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Most fearsome rulers
02:04:20 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. Meatball:

Just wondering how I'm above this guy...he has more kills more battles won and the same number of cities taken. I knew it was unbalanced, but never seen something like this before :P usually its been when cities taken has been to heavily favoured or something

Mr. Meatball
has won 10 battles, captured 14 cities and killed a total of 43757 men and women.
Mr. Errorriden
has won 11 battles, captured 14 cities and killed a total of 45339 men and women.

04:32:44 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

I'm not sure how the formulas are set but maybe one of the things they take into account are the troop strength or quality of the units killed
(ie Knight worth more than a soldier)

although I could be very wrong, anyone verify?


22:56:04 Aug 19th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

Battles fought w' 5000 OP/DP are the ones that counts, the MFR is unbalanced and glitched.

23:46:54 Aug 19th 10 - Mr. Meatball:

I know that, but if you win a battle with less than that then it doesn't come up as a won battle. thats why you sometimes have people with more cities taken over than battles won, so this doesn't explain why I was ahead of him (he has since overtaken me)

23:23:39 Aug 20th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Imissshmeh:

Is it not like battle won % or something it goes by after cities?

22:49:13 Aug 21st 10 - VU Admin:

Lost battles also in the formula.

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