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Kid burns classmate blames WOW
02:05:34 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

Yeah you heard me right. Chinese teen burned a kid with gasoline after losing a fight. He blames World of Warcraft.

Jack is going to have a field day over this.

02:15:33 Dec 24th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

wow....... thats just stupid

02:21:21 Dec 24th 07 - Lord Verll:


08:39:04 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Architect:

where the hell do these people get off?  I followed a link at the bottom where 2 teens killed a 7 year old girl while practicing mortal combat moves.  What are they thinking?  And how do they get off with such a light sentence.  The 2 that killed are being held on bail...  They killed a girl and now they can get out with 100k, I wouldn't let them out at all.  And the kid that lit another kid on fire.  What the hell.  It's a bunch of bull, "I got caught up in World of Warcraft".  Bullcrap!  8 years is a start, but for the rest of the other kids life, he will have to live with the scars.  The $100,000 that he was ordered to pay the family is nothing.  Wont even cover all the medical bills I'd suspect. 

This world is freaking messed up.  If you kill someone, you deserve to die.  If you light someone on fire, you deserve nothing less than being lit on fire and thrown in jail for life.  If I had kids and someone killed one of em, I wouldn't give a crap about the money, I'd want him dead, nothing less, life in prison does not cut it.  He took a life, his must be taken.

My Grandpa was killed by a drunk driver.  My Grandpa is dead.  You know what the drunk driver got as a sentence?  3 years in jail, but he got out on bail after 8 months.  What the hell.  He killed my Grandpa, and now he is out there somewhere enjoying himself, and my grandpa is still dead.  The maximum sentence allowed for killing someone with a vehicle while drunk is 36 months, or 3 years.  This is nothing.  Now I don't have a Grandpa.  I've lost out on time with him, anything I might have learned from him, and everything that a Grandpa gives to his Grandkids.  This stuff needs to change.

11:45:42 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

This world is freaking messed up.  If you kill someone, you deserve to die.  If you light someone on fire, you deserve nothing less than being lit on fire and thrown in jail for life.  If I had kids and someone killed one of em, I wouldn't give a crap about the money, I'd want him dead, nothing less, life in prison does not cut it.  He took a life, his must be taken.

Can't agree with this. There is nothing that can ever give you the right to end someone elses life without his/her permission. Why would you be better if you killed someone because he killed someone. (Then you are suddenly a murderer and a relative of the one you killed now has the right to kill you...) I know you don't think this way, but killing someone = killing someone.

11:51:08 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

You'd like Hong Kong's law system,
where you sentenced to death just for stealing...

Consider in russia it's much worse:
The 'defender' can get out of the case if he gets some 3000 signatures.

But on second thought:
what would you do if your son had set the other kid on fire?
or if he had killed that 7yr old girl with martial arts practice? Who knew he could kill with just a move?

11:57:16 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Yeah! Who knew that if you hit others it's possible to kill them.

12:20:59 Dec 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Capital punishment FTW.

13:36:02 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

Solution: Make blizzard restrict all thate guy's toons. Limit the best gears he can wear to pre-60 gears for the rest of his life.

15:26:07 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

this is just a really stupid thing to happen. put him in young offenders and get some sessions with a phycaitrist (that isnt spelt right but oh well).


15:31:37 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

has anyone ever heard about this secret hit that if done right it kills the person 3 days later not right then. Its suspose to be on your head theirs a vital point that if hit just right it will cause some swellin or somethin in your brain that will kill you 3 days later.

15:32:30 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

Sir Dead Oralive


12/24/2007 9:31:37 AM
has anyone ever heard about this secret hit that if done right it kills the person 3 days later not right then. Its suspose to be on your head theirs a vital point that if hit just right it will cause some swellin or somethin in your brain that will kill you 3 days later.


are u a r-tard?

15:32:31 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

edit: wtf double post....

15:37:12 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Vengence - You know there's a thing called Dictionary? Even google has one...

@XelNa*beep*eah... badass punishment!

@Fellatio - Did you know that if you turn your head too fast you can damage some nerves? Doing a massage to the neck the wrong way can damage the blood vessels?
There's tons of stupid ways to die that nobody ever expects...
And also, why was the kid taught moves that can lead to death? Was he warned about it?

15:38:47 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

A proper hit with a blackjack can cause that Dead Oralive...

15:46:59 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

@Fellatio - Did you know that if you turn your head too fast you can damage some nerves? Doing a massage to the neck the wrong way can damage the blood vessels?
There's tons of stupid ways to die that nobody ever expects...
And also, why was the kid taught moves that can lead to death? Was he warned about it?"

You have to be warned that if you hit somebody you can kill him? Last time I checked the hands don't come with warning labels that say you can damage somebody if you use them in combat.

That said there are many hits you can make that can kill somebody which body teaches you, I actually did something that scared the *beep* out of me when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I was fighting with somebody and I punched him to the side of his neck exactly where the blood vessels that feed the brain are, he went down like a rock, I really did think I killed him for a second. Lucky he only blacked out for a short while. So you really don't need anybody to teach out killing blows, they can just happen.

15:49:42 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

Lord of the morning, im 13, what do you expect, i cant be bothered looking!

15:50:47 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

Probably not.

What it says on the site about multi nationals paying because someone said a game drove them to the act, is jsut American insanity. Seriously, unless they really showed you how to kill and almost like made you do it. But this game (WoW) is being played my millions of people and how many commit a murder or set someone on for because of it? Same with that mortal combat, you can not sue a company for it. Thats jsut insane.

"This world is freaking messed up.  If you kill someone, you deserve to die.  If you light someone on fire, you deserve nothing less than being lit on fire and thrown in jail for life.  If I had kids and someone killed one of em, I wouldn't give a crap about the money, I'd want him dead, nothing less, life in prison does not cut it.  He took a life, his must be taken."

Mr. Gilth is totally right here, by killing someone because that person killed someone, you become like that person and deserve to be killed yourself.
Thats why theres a lawsystem.
And if you think punishes in America are a laugh, you really need to come to Holland. According to a poll, most Dutch people would punish 3 times worse than our judges do.
And sorry about your grandpa man :(


16:11:00 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

@Fellatio - "So you really don't need anybody to teach out killing blows, they can just happen."
That's one of my points... sh!t happens.

@Vengence - so how do you expect to learn anything? or you don't want to learn? you want to be dumb for the rest of your life?
I'm not saying reading the dictionary is a must, but if you don't know something, it's not hard to learn about it... wikipedia is there, google... get a google toolbar with spellcheck - it will help you lots.

17:14:46 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Sigheart The Hobo:

FYI If this is a middle class family in China then they make a make a tops of 6000 a year.

18:29:11 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Sorra:

Everyone is forgetting that he was not practicing genuine martial arts moves on the girl or that he was even a martial arts student. They were moves he learned from mortal combat game. And that has a clear warnings about using these moves in real life.

18:58:10 Dec 26th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

People have always been *beep*s... 100 years ago kids said "let's play guns!" and brought down their dad's hunting rifle, aimed it at their brother and pulled the trigger and killed them.

500 years ago I bet a good number of kids got killed by whacking each other on the head with a wooden sword.

It's just this feeling of seperation between reality and fiction that kids and *beep*s don't always understand.

20:45:02 Dec 26th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

ahhhh weird al's barney's on fire comes to mind. If your gonna burn someone its got to be barney! Then you can blame it on the Barney show because it was annoying and made you go insane.

23:11:02 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

The worst part (I think) about the burning incident is that the kid himself in all probability didn't come up with "warcraft made me do it" on his own. It was likely his parents or his lawyer who are trying to cash in on a trend of sometimes getting away with things based on accusing video games. It is so wrong, adults should not make lame excuses for young criminals and, obviously, lawyers are disgusting and crooked.

00:12:36 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Soc:

there is no excuse out there for burning another human. punishment is definitely in order.

16:35:13 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

the worst part of that site is those people in the comments section saying stupid things like:

scorch ftw!

-I bet he's really feeling the heat now!

-Ive heard of fiery tempers, but this is ridiculous

-I hope he has +5 Iron Underwear of Blocking

-Hopefully he doesn't just hire some 16 year old to go to complete the prison quest for him for 10 dollars a day

Did the victim drop any good loot?

The tank musta been AFK

Please. You don't pour gasoline and light a match in World of Warcraft. Your target doesn't burn, either (though they'll glow a bit if your specced right and you crit).

@Marty - Actually, if you have the fire talent "Ignite", your critical hits cause your target to burn for 4 seconds, taking 20% of the original hit's damage every 2 seconds.

@Marty - Ok, I see what you meant by "glow". However, the talent actually uses the word "burn" in its description.

He's not a mage.

He's a warlock. IMMOLATE!

Immolate tbh.

18:23:34 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

he lost, thats why he did it!

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