Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Inactive Players

Inactive Players
19:55:49 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

this is rediculous every era i always see people build cities and never come back to them and continue building i send a message to the admin and nothing is ever two people by me have been inactive in the game since i landed on valhalla why does the admin continue to ignore this fact that poeple create and never come back

please delete the people who do not stay with the game

Mr. Corflu

Mr. Yuurisan

other people please post names of anubody who you hve seen do the same thing

19:59:37 Sep 21st 09 - Duchess Medusa:

If they do not come back they will become Native People and you will be able to take their cities...
But if they keep coming back and do not turn into Native People means they did not quit the game...

20:50:38 Sep 21st 09 - Lord Pesterd:

Rofl... Why should he Delete the names..

it adds to the player base.. and adds to the amount of members...

22:09:57 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

they have not done one thing with their cities so obviuosly they are not playing it or their cities would have gotten bigger which they have not

those types of people who join take up space and never come back on are the reason this game is getting annoying people join and start and never sign back in and then we have cities not being used armies just sitting on the map not doing a darn thing 

22:27:43 Sep 21st 09 - Sir Struddle:

how about you kill them or take over the cities?

22:30:54 Sep 21st 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

then take the cities and kill the armies...

22:34:09 Sep 21st 09 - Lord Pesterd:

ya lol dont complain if they arent doing anything.. just steal their rainbows :P

23:28:45 Sep 21st 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

50% rule...nuff said........

23:34:35 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Surprise:

you can still kill armies...

23:49:13 Sep 21st 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

take the freakin cities then!

00:13:35 Sep 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

You can't take the freaking cities if they are under the 50% rule...maybe saying it a 2nd time will work...Sure you can kill their armies...but what good is that if they are INACTIVE? :|

01:55:25 Sep 22nd 09 - Duke Random:

plundarrr :D

14:04:09 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Lover:

Not really read any posts here but take the cities?

14:40:34 Sep 22nd 09 - Sir Pure The Italian Lambo:

Lol im surprised how long it took till sum1 was smart enuf to suggest a plunder lol good kob random lol

17:47:24 Sep 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Why would you bother plundering a city that probably isn't any larger than 400 buildings? You would get barely anything worthwhile...if it was a large city of an inactive, then plunder it every tick...

18:14:08 Sep 22nd 09 - Duke Random:

Plunder city, seige, leave scout to continue seige...

Repeat... that way the seiged production buildings don't produce... no change of an army being produced against you... then if they decide to come back and raise an army against you you can spam troops into a city near and take them out because they won't nearly be able to train enough to take out a well developed player....

either that or you could just plunder them every 2-3 days and get some pretty decent plunder from them as their income accumilates ;)

Also if its their only city, then you get their starting resources which isn't a bad plunder :P

18:31:54 Sep 22nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Mr. Draco The Dragon


11:55:49 Sep 21st 09

this is rediculous every era i always see people build cities and never come back to them and continue building i send a message to the admin and nothing is ever two people by me have been inactive in the game since i landed on valhalla why does the admin continue to ignore this fact that poeple create and never come back

please delete the people who do not stay with the game

Mr. Corflu

Mr. Yuurisan

other people please post names of anubody who you hve seen do the same thing

.    <---That's called a period, try using it.

19:03:48 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Homo Ezatous:

Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus


18:31:54 Sep 22nd 09
Mr. Draco The Dragon


11:55:49 Sep 21st 09

this is rediculous every era i always see people build cities and never come back to them and continue building i send a message to the admin and nothing is ever two people by me have been inactive in the game since i landed on valhalla why does the admin continue to ignore this fact that poeple create and never come back

please delete the people who do not stay with the game

Mr. Corflu

Mr. Yuurisan

other people please post names of anubody who you hve seen do the same thing

.    <---That's called a period, try using it.

8============D <--- That's called a cock, try grow one.

19:10:27 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

but you can get more from it if you could take the city

each time you plunder you have to wait how long to get a decent amount from it

i say the admin should step up do their job and rid every world of these people who just spawn and never come back

19:11:52 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

each city has only about 100 buildings in each i could max them out and get more from them each day than i could plundering them

19:31:27 Sep 22nd 09 - Duke Random:

then they aren't going to be a threat to you at all. why do they matter? just seige em and leave em to be inactive all era...

either that or you could just take away 50% rule ;)

20:14:28 Sep 22nd 09 - Mr. Draco The Dragon:

there cities can be put to good use thats why i am making a deal about this cause 4 eras in a row i have said something and i am ignored everytime

i say keep the 50% rule but after like 300 days it goes away for every player

so when i start i would have 300 days till the 50% rule no longer would apply

11:58:30 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

come to higher worlds

03:12:48 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Yeah srsly. Just get good enough to stop preying on noobs. xD

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