Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Merhaba

18:04:24 Aug 17th 13 - Mr. Confused:

Merhaba VU

Yardim edebilir misiniz?
stirling mi Ibne?
Swifty bok ye!

evet ben bu oyunu en iyisiyim
siktir git hepiniz özellikle fordius

18:29:33 Aug 17th 13 - King Charley Deallus:

Hi there, you must be confused.  Anyone looking for Stirling, Fordius, or Swifty must be confused.



19:08:44 Aug 17th 13 - Arkantos (Mr. Orcus):


19:28:37 Aug 17th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

proably osiris. only he could make a post so shit

21:24:42 Aug 17th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

"Hello VU

Can you help?
Is stirling gay?
Swifty eat sh*t!

yes I am the best in this game
f*ck all of you, especially fordius"

I guess he doesn't know about google translator.

23:07:58 Aug 17th 13 - Mr. Confused:

Yes because the whole point of the post was that on one would ever know what it said ^^

02:06:35 Aug 18th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

Ah sorry, didn't realize you had a point to make with this thread, my bad.

12:50:35 Aug 18th 13 - Stirlin (Prince Stirling):

there was once a time when i would be proud to be associated with fordiass and swifty, but now all i see is them tarnishing my reputation.

ps. Osi i preferred when you was AWOL

14:02:36 Aug 18th 13 - Mr. Recycle Binh:

its turkish from babelfish.

14:03:09 Aug 18th 13 - Mr. Recycle Binh:

i know (O.o)

15:45:11 Aug 18th 13 - Mr. Confused:

"there was once a time when i would be proud to be associated with fordiass and swifty, but now all i see is them tarnishing my reputation."

you have a reputation? :D

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