Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Ladies Only Kingdom

Ladies Only Kingdom
07:09:06 Apr 9th 10 - Ms. Afrodite:

I would like to start a "Ladies Only" kingdom. It would be awsome for the women of VU to work together to dom the men. Anyone else in?

07:11:31 Apr 9th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

i am :)!!

09:08:53 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Heroix:


09:38:25 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. News Network:

you spelt your name wrong.

10:29:09 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Willem Beunhaas:

there has never been a full ladies KD.. for some reason the same men allways pop up in those KD's... very very very strange. i will watch this one....

11:56:21 Apr 9th 10 - Princess Aisha:

It would actually be very cool if the ladies would unite in a Kd :)  There are at least 20 very good girl players in this game, and if united I am pretty sure that Kd would be in the top 3 in the game :) Though none of the ladies would want to leave their current Kingdoms to join a new one. Not to mention that half of the ladies cant stand the other half ^^

11:58:27 Apr 9th 10 - Endless Muggings:

lol Aisha, then it would have to be named cat fight :D

12:05:48 Apr 9th 10 - Princess Aisha:

The idea would not work because guys would be desperate to join in... they know there would be alot of naked mud wrestling and spanking :P

12:06:31 Apr 9th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

>_>  endless may be onto something there.... 

12:09:00 Apr 9th 10 - Sir Utopia Temple:

Its been done before...

12:11:19 Apr 9th 10 - Endless Muggings:

with real women?

12:14:38 Apr 9th 10 - Lord Woodys Flaming Ringpiece:

i am a women trapped in a mans body, if that counts??

12:15:54 Apr 9th 10 - Sir Bran:

can i join?

12:29:52 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

The name isn't neccesarily misspelled. The greek name is Αφροδίτη, which translated spelling differs from country to country. 

12:45:31 Apr 9th 10 - Ms. Niques The Brute Priestess:

Can I join in?

12:58:02 Apr 9th 10 - Clown Penguin Idontgiveasharp:

what if im a e-women? can i join?

13:45:57 Apr 9th 10 - Lord Woodys Flaming Ringpiece:

i like how me, bran and peng are being cyber-perverts, and this is in the middle:

Mr. Heimdall


11:29:52 Apr 9th 10 The name isn't neccesarily misspelled. The greek name is Αφροδίτη, which translated spelling differs from country to country.


19:35:58 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Path:

Next, someone will make an all white kingdom?  Maybe a swastika banner?


19:40:42 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Or maybe even an all losers kingdom!

Oh wait, that has been done already....

Next please!

19:41:48 Apr 9th 10 - Ms. Afrodite:

hahaha theres a big difference between an all ladies kingdom and an all white kingdom

19:46:37 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Path:

What is the difference? You are trying to make an exclusive kingdom based on genetics.

It would be different if you made a kingdom for people who are blind stamp collectors or something that involves personal choice or experiences.  And uhm, you aren't.

19:48:02 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:


19:57:50 Apr 9th 10 - Sir Burninglegion The Wise:

At first i didnt think she was serious.... are there any serious comments? besides tranvestites and lesbo shat


19:59:47 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Path:

I didn't reply last night when I first read this because I figured it was your multi and therefore not serious.  So, you bring up a good point.

20:21:08 Apr 9th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

The number of VU women and number of REAL women varies.  Most likely a bunch of guys with female tags will try to slip in because tbh, an all women's KD that actually is made up of 100% real women is probably not going to happen.  Someone will slip in and ruin it...

20:35:53 Apr 9th 10 - Sir Burninglegion The Wise:

shes my girlfriend, anyone in my kingdom will tell you she is since we all talk on facebook



aka a "real girl"

20:49:26 Apr 9th 10 - General Zondy:

i know of 3 women that place this game, that are REAL women, the rest are ify :p

20:56:06 Apr 9th 10 - Duke Kathandarion:

:O burning legion is gay :O lol jokes

21:00:27 Apr 9th 10 - Princess Aisha:

This was supposed to be a thread for laughs, but Path made it serious.

21:11:12 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Path:

Maybe your idea of serious, not mine.

21:12:35 Apr 9th 10 - Ms. Afrodite:

haha yeah it was just an idea lol...didnt really think it was going to happen

21:40:39 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Samual The Wise:

Princess Aisha


20:00:27 Apr 9th 10
This was supposed to be a thread for laughs, but Path made it serious.

A funny thread on VU, in 'In game politics'... I don't think that is going to happen...

21:50:13 Apr 9th 10 - Endless Muggings:

A serious thread on VU, in 'In game politics'... I don't think that is going to happen...

22:02:26 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Samual The Wise:

Well I guess your right there...

22:13:12 Apr 9th 10 - Mr. Pantheon Universe:

Good luck Ladies!

23:18:54 Apr 9th 10 - Sir Bran:

so i wont be allowed to join next era? :(

23:36:48 Apr 9th 10 - Endless Muggings:

your Cheryl Cole disguise didn't work :p

00:07:13 Apr 10th 10 - Sir Sorra:

So when's dinner ready?

00:10:59 Apr 10th 10 - Mr. Willem Beunhaas:

aka a "real girl"

a real girl? wow... you know real womenz..  o.0

*stares* gimmeh the womenz!!!!
i wish i knew real womenz.. :-(

00:45:51 Apr 10th 10 - Sir Bran:

lool this would be a perfect thread to start up some sexism, good htinking sorra.

probly best they were joking about this woman kingdom, could you imagine a woman leader?

00:48:00 Apr 10th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

There'd be a lot of sandwich making.

00:49:29 Apr 10th 10 - Sir Bran:

pfft are you kidding? 'you can make the sandwich yourself'. women are getting lazy nowadays

00:51:15 Apr 10th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Now here's an idea, what about a kingdom with a real man as the leader and all the others are women!

00:51:40 Apr 10th 10 - Endless Muggings:

pfft are you kidding you can buy the friggin sandwich :p

00:52:38 Apr 10th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Get it for me Endless!  ;)

Oh and I'd like some Canadian bacon on it

00:57:41 Apr 10th 10 - Endless Muggings:

arrrrrrrrrgh noooooooooooooooooo not you too :(

there is no such thing as Canadian bacon! you yanks it's peameal bacon or back bacon if you prefer 
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh :p

00:58:58 Apr 10th 10 - Sir Bran:

i dunno how theyd survive without a male leader, all those womens would be lost without someone to nag!

01:00:56 Apr 10th 10 - Endless Muggings:

a ha ha 

nagging is genetic so yeah we'd need at least one guy in there  
hard to find a woman you need to nag :p

01:01:42 Apr 10th 10 - Sir Bran:

let me get this straight, you are aware that you nag??

01:02:58 Apr 10th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

"The idea would not work because guys would be desperate to join in... they know there would be alot of naked mud wrestling and spanking :P"

Because 100% of the females that play games are worth looking at, and there are no repulsive females in the world, right?

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