Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Important read

Important read
17:52:58 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

All the bull crap going around:

No no and no. Once again no.

Zeta can take my mod power if he wishes, he is in charge.

You cannot give away titles as a mod. That means all of you believing it, you are a retard. I dont care who you are.

I have one account, you run IP checks everyday or any other program you want.

My roommate doesnt even play anymore so no one can say anything at all.

Say whatever you wish, I am going to play this game. All of you can screw off for whatever reason you want.

And for the record, the old topics and claims about me. Zeta and some other mod deleted/logged.

Have a great life. Ill see you on the field.

17:54:49 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

I bet you believe that

18:05:51 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

HA! just leave the thread open so i can see if your insta hate threads reach the epic levels mine did when penguin got banned ^^

18:11:12 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Lol ill leave it open. No worries.

18:44:48 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

18:48:34 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

lol seeing how both the fear/fate and darkblood/watever side hate me. i think i might top you :P

19:02:36 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Narcissus:

You have my undying support until the end, Zondervan. I aspire to excel in VU, and reach the coveted levels of gameplay only you have been able to experience thus far; the pinnacle of victory, the apex of skill, the zenith of knowledge.

19:05:02 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

I was never apart of any of those Kds... I actually played with not everyone that hates is from that group of players. Some of us have heard you dirty secrets from your own mouth to speak.

19:17:17 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Zondy did actually ask my standpoint on feeding when I played in his kd "eyes of eden" with a char that I deleted later. He said a friend wanted to farm up and let us others have the cities because his friend was to busy to play properly. I said I donīt like it and didnīt hear about it after that, dunno if any feeding happened in the end tho.

19:19:30 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Nothing happened, as music, aoa, fw, or any other kd would/could have saw.

and Lucid, if i did tell you, then who are you? Or still avoiding that i see.

19:25:37 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

Have you really told so many people you can't figure it out? I mean come on you told this to me your so called last era..when you told me you weren't actually quitting...

19:27:53 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

I told a lot of people i was quitting..and those i talk to know why i didnt quit.

You can accuse me all you want, and hide all you want also.

19:32:34 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

Its not an accusation when its truth, but I think you just do this all for attention you don't get in RL. I know what you told me and you know what you've said to other people. So keep lying to everyone else because you can't lie to yourself.

19:32:51 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

*in football chant voice*




19:35:32 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

dude I'm a female, now as far as I know that's a guy

19:37:36 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Daisy? Only time i talked with you was when you were inactive/busy and not helping the kd. We talked and you explained and it was resolved.. only time i talked with you

19:43:49 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

You have a really distorted version of that

btw I went inactive right after you told me about your 'activities' that should have been a clue, I don't care what you do but don't brag about it then lie to people's after the fact. Its an insult to my, and others, intelligence, if you're going to do shitty things then at least be honest about it. You have completely validated everything I thought about you after that era because of your actions. Anyway it took you long enough.

19:44:49 Nov 9th 10 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

*appears out of nowhere wearing a hooded sweatshirt, sunglasses, a bandana, and gloves*

*proceeds to shoot the thread with a spam cannon*

"I hate you, General. I'm not sure why...maybe it's because Emperors are typically overthrown and have their eyes burnt out by rebellious generals. Or maybe you're in cohoots with the REEF or maybe you're actually a flamingo in disguise!"

*runs off*

((REEF = Revolutionary Exotic Eat Front))


19:47:35 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Not the way i saw it.

And yes i did multi once. You want a list of the VU players that did with me? We still have a skye channel with the names of us and half the others we ran into while doing it on a lower world and them saying they were doing the same as us. Being bored/finding new recruits.

If i posted, you would change your opinions on half of the VU players people respect and think dont/didnt cheat.

Enough said. As for feedijng/cheating/abusing/hacking and watever else pops up. No i didnt and never have at any time.

But see, half of them are calling me out on multing, yet half wont say tehy did it themselves... but im teh bad guy for not admitting when they wont either.

19:53:49 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Lucid:

This isn't even about the cheating really, its about the absolute denial. The fact is you do abuse your position and you have done unethical things. Now with that said its Zeta's responsibility to put a stop to that stuff , when he has been given prof by people its on his head when he chooses to ignore it.

19:54:03 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Arkantos:

lmfao septim your still alive ffs lol :P

19:57:43 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

I got banned for a week or 2 weeks i dont remember. But when i got banned i wasnt doing anything, that WAS my roommate. He took over.

And as for denial, yes. I accused those accusing me and they denied when half multi, Thanks for pointing we all are wrong in teh matter.

Good day to you.

20:02:36 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

Why are you trying to bring up other people to excuse your multi'ing and then promptly denying it forever?

Either you did those two things (you did) or you didn't, who gives a sh|t what others do?

Some people IRL shoot other people, therefore it's okay for you to do it because not all of them are caught?

20:06:39 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Aww whats wrong, you call me out and its okay. but i call you out on it and its wrong? hahaha

and everyone hates me.

20:11:14 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Arkantos:

I dont :)

20:18:14 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

You're welcome to make all the threads you want to call me out if you wish, I will not delete them like you :)

20:20:13 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

didnt delete them all. only a few. zeta deleted the first 4 or so. so all good :)

20:22:44 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Arkantos:

I deleted them!!!

20:29:15 Nov 9th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

And for the record, the old topics and claims about me. Zeta and some other mod deleted/logged. 

didnt delete them all. only a few. zeta deleted the first 4 or so. so all good :)

Lawl, can't even keep the same answer in the same thread >.>

20:35:15 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

Daisy? Only time i talked with you was when you were inactive/busy and not helping the kd.

now.... Talking shit like this has made you drop down even more in my respect ladder... you are down with the bugs now...

20:37:58 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

How is that talking crap? We were fighting just about everyone and you were my MAP partner.. you yourself complained and said my kd wasnt doing enough... it was because we had inactives/farmers.

She told me her RL was busy.. and i said i understand

20:44:45 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

I can't remember saying that....that era I didn't say on ebad thing about either you nor your LULZ.. it was after that that I felt like a blind fool.. ah well its a pity and i made peace with it.. i just posted because i read that post..

20:51:03 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Well i dont even know man, all i remember is getting on and was told you and your vices said we didnt do enough and my guys saying you werent. and then i even got all the blame from both sides.. it was all screwed up as we both had farmers.

But all good. its done and over with.

and reason i stayed: a few good friends begged me to stay..and for wat. nothing seems like

22:35:05 Nov 9th 10 - Mr. Pure:

I have an idea how about you fark off zondy and stop playing. Allow someone of more knowledge and follows the rules to take over you mod postion like osiris.

I said Osiris cause first name I could think of worthy of it.

22:42:50 Nov 9th 10 - General of The Orcs:

Read above. i said zeta can give it to someone else. Just means someone else will be disliked when someone gets there stuff deleted because they cant follow forum rules.

I could careless about having it or not. Ill still play teh game as long as i like

00:42:03 Nov 10th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

It can get messy when several people who live in the same environment play this, happened to me and JLT once, except he got his account back, I had to start a new one...

05:53:36 Nov 10th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

its only messy if its prolonged :D logging in from the same uni shouldnt be a problem if you use your home comp and have different IPs for that too. You can log in if your round a mates house like that etc. its only continous and long term log ins from the same IP that zeta takes notice

08:25:57 Nov 10th 10 - Mr. Pure:

Osiris are you saying its alright if when my mate is over [every week on the  weekend usually] only once most times it would  be alright. He would notice that during the week he wont have the same ip as me since he will be at his house.

08:40:05 Nov 10th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

Yeh this was at a boarding house, so it was extended... only took zeta about half a year to take notice

13:30:09 Nov 10th 10 - Mr. Bruiantt:

:o Zond! You better not tell them my name was in that multi skype chat!


16:28:25 Nov 10th 10 - General of The Orcs:

lol i cant copy the skype chat because im to lazy to delete every post and the actual picture of some people that dont want to be known as a multier. So no, sorry man. your all good. Just me taking teh blame for it all :)

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