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Instant messanger rant
16:38:08 Jan 28th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

I use this service called Imo, and before it was Meebo, that let me use all kind or messengers at one place and in my browsers, so I don't have to install any other program.

But now Skype doesn't allow that anymore. Google are shutting down G-talk. And not many ppl use ICQ or AIM.

That's one of the reasons why I've now started to work on a new chat app for VU. It will be totally browser based and no plug-ins will be needed. It will also be light weight and use less bandwidth then the current chat.

16:52:00 Jan 28th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

Awesome! I miss using the VU chat it use to be full of chatter when i first started and now it is rarely used!

17:52:11 Jan 28th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

its gonna take alot to move people from skype

what id like to see is a mandatory channel where all the players idle, kind of like what #vu once was

19:47:08 Jan 28th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Valael Teirdel):

A nice bug free chat is all it would take I thinkto get people to move to chat.

19:58:23 Jan 28th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

and one hell of a good icebreaker

20:59:29 Jan 28th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Father):

zeta takes interest in VU... more developments ahead...?

21:51:52 Jan 28th 14 - Mr. Token of Lgc:

Would be nice

21:57:50 Jan 28th 14 - Dakarta (Duke Dackarta):


00:31:34 Jan 29th 14 - Ms. Laura The Gold Miner:

will stick to skype, thanks.

03:06:38 Jan 29th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Chalkz The Smallfolk):

Will t open in a new window or remain at bottom of screen?

18:31:20 Mar 26th 14 - Mr. Toblokai:

I miss IRC.

00:31:07 Mar 27th 14 - Mr. Wot:

What about if you made this chat system another website directly linked with Visual-utopia? And then you essentially have your own chat browser with ads and what not. Like Imo or something where you can hook in other messaging types. Have it like skype as well where certain channels store messages for up to a week so that whilst someone was sleeping they can wake in the morning and read all kingdom messages.

02:00:54 Mar 27th 14 - Sir Roxbury Ascendo Tuum:

* Now talking in #vu
* sets mode: +nt

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