Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / MAD: Mongi and Aloysius

MAD: Mongi and Aloysius
07:10:16 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

These two players just hopped on the ruler's HoH.
some 12 hours ago they were nowhere to be seen, and now they are 3rd and 5th.

How the heck?
Feeding on deleted accounts?

07:26:36 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

hmm massive armies out of nowhere massive hoh jumps and jumps in kd power yeah they are playing totally legit *sarcasm*

07:39:20 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

12 hours? Less than 12.

08:16:47 Nov 26th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

Funny how Auspice makes a vanishing act when his allies feed yet he had no problems coming up with *beep* like this against Sun and Binh.

08:48:40 Nov 26th 07 - General Ezatious:

ffs just play normal how hard is that?

10:56:13 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Fluteboy:

mongi and Aloysius are some of the nicest and helpful guys on this game, if u would just play and stop trying 2 bag ur enemies then mayb u could get 2 be as nice and half decent as these 2

12:31:54 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Vanishing act? What are you talking about, some of us sleep. I pointed it out to Valarion who probably let you know

12:50:18 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Funny you guys should mention playing normal...abusing cross KD teleporting isn't.

13:29:57 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

Lord Carnage

11/26/2007 7:10:16 AMThese two players just hopped on the ruler's HoH.
some 12 hours ago they were nowhere to be seen, and now they are 3rd and 5th.

How the heck?
Feeding on deleted accounts?

now tell  me please lord how the hack can you feed on something that was deleted?:))))  
im telling u guys there was no multying and no feedig  on other  people.. . they played corectly form the star on i did not see no player geting out from the kingdomn and taking over their  citys .....

finaly mi conclusion is that you are just a bunch of low level players who can't play normaly, you    just have to   accus other s (who are beter then them ) of cheating  .....

13:33:45 Nov 26th 07 - General Ezatious:

low level players ey ? lo

13:36:59 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

im not saing that im good at least i don't accuse nobody of cheating .....

14:06:36 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Cyber, the thing is, MAD has been cheating. So there isn't any false "accusations", the proof is in the deletion logs.

 If you hadn't been cheating, a fair number of MAD players wouldn't of been deleted (as per usual) for running multiple accounts.

Or how else did you guys get 900k catas between 2 players in a short amount of time?

Or now, how else did you get two to jump up the hoh from nowhere?

This isn't the rambling of "low level players who can't play normally". Everybody, even your own allies, recognise MAD have been cheating on unparrelled levels this round.

14:12:38 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

< sarcasm>
Yes I totally agree Cyber, only low level players can get on HoH and complain (just look, that stupid Lord Carnage is there! as well as others!)...
< /sarcasm>

Where did I accuse anyone of cheating? Point me to it please.
I've asked HOW.
Since it's not an easy thing to do, and if they are friendly, they will share their secret.

Awaiting replies from Mongi and Aloysiu

14:50:31 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

wahts the big thing whit 400k catas?? its around 250-300 M gold thats a week   or two of gold gethering and whit  stg its even less.. so whats the cheating here???

14:52:45 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

Mad's INCREDIBLE growth rate

We at carnage monitor everyone everywhere, always.
We have thus spotted the incredible growth of MAD during the past few days

Take a look at this(all are % based on our kingdom, and no, we have not "fallen" in the whole era... ):
18/11 (just a random date) till 22/11: 26% with 15 players
24/11: 19% and 11 players. This is when the multies got deleted
25/11 at 12 AM: 18% and 11 players.
25/11 at 10 PM: 23% and 11 players
26/11 at 2PM(NOW): 30% and 11 players

They grew around 12 % in less than a day. That's pretty badass.
How did you guys manage?

14:59:28 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

Catas cost 5k when you have under 14k land and no armories. You're likely to have 50k land or so, and the prices are about the same.
400k * 5k = 2000 k*k = 2'000'000 k = 2'000 Mil
With a 1mil/day it's 83 days.
With 50mil (an average StG'er income) it's 40 days. 960 ticks.
Possible, but only if you buy LOTS and LOTS of stone. And do good StG'ing.

I'm selling around 200mil stone a day. 95% of it is bought by Vladimir[PHI] or Sun[DB].
Only once has a MAD guy bought around 10mil stone. ONCE!

15:01:47 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

yeah but deleting a player  =  deleting all his  citys man... you schuld know that...

i thinck i  know how they did this . .but i wont tell you:P i will try myself to get in top HOH until era ends: p

15:15:41 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Sun:

u know how to do it to get on to HoH? if anyone can get to top HoH so easily, why hasn't anybody done it yet? Gotta be some unorthodoxed *ingenius* strategy.

15:19:37 Nov 26th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Heh, soory Cyber, but alot us here have been around in Fant probably for alot longer than you, probably alot longer than all those in MAD, so when we point out this jump on the HoH, then that means its something we dont really see happen.

Usually by this time in the era, those you see on the hoh will usually stay there, excepting of course wars and what have you.

So when you see someone who wasnt on the hoh at all jump to the #3 spot, thats a pretty big bone hanging out there for everyone to notice. Imo, cannot happen legitimately, if it can, then mad has apparently stumbled upon a sure-fre way to win each era <sarcasm>

15:22:24 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

Cyber, that doesn't explain how they got 400k catas (but we know it's feeding), how they got on HoH in just 10 hours(outta nowhere! and not 9th, 7th or something.. but 3rd and 6th!!!

15:44:15 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

wahts this feeding man?? you all talk about it but i have no idea what it means....

16:17:48 Nov 26th 07 - Sir Iamthekingofallbugs:

it means creating accounts put em in your kingdom then build up a nice mine wait a while and thne you kick him from the kd and steal all his resources and do it over and over again or..

the innerkingdom feeding, make a multi or get someone who wants to feed.
Then build alot of 90k  cities.. prepare on them and take all of them within a few ticks and train troops in the meanwhile.. thats the only way its possible...

And im not doing it, ive been on HoH from start period till now..

And if it was about troops im sure i wouldnt be #10 but higher ^^

17:02:19 Nov 26th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Zeta should check this out. If any abuses of bugs have been made. A ban is at order. Enough with this MAD kingdom and their cheating and abusing!

17:18:21 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

yeah then tell me who were the one s who were kiked out in the last days to take their citys??:) now thats a good question isn't it?:)

17:42:07 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Then tell me how did they jump to top hoh out of no where?

18:13:44 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

now thats a secret:)

18:40:11 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

cyber face it you cant jump from off the hoh to 3rd in under 12 hours while everyone else is still alive without doing something very dodgy

18:54:18 Nov 26th 07 - General Ezatious:

*agrees with osiris*

So stop avoiding the issue with silly comments. Clearly something is up...

20:04:59 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Carnage:

Your accounts are now under investigation.

If you confess, you will not be banned, only deleted.


20:44:46 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Lol feeding has never been a deletable offense, let alone bannable. Only really severe abuse ever leads to deletion (troop or building hack from nothing, or glitching troops around the map)

21:18:22 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Sun:

so did mongi and aloyius suddenly get fed within less than 12 hrs span to reach onto the HoH? that 12 hr span is too short..... could this be a multiple 90k mine take over in the 12 hr span? or some kinda of scripting to get building out of no where, or troops.... i know they are good at scripting walls...

22:43:11 Nov 26th 07 - Duke Epyon:


Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Sir Iamthekingofallbugs as leader.

[PHI] Phi Factor
With Mr. Mavich as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Moe Lester as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Ms. Quietone as leader.

[FF] Freedom Fighter
With Sir Scientist as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeeper
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[BoW] Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Mr. Durza II as leader.

[THSP] The Honourable Side of PEacekeepers
With Ms. Galadriel as leader.

[Preds] Predators
With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

Mr. Lenard
Member of: Phi Factor.

Duke Epyon
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Ixo The Storm Wizard
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Mongi
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Lord Carnage
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Aloysius
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Kibayaki Sena
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Roxbury
Member of: Legacy.

Dark Lord Osiris
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

06:12:48 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Sir Iamthekingofallbugs as leader.

[PHI] Phi Factor
With Mr. Mavich as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Moe Lester as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Ms. Quietone as leader.

[FF] Freedom Fighter
With Sir Scientist as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeeper
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[BoW] Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Mr. Durza II as leader.

[THSP] The Honourable Side of PEacekeepers
With Ms. Galadriel as leader.

[Preds] Predators
With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

Member of: Not a member of a kingdom

Mr. Ixo The Storm Wizard
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Kibayaki Sena
Member of: Phi Factor.

Mr. Mongi
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Lord Carnage
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Aloysius
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Jinchuuriki
Member of: Phi Factor.

Sir Dionysus
Member of: Carnage.

Sir Iamthekingofallbugs
Member of: Carnage.

06:18:35 Nov 27th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

Where's&nb*beep*od when you need em?

06:34:00 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

"Where's&nb*beep*od when you need em?"


13:09:43 Nov 27th 07 - Duke Epyon:

ok how in the hell did Devi's post not get deleted yet?? o_O

13:37:09 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Could be plunderfeeding...

16:07:12 Nov 27th 07 - Lady Lacewing:


I wrote "where is a mod when you need one?"

23:55:11 Nov 27th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

Somebody probably saved up money and they plundered. Or they saved up money and temporarily landdropped to get cheap troops.


Who knows -.-

06:41:35 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

  • Notice how either Aloysius or Mongi did not post in here.
  • Notice that Cyber Assasin tries to defend them, but is unable to give any facts to prove either of them didn't get fed.
  • Notice the coincidence, a few days ago massive armies appeared out of nothing, now they've got HoH players appearing out of nothing.
  • MAD doesn't already have the reputation as a honest kingdom, ie. their multies who get deleted each era.
  • Notice Ridikuluz knows the hax aswell, as he popped up on the HoH suddenly aswell, while he's supposed to be on Mantrax.

10:28:04 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

Notice that Cyber Assasin tries to defend them, but is unable to give any facts to prove either of them didn't get fed.
yeah but somebody give me any facts taht they were  fed .. lets see tose facts then maby i can give some facts to...

14:56:59 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Sun:

the fact that MAD has the "best" players in the world, able to jump from no where onto TOP HOH armies and TOP HOH players is enough to say EITHER of the two below:

1. Every other vets in lgc/db/phi/carnage sux, they dunno how to use their big mines when already on top HoH.

2. Its impossible to jump onto HOH just like that, hence MAD cheats.

which of it is it?

17:06:59 Nov 28th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Sir Iamthekingofallbugs as leader.

[PHI] Phi Factor
With Mr. Mavich as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Moe Lester as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Ms. Quietone as leader.

[FF] Freedom Fighter
With Sir Scientist as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeeper
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[BoW] Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Mr. Durza II as leader.

[THSP] The Honourable Side of PEacekeepers
With Ms. Galadriel as leader.

[Preds] Predators
With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

Lady Lacewing
Member of: Carnage.

Member of: Cereals United.

Mr. Kibayaki Sena
Member of: Phi Factor.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Carnage
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Mongi
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Aloysius
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Jinchuuriki
Member of: Phi Factor.

Dark Lord Osiris
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Gothrim
Member of: Phi Factor.

You were kidding about Ridikuluz, right Spoonie?

21:59:48 Nov 29th 07 - Duke Epyon:

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Sir Iamthekingofallbugs as leader.

[PHI] Phi Factor
With Mr. Mavich as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Duke Epyon as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Ms. Quietone as leader.

[FF] Freedom Fighter
With Sir Scientist as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeeper
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[MAD] Mad Against Drugs
With Mr. Aloysius as leader.

[BoW] Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Mr. Durza II as leader.

[THSP] The Honourable Side of PEacekeepers
With Ms. Galadriel as leader.

[Preds] Predators
With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

Lady Lacewing
Member of: Carnage.

Duke Epyon
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Roxbury
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Carnage
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Mongi
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Aloysius
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Gilth
Member of: Music.

Dark Lord Osiris
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Gothrim
Member of: Phi Factor.

14:34:28 Dec 1st 07 - Lord Carnage:

... is Aloysius being uber-fed to get n.1 place?
he's n.2 right now O_O

03:38:02 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Most likely, although some of the HoH players have lost armies in battles. I can see on my map that Aloysius has a lot of land, probably as much as most other HoH players. Of course land could be fed the end it's up to Zeta to judge.

04:55:16 Dec 2nd 07 - Lord Guderian:

Not many people can jump five spots in 24 hours at this stage in the game. It sounds quite questionable to me...

05:40:11 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

 4 HoHers all losing Gigantic(must be if Aloysius was able to jump that many spots) armies in the last 24 hours seems questionable to say the least.

15:43:46 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

just thought id say
we kindo got the same situation on mantrax with "gracielo"

who hopped to 2nd hoh from no where and also ended up with over 550k catas and 600k mu's approx
plus another army with 250k catas and 300k mu's (which we hit twice)
yet he still manages yet another hoh army

we suspect he is Strawberry from mad :P
are they all cheating or it as new tactic we dont know of lol

19:22:58 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

if this isnt cheating then humans are seriously over powered
it was figured that we would have to train 100-120 nazzies per tick form day one just to keep up with gracielo :P aka* strawberry but we got no evidence yet :S

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