Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Largest army

Largest army
00:21:56 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

Post how much it costs for your new army....

New Army

A new army will cost us 37100 gold. Your current army upkeep cost is 0 gold/day.
If you remove all men from the army, it will automatically disappear next turn.

Name of the army: (max 25 letters).



00:57:16 Jan 21st 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

That proves nothing of your troop amount, only how many armies you have out there.  If I *beep*med out a bunch of scouts I could pointlessly drive up my new army cost too :)

05:48:56 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

i dont have any scouts :-) all of them are armies with at least 3k upkeep

05:50:04 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Method:

Wow, your really good then!

06:05:41 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Random:

a new army will cost us 11000 gold. your current army upkeep cost is 0 gold/day.
if you remove all men from the army, it will automatically disappear next turn.

name of the army: (max 25 letters).



note: i just merged about 8 armies together, doesnt really show much
largest armies should be something like this.... and i have no scouts

ready: 1346
injured: 0
ready: 144232
injured: 0
ready: 54536
injured: 0
ready: 142519
injured: 0
ready: 0
injured: 0
peasants: 0

12:48:36 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

/me waits for scientist to post...

15:42:50 Jan 21st 08 - Sir Soc:

/me wonders how hanky knows about sci's scout :)

16:11:40 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

why would you train so many 'hammers'?  you like to pay a lot of upkeep? or you're pointwhoring?

16:27:39 Jan 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

For Defense...

17:46:02 Jan 21st 08 - Lord of The Dawn:

heck, with scout-*beep* I managed to get new armies cost at around 500k.
beat that ^^

17:50:24 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Vengence:

what a waste of money....

start of era scout, after that dont bother as much. you know your surroundings by this time, so there is NO point in getting tons of scouts when you know the sort of area you have and where your enemies are.

18:45:42 Jan 21st 08 - Lord of The Dawn:

well you can sitll do funny writings ^^
it was end-of era so some 20mil wouldn't change much..

19:16:12 Jan 21st 08 - Lord Scientist:

A new army will cost us 1041400 gold.

Beat that, and I have proof of the Abydos already know :P

20:57:29 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

@ Soc i know all  ;)

21:24:48 Jan 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

@ Hanky :  *Cough*Multi*Cough*

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