role you wana be :P

14:02:58 Jan 12th 10 - Mr. Striker:

lie and'll be there in no time :)


oh, don't forget the senseless 2nd grade bickering,,add a little bit of idiocy and there ya go!

15:05:27 Jan 12th 10 - Prince Highwayman:

President of what?

Class President?

President of the stamp collectors' club?

I assume you don't mean President of USA because that would be too easy...

06:15:43 Jan 13th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

All you would need to do is be rich and tell people everything they want to hear.

06:21:36 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

Nobody called me a idiot. I feel sad now :(

07:08:45 Jan 13th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

cheer up idiot :)

04:26:50 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

Kill the president, take power :D

04:36:26 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Mr. Insomniac


19:26:50 Jan 13th 10 Kill the president, take power :D

James Wilks Booth... Didn't he try that?  lol


05:17:31 Jan 14th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

I thought it was John Wilkes Booth.

Not James?

/Bad American....

06:32:23 Jan 14th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

And maybe he wasn't trying to take power since killing the president was a bad idea...I think revenge is a close guess... -_-



07:34:29 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Almehdi:

Why do you want to be the president? He can't do jack shit politically. Especially in USA where those that bought you the place want something back.

Why not strive for a place in corporative.. like hmm.. Steve Jobs work. The easy way is to marry on of his children. Then convert to buddhism and work him a couple of years.. then kill him.

00:37:28 Jan 15th 10 - Ms. Black Mamba:

Establish a colony in Antarctica, or rally a group of freedom fighters and take over a country, probably one somewhere in Africa.

01:00:43 Jan 15th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

The easiest way to become president is to donate 12 euro or equivilent depending on your country, then you can be President Dwarfnub simple

01:40:50 Jan 15th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Give Criminaly Insane a cookie please.  He/She had the solution. :P

06:09:51 Jan 15th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

Dude I am a dude, I think the Sir. gives it away and only choc chip ones : P

07:10:25 Jan 15th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

Keep in mind that 75% of women on VU aren't real women...

07:16:59 Jan 15th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

Take the gender confused drunk known as random for example :)

07:19:34 Jan 15th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

Oh, and there probably is a 5-10% of men who are really women in disguise...

08:12:32 Jan 15th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

points to Charley

09:04:59 Jan 15th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Sir Criminaly Insane don't count on the Sir being a give away as to the sex of the poster.  But I stand corrected you are a he.  bows

10:25:29 Jan 15th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Kill everybody, vote yourself in.

04:05:37 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Niveko:

Annex your house and make it a country, then vote your self president. Then just for kicks and giggles go to war with someone. 

04:08:23 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

:o Great idea niveko!! :D

04:18:26 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Duke Pesterd


20:17:31 Jan 13th 10 I thought it was John Wilkes Booth.

Not James?

/Bad American....

That's what you think... O.O  The Media framed poor John, James was the real criminal

And maybe he wasn't trying to take power since killing the president was a bad idea...I think revenge is a close guess... -_-



Actually he planned to be a confederate hero.  By taking power I meant for the Confederates, but whatever.

06:42:12 Jan 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


23:34:29 Jan 13th 10

Why do you want to be the president? He can't do jack shit politically. Especially in USA where those that bought you the place want something back.

Why not strive for a place in corporative.. like hmm.. Steve Jobs work. The easy way is to marry on of his children. Then convert to buddhism and work him a couple of years.. then kill him.

Actually there is something new that has been found in the last decade and that is called Implied power. No adays the president is gaining more and more influence and the executive branch it actually gaining more power faster then the other branches. If we dont watch checks and balances closely then we will find ourselves with a system where the executive branch runs the show. It really all comes down to who is running the Exe branch and if they are a constitutionalist or not. If they are a constitutionalist then they will not use implied powers because they are implied in the constitution and now spelled out as a power for the exe branch to hold.

21:16:36 Jan 30th 10 - Lady Boobson:

King Charley Deallus V


06:19:34 Jan 15th 10 Oh, and there probably is a 5-10% of men who are really women in disguise...

Shit. Oh wait, on VU? Phew!

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