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In trouble
08:08:26 Oct 22nd 12 - Mr. Kiseki:

So I'm just a little dwarf in this small little world


And so I see a kingdom nearby killing off an untagged player and I though "No biggie. I could probably protect myself from them.

And then I saw this...

Am I going to die? :|

Edit: anyone know how I can get pictures on here?

08:12:16 Oct 22nd 12 - Zond (General of Legend):

Use the direct URL link. And click Add Image (its one of the icons, second to last).

I can see you and whats happening, maybe ask to join the guy? Or fight it out ^^

08:29:38 Oct 22nd 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

fight it out

08:31:06 Oct 22nd 12 - Mr. Kiseki:

11:41:54 Oct 22nd 12 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

i suggest squishing the guy like a bug, its what id do!

17:19:29 Oct 22nd 12 - SFD (Mr. Die For Some):

bran the only thing you squish is the $hit in your nappy when sitting down ;)

17:36:43 Oct 22nd 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

If you were as good as Binh, you would kill off the kingdom all on your own. That's what he has done a few times.

17:52:38 Oct 22nd 12 - Dragon (Mr. Dexter The Serial Killer):


04:45:49 Oct 23rd 12 - Mr. Kiseki:

Well... It seems like I'm gonna have to blow myself up soon x-x

Sleepless from the west and greedy Regeneration from the east >_>

11:23:19 Oct 23rd 12 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

naw dont blow yourself up, the only person attacking you is bart!

16:10:02 Oct 23rd 12 - Mr. Kiseki:

Bit late and one city was already taken (although I blew up the armories there XD )

... Roq >_>

11:55:25 Oct 31st 12 - ScaryCow (Mr. Golkosh The Axe):

Lol That small kingdom was me and my friend. XD

I started way too late to play an orc :<

15:19:01 Oct 31st 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

Wrong post*

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