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Islam and rock music
00:14:10 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Iran detains more than 230 people at a rock concert <- Click on the link and read the story.

What do you think?

00:31:34 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Well, I don't agree with the policy, but they knew thew were breaking their laws.

00:43:07 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

i didn't understand a word , i donno , i just understanded this

some mens was having drugs and like that and police just stoped them , am i right

01:28:42 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Maybe all of them should have chosen another country to live in, another country to be born in. Of course it's their fault they chose to party in a way their local government did not approve.

From PoD's point of view the whole west really is a great satan. I mean we have people of different sexes mixing in parties and enjoying alcohol and often rock music.

11:12:37 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

no sakaal u cant choose to be born somewhere else just like u didnt choose to be a *beep*

11:26:03 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Can't anyone here understand sarcasm?

I'm not sure if I have chosen to be a *beep*. In order for us or anyone to discuss that, you would first have to somehow reveal what your *beep* means, Justanius.

12:04:44 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

it means sakaal

12:05:14 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

and sakaal means a *beep*

12:09:48 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Well I actually did choose to be (named) "Sakaal" on this forum, so your post of 8/5/2007 1:12:37 PM does not make sense together with your post of 8/5/2007 2:04:44 PM.

Anyway, do you or do you not have an opinion on the topic of Islam and rock music?

13:34:38 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

dunnno just came here to flame

13:39:46 Aug 5th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

By satanic rock music, they probably mean death metal or black metal, which are two styles of music I listen to. I can understand why people think these music genres are evil. But yet, it isn't a reason to arrest people for going to a party in which such music is played.

14:29:25 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

Yeah, that really is stupid, I've been to more hardcore parties then that... Honestly a police sting on such a trivial matter is just plain stupid, some types of death metal is actually evil (I believe anyway), have you heard the song about skinning the babies and eating their flesh, thats a disturbing song. Also i personally don't really like metal, not enough singing, too much screaming and the guitar is way to loud. Personal belief and a little off topic but i like to state my opinion, even if no one wants to listen.

14:58:09 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

im with goldmeister

16:29:59 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

sakaal , did you choose to be a man , did you choose your face , did you choose to born in finland ,

but you can choose to go paradise

20:44:28 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Truefailure:

momma says rock musics the devil :O

21:29:42 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:


21:33:20 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

My post of 8/5/2007 3:28:42 AM was sarcasm, just saying in case someone still thinks I actually meant what I wrote there. I did not. Sarcasm is often writing the opposite what you actually mean.

Let's see how Iran punishes those party people... For us it may be a joke, but there they may actually give you whip lashes or put you in prison for listening to heavy metal and having a beer.

Btw, I am listening to metal and having a beer right now. If I was in Iran, I would probably be considered an evil devil worshipper.

21:34:51 Aug 5th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:


*Septim pulls out a whip

"Wait a minute...I'm not in Iran..." ;)

21:44:26 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

whip slash yea ,

who made sex with no wife , will get 100 whip slash under the law of islam , in the first 400 year of islam , this was only made 4 times , cuz people repected each others

but for rock muzic , as my sight , 10 whip slashes , and teach them that's it's bad

21:46:07 Aug 5th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

The mysterious higher power gave us free will for a reason you know...

04:01:22 Aug 6th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"who made sex with no wife , will get 100 whip slash under the law of islam , in the first 400 year of islam , this was only made 4 times , cuz people repected each others"

Yeah... okay.  I believe that %100.

Naturally, I'm bound to say Iran is going a bit far in their "moral" laws, but it's a different society from what I'm accostumed to.  In some countries people would be outraged that America has made marijuana illegal, so everything's relative.

04:57:04 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

i agree , but see , what you think it's weird , it's just normal ,

iran made it mistake how

cuz they ORDERED , in suidi arabia , it's ordered on women to wear the hejab , but we got a neighber which lives ther , she comes once a year , she just throw it away ,

we must teach , then to order ,

god said : " ask people to join you , in wisdom , and let them see merecles , and argument in the best way " god is always truly say


and i am back from my promise of burning the tomb of jesus , i found that i will be forbidden 40 year from paradise , and i can't cuz omar gave them a treatment ,

i am just between this , and i don't need more bads , i have enough


bruto , who made sex with no wife , and he is married , he will be put in a hole , and every man is passing the street may put a stone till the hole is full , and that man is dead , this didn't happen before

100 whip slash  is only when you do sex with no wife , and your not married , as mohamad said : three people from muslim only must be killed , the killer , who made sex with not his wife  and he married  , and who got out of islam "

mohammad is always truly say

05:59:16 Aug 6th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

It's not that I don't believe what the punishment is, I just think that plenty of men simply didn't get caught.

08:43:06 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Mijamoto Mushashi:

Didn't get caught?   they just don't respect their women ...

12:03:39 Aug 6th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

how the hell is a are people expected to up hold the law if they are such wacky ones as thoses? i think millionsof people in iran should hold the same type of parties all on the same night and see what they do!

12:09:21 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

islam and terroristme topics
iran(=islam??) and imprisoning people topics

we can agree that these are negative things but how relavent are they
(exept for the fact that they show it on TV all the time and impose lots of fear)

12:13:01 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

BTW searched for global poverty /stop global poverty on google but coulnt find anything usefull (exept stupid payed adds for collecting money organisations)       'for them'
i gues thats not important

17:26:37 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

do you know how easy you can get cought in that time ,

if you a man and enter a woman in your house they will know directly , and the houses wasn't as now  , and ther wasn't sex places , and a woman can't stand in the street smooking so people would know that she is a hooker ,

omg omg , and people respected each others , means mens didn't look in womens faces , cuz it was covered , though covering face is wrong ,


this is the best rules , cuz god gave it to us , in anther meaning , gods rules , not stupid people rules based on jail ,

17:44:09 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Mijamoto Mushashi:

i think it is time that your god gave you a good spanking ...

18:43:05 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

it's god of everything , not only me ,

20:21:05 Aug 6th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Prince of Darkness, love finds a way.  It's far older than any religion and will last far longer.

21:36:49 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

love , don't beat destiny , my friend love a girl , and he just fear that she don't love him , and he is between two , i am tryin to tell him " man forget " and the problem he don't know if she loves him , i donno , i just don't talk to girls

my relegion started when adam was put on earth , and my relegion will end when god wants to end the earth ,

moahamd said , in what he mean ( sorry i forgot what he said )

this relegion will go away and away till every spot in the world is by treating well who treat the relegion well , and treating bad who treat the relegion bad

22:00:31 Aug 6th 07 - Ms. Spoon:

Leave Music out!

22:06:17 Aug 6th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

lol , your back from vecation ,

08:12:03 Aug 7th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Alright, Prince, but looking at it in a scientific and rationale manner love comes first by far.

11:56:58 Aug 7th 07 - Ms. Natalia:


20:03:10 Aug 7th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

love , what did love bring me so far ? you may love in islam , love your parents , wife , and the suprme man you must love is mohamad and love god cuz god loves you , but not to do bad things , and say love ,

love only finds a way in films and stories , and even in stories , romeo didn't marry julit

21:35:51 Aug 7th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Yeah, but they sure messed around quite a bit.  They just don't really show that part of Shakespear these days because it's not appropriate for younger kids.

Perhaps I should have used the term "lust".  Or sex.  As long as sexual reproduction has existed (which is far longer than humanity) love has been far more dominant over any religion.

21:37:25 Aug 7th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

nah can't be , god made islam when he arrived ,

though all the humans was created for mohamad , god love mohamad

21:42:32 Aug 7th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Well here no accord can be made, since you insist on disregarding scientific fact in favor of religious rumor.

21:48:31 Aug 7th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

not again

00:23:24 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Why did god create Muhammad? To me it would be much easier to understand and believe that Muhammad created God. You see Muhammad would have been useless to God, but God would be very useful to Muhammad.

If God is omnipotent why he always chooses a single man to teach his message? In almost every religion there is always some individual guy who has started it. Some preacher who has converted first a few people and then more through them.

God is being pretty unfair, if he doesn't even give chance to the millions who live and die before they even hear the good news from those individual prophets. If God was omnipotent, he would broadcast his message to everyone so that everyone gets a fair chance of choosing. It does not make sense giving the chance only to a limited set of people or some single culture in some limited geographic region. By "everyone" I also mean for example people who lived here in Finland 1000 years ago and had never even heard about Islam.

Do you think all the people who had not heard of Islam have gone to hell or will go to hell, because they happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time? Including all people that were on Earth before Muhammad, and for example native American indians, Ethiopians, Japanese, etc. Why did God not even give them a chance?

Much more plausible explanation is that Islam like all the other religions are just cults originally started by individual charismatic characters and later spread and grown into mass religions.

00:26:54 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Dammit, I have to learn some Chinese, because hell is probably full of them and I must be going to hell, because I don't believe in God even after PoD tried to convince me... I have to be able to communicate with my fellow mates in perdition, I mean if Mr. Satan allows speaking.

00:46:40 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

Islam may not have spread to all parts of the world but worship of omnipotent beings sure has.

02:04:44 Aug 8th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Omnipotent?  Not always.

In Greek/Egyptian/Norse religions, the Gods were very humanlike.  They made errors and mistakes, and humans could get away with some stuff, as well as other gods.

Even in, let's say, some Polynesian religion there may be a fire god, who exists for a reason, but isn't all-knowing and all-wise.  Quite often veangeful and cruel.

I'm sure even now there are some isolated tribal communities who don't believe in an all-knowing god.

06:13:57 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

man , adam gone earth , and he know that ther is god , we are all useless for god , we all need god but god don't need us , and we are a nation don't worship a god we creat as stones , greek and gyptians and norse did ,

example of gods fult ,

in 356 BC alexander the great was born , in the same year the gods temple was destroyed , after the death of alexander , the priests said ,

gods was taken care of alexander , and forgot the temple , that temple now lies in ruins , in turky , though it was one of the seven wonders


no man on earth die , and he don't know , no man , even you , now you heard of god ,

the jews goes paradise before jesus come , when jesus come , only chrition go paradise , before mohamad , and now mohamad come only muslims go paradise ,


do you think god only sended 25 prophet , god sended exaclty 124300 prophet to the word and he always give us a new start as noah did ,


chinese choosed a way of bodah , they go hell ,


here in islam if you pray and treat well you go paradise , if you arn't a muslim , if you treat well , god say , treatment will be even to the prayers , if you treat well you go paradise too ,



first thing the almighty ask you : what is your god ?

you say , no body , and hell will be flaming near you bab ,

thank you and good bye

06:20:07 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:


124000 prophet

300 messanger

and mohamad , ( mohamad is a prophet and a messanger )

mohamad was the imam and all those people praied with him , in jerusalem and near aksa mosque exaclty

06:28:31 Aug 8th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"Let me show you what I think:"

man , adam gone earth , and he know that ther is god , we are all useless for god , we all need god but god don't need us , and we are a nation don't worship a god we creat as stones , greek and gyptians and norse did ,

example of gods fult ,

in 356 BC alexander the great was born , in the same year the gods temple was destroyed , after the death of alexander , the priests said ,

gods was taken care of alexander , and forgot the temple , that temple now lies in ruins , in turky , though it was one of the seven wonders

Isn't Alexander the Great about to attack my cities?...holy hell, no wonder he can't spell, he's over 2000 years old!


no man on earth die , and he don't know , no man , even you , now you heard of god ,

I have no idea what that said

the jews goes paradise before jesus come , when jesus come , only chrition go paradise , before mohamad , and now mohamad come only muslims go paradise , what you're saying is that Jews got around 1800 years of going to paradise, Christians got about 500 years, and muslims have had around 1500 years of going to paradise...something sounds a little unfair there...

do you think god only sended 25 prophet , god sended exaclty 124300 prophet to the word and he always give us a new start as noah did ,

Unfortunately, nobody listened to them...



chinese choosed a way of bodah , they go hell ,

The whole free will thing is starting to sound...well...not so free...


here in islam if you pray and treat well you go paradise , if you arn't a muslim , if you treat well , god say , treatment will be even to the prayers , if you treat well you go paradise too ,



first thing the almighty ask you : what is your god ?

you say , no body , and hell will be flaming near you bab ,

If God asked me who my God was, I think I would say God...

thank you and good bye

09:14:51 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

gaius many listened to them ,

and when god ask you , and you lied , one of your body parts will talk and say no , he is a lier , and when you tell that part , what did you done now , he will say , god make us speak

well , try with alex , he is a tuff man , but this is just a game


09:18:52 Aug 8th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I was saying, if the mysterious higher power asked me who I my God was himself...I would say God due to the fact that he is standing right in front of me and I really don't have a leg to stand on...and how the hell would by body parts say something that make sense, hell, my mouth can barely make sense!

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