Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Knowledge

16:15:17 Apr 19th 22 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Do people know where VU players are from? Or at least time zone? Do people work on getting that information?

17:05:32 Apr 19th 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Putin Deez Nutz):

I've tried to live the worst possible lifestyle to be unpredictable, for all you know I could be from Australia, and I've got this thing all upside down.

21:35:44 Apr 19th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

What an amatuer^

Really dedicated players live on the moon where there are no time zones.

12:20:23 Apr 20th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Gold Prospector):

@DarkSpawn: I wouldn’t say necessarily know where people are from, but people absolutely figure out patterns and trends of activity and use that to their advantage. Even if you were from, say, Australia but work a night shift, that puts you at a few easy windows of access, and some windows you’ll be sleeping, etc. So location doesn’t matter, but you’ll have zones of consistent activity and zones of reduced, and that can be tracked and exploited :)

Not sure who would ever do that though… Some people with far too much time on their hands :P

12:36:33 Apr 20th 22 - Prince Chade:

ill give you all a hint where i live - there is a waterfall near my location

15:45:46 Apr 20th 22 - Mr. Ghost Face:

I guess people know where most active players are from, for example where is Pdc from?

12:53:50 Apr 21st 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

Mr. Ghost Face:

I guess people know where most active players are from, for example where is Pdc from?

Does it matter when you're on 24/7?

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