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Implament New Map
02:08:16 Jun 8th 12 - Xerxes (Mr. Xerxes Zombified):

Map was created by Dragon and hs wife. Everyone message Zeta and get this map in the new random map selections for the higher worlds

02:34:01 Jun 8th 12 - al (Mr. Medium):

hate to be a curmudgeon, but i honestly think this gorgeous map will not translate well into good gameplay

lots of reasons

03:02:42 Jun 8th 12 - Sir Dark Magician Who Cantusemagic:

It would work out very well on worlds with great walls, but without great walls, it isn't as good as it looks. If you played on mantrax this era, you'll see why.

11:29:56 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Desert Marauder:

Need to test it first before putting it into active rotation.

15:28:11 Jun 9th 12 - The Wolflord (Mr. Red Hand):

I like it. However, again there is the food issue. If you are dropped in the lower right hand corner, food is a dream, just like Mantrax this era. I have no problem with players having a monopoly on food, but it need to be a fair distribution of player landings if that is the case.

15:53:49 Jun 9th 12 - Sir Dark Magician Who Cantusemagic:

Food doesn't seem to be a problem, actually.

18:17:38 Jun 9th 12 - Mr. Kasakasz The Reborn:

more like wood and stone

09:41:48 Jun 10th 12 - Wolf (Mr. Werewolf):

It looks pretty.... but it would be terrible to play on. There are 4 potential core areas that can be blocked off with 1-2 blockers. On a world without merges (IE anything except Zeta), it would be too easy to create an unbreakable blocker.

Shattered Worlds is still one of the best maps because there are lots of choke points, but lots of access points too. If route A has too many troops, try route B or C. It makes the game far more interesting.

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