Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Most and Least Common Partners

Most and Least Common Partners
05:18:22 Jun 24th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Fynnio):

With respect to kingdom-mates:

Which players do you think you've played the most eras with?

Probably JD, Hamish is up there too

Who are the 'longer toothed'  players that you have played with the LEAST or not at all?

I don't think I've played with Bihn ever, but honestly I don't even know who some of the names are playing right now... just can't keep track anymore. Never played with Bogdon either

06:25:28 Jun 24th 21 - Mr. Kool:

I’d say Kobs jlt and jill.. we have played in tonnes of kds together and still going now…

10:43:55 Jun 24th 21 - Mr. Buttseks:

Cao though doubt he plays much now.

Horus quite a bit.
JLT on occasions.
Few times with Binh.
Endless quite a lot.
Jill on a few occasions.
Peng when he doesn't get banned.
Ody, but like Cao doubt he around much anymore.

11:36:53 Jun 24th 21 - Lady Jasmina:

I've been around for so long, been part of all sorts of different teams

What I remember the furthest probably is Zondervan
Still remember him as my best VU friend to this day, one hell of a guy

I was part of Rebith group, Gokken, Chade and others 
Turned into Guild of the Fallen later, same people I think
Later on I guess I was part of the Cao Cao, Bling, Edi group
Always was with them

Never was in same team with FW people, always sad cause I never experienced being in same kingdom with Elsin, Rox, Binh and the rest of the untouchables
I was in same Kd with Penguin, Bogdan for maybe 1 era... would enjoy more

13:18:41 Jun 24th 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

Drifted between groups a lot, hard to put my finger on any I played with most. I played solo mostly in my younger vu days. Maybe Caedus, Water Bender + Glad over last 3-4 years

Never really played with a lot of the MAD, Berserker (1 era lol) and Bling/Jas group. Not too big a fan of big kds so always seem to be on the other side of the battlefield lol (getting rekt haha)

16:13:49 Jun 24th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Nifzab):

horus,cao and zonder. for most time played

played with binh once.

as for any one else i have prolly lost to them all at least once

18:19:04 Jun 24th 21 - Endless (Lady Star Gazer):

TBL, Bling, Stormy, Chade (and Slade) and Polydeuces probably the most

Binh, Barney, Bogdan, Elsin, Pengy, Wilber (anybody heard from him lately?), Kobu,  Max, Drakos , Horus , Aloy, a few times, stopping now or I’ll have to name everyone except new peoples 

least probably Bran and Lew

everyone possibly once or twice  , although I don’t think I ever played with “The Quiet One”?

19:03:00 Jun 24th 21 - HorusPanic (Mr. Beezi):

i'm so dense for the longest time I though Quietone was pronounced Kwi-tone

19:37:44 Jun 24th 21 - Endless (Ms. Tyranny):

I just thought Rolling Stones reference 😆 

19:43:44 Jun 24th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Nifzab):

oh and Erythnul of RoC is prolly the player have had the most eras with

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