Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Middle of the Era (Asystole)

Middle of the Era (Asystole)
11:32:16 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Carnage:

We're now a bit after the mid-era day...
Current date: 11/11/2007 11:29:18 AM (VU Day 647, 631 days left)

What has happend so far?
Zeon got killed, Preds lost territories, BoW is getting slaughtered..
There's a stalemate between PHI,MAD and LGC,DB,FF...

and pretty much nothing else...

Will the phi-lgc stalemate end before the era?
place your bets!

11:33:55 Nov 11th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i bet everyone bows before the might of pks?

11:35:08 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

The current game (era) will last for 26.2 more day(s) (630h).

so whats this about?

12:48:59 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Argyle:

I bet some people in carnage (you know who you are) will revolt and slaughter carnage from the inside, while phi comes taking over all carnage cities.

lgc-db will then try to eat phi but fail due to lack of potatoes.

also, BoW will most probably try to take advantage of the inner kd revolution in carnage, and survive to be killed by lgc-db!

Im just guessing here...I might be wrong it's a 50/50 chance!

16:40:52 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Carnage:

omfgwtf O_O

16:48:05 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Aben V:

Lol, Havoc revolt ?

Pred may stand a chance !!

But i think that Db/Lgc will begin to get the upper hand on Mad/Phi only to end up being attacked from the west by Havoc after they kill Pred.

17:25:22 Nov 11th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

@Argyle: I knew it!!! I kne wyou had been planting sleeper cells in our kingdom!!!

<begins to get paranoid...well...more paranoid than usual>

Thanks man, now I am going to be walking around the Carnage clubhouse constantly looking over my shoulder...

Now how do you expect me to enjoy our happy naked fun time each week??

17:31:11 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Aben V:

You have happy naked fun time ?

I thought only Phi did the stuff !!

17:34:47 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Seloc:

No even Legacy and Zeon have happy naked fun times, but they call them something else.....Diplomatic relations I think they call it.

06:55:59 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

I think! Once Music gets on Fantasia, we'll pwn everybody! We'll start with Havoc, our big (really big.. you have huge penises!) friends!
Then we'll own the rankings. With some old Spaghetti explorage power we'll manage to get the top 10 rankings in our hands, and we'll own anybody in farming!
It's possible that we'll be beating up alliances like Phi/Mad, Legacy/DB/FF aswell.


07:01:38 Nov 12th 07 - Duke Epyon:

09:09:36 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Architect:

09:30:46 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

12:24:59 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

So funny. This goes to show allying is only wrong if it means your on the short end of it. And once again, we've got the moral high ground!

18:35:48 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Might:

Whats that supposed to mean Messiah? Are you taking advantage of Predators?

18:39:11 Nov 12th 07 - Lord Seloc:

x = 5!

18:41:51 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Sun:

wrong, 5! is 5 factorial!!!!

18:52:50 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

pythagorus theram :)

i think its spelt like that

23:00:48 Nov 12th 07 - Lord Carnage:

5! = 15
x = 5?

not funny... stupidity is nothing to be proud of mate.
Pythagorean Theorem.

23:17:29 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Guess who's test that is?

03:54:40 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Not mine. I value intelligence and good grades; whoever answered those questions like that was obviously an inconsiderate jerk. The poor teacher must have wasted his or her time reading and grading this garbage that some wise-ass punk thought was actually funny. I, personally, am saddened by the fact that such stupid, arrogant people can be found everywhere.

jk :)

04:06:53 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Techniclly he answered the question right.... it did say to expand.

05:43:15 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Hehehe.......I've always wanted to do that kind of stuff, but I care too much about my grade to do that. Is that you, someone you know, or just some random person?

12:52:10 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Ignorentia:

memories of joy  .. :-)

17:12:17 Nov 13th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Lol I wanna try that soooo much!

18:47:25 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Binh:


18:54:02 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Sun:

How did we go so off topic....

20:22:54 Nov 13th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I don't know?

Now for a harsh reminder I rule and will make you all my sex slaves for next era!!

20:44:49 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Might:

Alright Seloc do I get to keep my freedom this era atleast?

21:21:37 Nov 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

@ Atriedes It's my friend, were both straight A students so something like this won't affect our grades so we do it for fun. It's probably why were considered the class clowns.

22:03:29 Nov 13th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Yes might you may keep your freedom for this era, but next.....Definatly not!
Sigheart were's your's?

06:33:24 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

I'm so going to try this out sometimes! But all my tests are in Dutch so.. =(

09:13:41 Nov 14th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Do it to an english test 0.o

09:40:47 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

But what can you possibly think of what is funny to put on an English test?!

11:42:41 Nov 14th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

This "peter" person is a peter....


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