Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Libertate dead people

Libertate dead people
17:09:19 May 15th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Can i liberate cities of dead characters? Will he be revived?

Community halp me!

17:11:28 May 15th 15 - Mr. Cribhunter:

Nope. You can not.

17:12:01 May 15th 15 - Mr. Cribhunter:

And why would you want to? Usually better to just restart once you're dead, unless you've got tons of sciences.

18:45:07 May 15th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystal The Notso Active):

Just last era on GvE I was brought back from the dead when someone returned one of my cities, so yes, you can.

18:52:37 May 15th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Warrior):

yeah you can as long as he hasn't restarted.

00:35:55 May 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Doctor Shyers):

+1 binh

13:14:24 May 16th 15 - Lord Iceworks:

yeah you can as long as there is an option of return this city to "xxx"

17:33:37 May 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Doctor Shyers):

Triple x!! I didn't know my cities were erotic to begin with but I def wanna get them back that way if I got the option. Surely it would simulate pez growth

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