Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Mantrax map VOTE

Mantrax map VOTE
10:10:36 May 15th 12 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Due to a bug the map didn't update, so you get 24 hours to vote for a new map or keep the current one.

(Click on the link to see the map. Hold down Ctrl to open in a new tab/window)

  • Keep current map and size: 9 (5%)
  • Use same map (shatteredworlds) but make it smaller: 4 (2%)
  • vuQ: 46 (28%)
  • karta3: 7 (4%)
  • desert: 71 (43%)
  • karta6: 8 (5%)
  • mogrox: 6 (4%)
  • manxmap: 15 (9%)

10:18:22 May 15th 12 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

And if you want to have a completely new map, just open up paint/gimp and go for it ;) It needs to be 2500x2500px and repeatable.

10:38:36 May 15th 12 - Mr. Lokken:

Will settle countdown get extended when a map is picked or do we need to be on @ T-.39 to move to a good spot?


15:37:31 May 15th 12 - Dragon (Sir Darth Vader Dragons):

I think Zeta will have to reset the count down when he replaces the map.

16:30:54 May 15th 12 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Ballroom Dancer):

vote freedom, vote desert

17:55:10 May 15th 12 - Mithras (Mr. Alban):

people voting for desert:

you do realise that is only one tile not the entire map? its not just a big bowl with nowhere to block, its that as one tile. So actually you can seal an area with ease using just two blockers, which makes it way too defensible and very boring

18:25:33 May 15th 12 - Duke Drakos The Third:

I vote for Manxmap...

The dessert world looks like the one we had 4-5 years ago. It is easily blocked and Boring.

18:53:08 May 15th 12 - Wolf (Mr. Gentleman):

vu Q or karta 3 look to be the best maps without the use of walls. You have to remember, most of these maps had great walls.... and they really needed them. Compared to the current map, there is a lot of great open spaces that's damn hard to defend without great walls.

I voted for karta 3 since it looks more challenging, but vu Q is more popular. O, and NO DESERT. >_<*

19:06:44 May 15th 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kobi Wan):

allready played Karta 3 map, its a nice map with many defendable areas, but it has it glitches

19:10:53 May 15th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

thats the problem most of these maps are glitchy or need GWs, it was a nice idea in theory but zeta has gone through the lazy option of just reusing old maps

19:32:28 May 15th 12 - Osiris the new guy (Mr. Henry Hoover):


I VOTE ZETACA.. was my first ever map :D and as i remember the secret passages through mountains we haz advantage ^^


19:38:11 May 15th 12 - Mr. Chris Cole:

Karta3 <3

20:41:19 May 15th 12 - Xerxes (Mr. Xerxis The Depraved):

Karta 3

22:57:31 May 15th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Black Dragon):

how about this map.... a modified desert map.

23:15:58 May 15th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

holy shit, yes to that map ^^

23:19:57 May 15th 12 - Mr. Devi:

it does look pretty good. Rox and I are going to make a modern one with mexicans, pot fields and all the fun stuff. 

23:29:29 May 15th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Dragon Star):

My wife made the map for me... she is awesome.

23:34:29 May 15th 12 - Mithras (Prince Mithras of Arunun):

looks cool, but its got a couple of weird bits...theres a section at the top which either is totally inaccessible or only has one very small entrance. Would be good once things like that are ironed out though

23:59:46 May 15th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Dragon Star):

ok I think I fixed the accessibility issue.

00:10:57 May 16th 12 - Mr. Hot Rod:


00:59:11 May 16th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Son of Odin):

Here is another modified map as well.  A lot of people liked the manxmap so I modified it so that it is more defensible.  Hope you like it.

02:49:57 May 16th 12 - Mr. Thick Rooster:

The classic desert map is the best for Mantrax in my opinion. A truly exciting death match style map. Nowhere to run, just non stop action.

Desert will also let you guys have fun with the late game food problem that is present with the current scaling income system h4h4

08:03:02 May 16th 12 - Dragon (Junior Guildmaster Dragon):

Looks like it is going to be the desert map after all.

hopefully Zeta will like the maps I made/modified and they can go into the map collection for the next time.

14:36:56 May 16th 12 - Emperor Palpatine:

none of us can land on manta, it says we have a character in this world. Which we don't. please fix the bug.

16:08:03 May 16th 12 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

It worked when I tried...

16:54:25 May 16th 12 - Endless (Lady Tank Grrrl):

it says I landed but I don't see an army, is it cloaked or does it look like sand? :D

18:11:35 May 16th 12 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Ballroom Dancer):


20:20:20 May 16th 12 - Sir Phantom of Chaos:

Have all the bugs been fixed on desert map ?..

20:30:06 May 16th 12 - Endless (Lady Tank Grrrl):

perhaps, I can finally see my army :)

20:32:09 May 16th 12 - Zond (Lord Pachyglossal Proreption):

well, seems some mant players joined my nirvana kd. this will be fun.

i am thinking, 2 characters in the kd. one from each world. why have 2 kds, when you can have one.

19:31:09 May 18th 12 - Mr. Garret Jax:

For all those that said Desert looked good, thinking it was the modified one, SURPRISE!!..... HAHAHA   wrong other words, Map sux. Painfully funny. :D

22:02:39 May 18th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus The Deserter):

I can't help but think that I contributed to some of these designs....

23:44:57 May 18th 12 - heroix (Mr. Unicorn The Rapist):

Is shatteredworlds yours?

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