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NASA To Bomb The Moon
01:54:26 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Arvious IX:

This Friday, NASA will spend billions of dollars (that the US doesn't even have) to bomb one of the moon's craters to find out of water is on the moon.  Go ahead, Google it or something.

I just want to know what VU thinks about this.

MY VIEW - What the hell!?  Why bomb the moon, of all places?  So what if water is there!?  I'd rather spending $30,000 to bring water there than blow it up to see if water might exist there!

02:01:19 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

I believe its plausible. Even if they dont find water they will be able to get deeper rock samples to figure out exactly how it got there. If it was originally an astroid, or if it parted from the earth during our Semi Solid phase of creation, etc.

There is much unknown about the moon, and i feel that the only thing that research can come to on it is taking us close to understanding how it was created.

02:02:08 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

they better go easy on the amplitude of the explosion though. No resistance in space can turn into disaster.

03:34:52 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

nukes away gives us something to use them on that doesn't involve killing ourselves in the end......oh wait that's still possible hmmmmm well screw it human curiosity always wins!!!!!!!

05:18:04 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

nukes are to high powered. They're talking about confined precision explosions. A nuke would likely knock the moon away or send it spiraling into earth.

just a guess though

06:50:35 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Thor:

Lol, a small collision will not knock the moon out of the gravitational orbit around Earth. Let's stear clear of the doomsday scenarios.

07:09:40 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

I always said their was something odd bout it... always changing shapes and stuff.. I say nuke it so ET knows we means bizness when he brings his buddies around to take over earth. Nuke it

15:40:43 Oct 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

All they are using is an old craft, high speed collision. It will send about a 6 mile plume of dust off the south side of the moon.

The moon has almost a million of those same type impacts every year from just asteroids, nothing bad will come from this, except the waste of more of my damn tax money :S

21:39:01 Oct 9th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

i think this whole thing seems kinda cool! and to add to it, it's using US tax payers dollars, potentially decreasing the USD value so i pay cheaper prices on things up here in Canada, it's Win-Win ;)

22:19:24 Oct 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Damn Canadians ;P Then again, I'm from Maine, so I'm basically Canadian lol.

23:00:34 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Rofl, Hurray for being a few miles south of Canada! Go Washington! :P

Darn Canada with their bacon! It's just ham!

23:05:58 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

well wolflord taxes can only go higher!

23:13:31 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

"I believe its plausible. Even if they dont find water they will be able to get deeper rock samples to figure out exactly how it got there. If it was originally an astroid, or if it parted from the earth during our Semi Solid phase of creation, etc.

There is much unknown about the moon, and i feel that the only thing that research can come to on it is taking us close to understanding how it was created."

what is a few billion dollars for research to see if there is a tiny sample of H2O when the U.S is barried in over $9,000,000,000,000 dollars in debt :)

i say screw our economy in the name of science!

23:16:06 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

its more than 9 trillion....

23:27:48 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Personally I feel the impact of the explosion if this was to actully happen could change tidal patterns due to the fact that the moon controls our tides, also the moon has no water it is already a proven fact, the moon is like a spounge exept it doesnt soak up water, its full of craters and holes so if the ever the was water it would have just drifted out into space or be puled down by the earths gravitym and to do with the moon once being a astroid, it is the debris of a planet what millions of years ago crashed into earth causing the other planet to break up but yet the earth did not take a huge impacts, and the debris of the other broken plant joined up with there own gravity creating the moon, well that is one of the theorys anyway, but my conclusion is I do not feel they would launch a nuke into the moon when they can simply if they wanted to see if there was ice they could just send a satelite round the moon and scan for ice, so i know I said there couldnt be water, but its so cold up there I guess there might be ice but the chances of that and NASA not knowing are like 1 in 10000+

00:04:08 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Congrats for knowing that... If it changed the tidal patterns it would change by like 1/100000000000^10000000000000. NASA has hundreds of really intelligent people who have thought about all this, they wouldn't do it if there was a possibility of a disastrous event. I doubt it is that much of a waste.

00:15:39 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Mr. Master Mind...that is why i said over 9 trillion in debt.

just a waste of several billion dollars that the U.S. does not have, Mr. Arthur Dent :p

00:18:11 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Exactly how much do you think it costs us to send an old/retired satellite into the moon? o.O  

00:20:40 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Arthur Dent


23:04:08 Oct 9th 09
Congrats for knowing that... If it changed the tidal patterns it would change by like 1/100000000000^10000000000000. NASA has hundreds of really intelligent people who have thought about all this, they wouldn't do it if there was a possibility of a disastrous event. I doubt it is that much of a waste.


Well its funny no one had the inteligents to post it here then before I had to you were talking about the moon being a asteroid...

Mr. Uther Pendragon


01:01:19 Oct 9th 09
I believe its plausible. Even if they dont find water they will be able to get deeper rock samples to figure out exactly how it got there. If it was originally an astroid, or if it parted from the earth during our Semi Solid phase of creation, etc.

There is much unknown about the moon, and i feel that the only thing that research can come to on it is taking us close to understanding how it was created.

00:49:02 Oct 10th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

this was in the APOD a few days ago :)

01:05:13 Oct 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

pffftt.. why stop at the moon, really? 3, 2, 1, buuuungyyyyyy!!!

01:17:10 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Jungleboogie:

why bomb the moon when you can bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran


01:22:18 Oct 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

yeay effin ayyy lets DO it!!!! WW3 go go go!!! Imma sit here in norway and cheer u on! Ill side when the winner is announced ;)

01:34:15 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

SUT IT... you'll be taken over by germany when they rebuild their empire, FOR THE FATHERLAND.. and when that day comes I will move back to Germany and begin what Bismarck never finished!

01:40:32 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

hehe, Norway is as neutral as Sotomayor...wait bad example XD

01:56:58 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:


02:10:56 Oct 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

no to everything.... we're tourists... we backpack in sudan.

*end of discussion*

02:15:34 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

consider discussion ended i guess. shoot guys! party's over! ya gotta all leave :/

02:18:07 Oct 10th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

*Stands by the door and waits for everyone to leave...or else!* >:D

02:19:38 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Pssst...I think Norway has oil :o

02:23:58 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

nah, Canada does! (it actually does, honestly go look at it)

02:31:33 Oct 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:



 .. no no SHHH!! all we got is taxes ;)

02:34:08 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

I think at least every country has some amount of oil. Heck! If Ralph Nadar (He has ran in one too many elections. Bless his heart!) and his crew didn't have such a big voice in the United States Federal Government, we would not be in the tight spot of paying overly hiked up prices for petroleum. Drill Baby Drill (in Alaska) Disco Inferno!

Did you know that 99.99% of the environment is virtually unbreached in the state of Alaska when oil fields are established? and of that .01%...some wild life actually co-exist within the oil plants.

02:41:03 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

me needs to be shot. i prob sound like a drunken fool :p

03:06:39 Oct 10th 09 - Duchess Orioles:

I find it interesting how people are saying this is a waste of money.  What does it take to encourage people to explore new lands?  A cold war?  A huge profit potential?

A lot of world-changing technologies and discoveries were established by people going "this probably won't do anything and will cost me money, but what the hell, I might learn something useful from it that will help further on down the road."

03:16:28 Oct 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

*me thinks to her self.... ok so u  guys dont want to vote for Obama, but u want him to blow up the moon*

Reassuring! thumbs up!

*seeks cover*

03:17:57 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Well Duchess Orioles, we have some pesky "green"s out there. And yes that is not a derogatory term for environmental activists! They call themselves "Green."

One thing, if one where to say that exploring the depths of Alaska to discover oil is a waste of money, they would be completely wrong.

1) it is already common knowledge that there is vast amount of oil in Alaska so no need to spend money in research to know where it is located
2) the oil industry will be making untold amount of money with this new gateway of fuel. in essence, the more oil there is, the less us Americans have to pay per gallon (or liter for you non-Americans out there :p). it is the supply and demand principle.

06:40:05 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

I like how you included the Metrics...

well actually im a Physics major so other than MPH and Cooking in use Metrics..

When it comes to schematics and calculations i typically use the metric system. English can be very annoying sometimes.

07:18:57 Oct 10th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

metric FTW! :)

08:27:46 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


10:28:00 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

amen to yo my friend for saying this

Duchess Orioles


20:06:39 Oct 9th 09
I find it interesting how people are saying this is a waste of money.  What does it take to encourage people to explore new lands?  A cold war?  A huge profit potential?

A lot of world-changing technologies and discoveries were established by people going "this probably won't do anything and will cost me money, but what the hell, I might learn something useful from it that will help further on down the road."

im glad that others see it this way

10:47:53 Oct 10th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

So am I Kronos.

12:31:27 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. William The Vendingmachine:

i'd would be better if they did some research that could help humanity... spending more money on colonizing space then finding water on the moon...

13:54:37 Oct 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Mr. Kronos


14:28:00 Oct 10th 09

amen to yo my friend for saying this

Duchess Orioles


20:06:39 Oct 9th 09
I find it interesting how people are saying this is a waste of money.  What does it take to encourage people to explore new lands?  A cold war?  A huge profit potential?

A lot of world-changing technologies and discoveries were established by people going "this probably won't do anything and will cost me money, but what the hell, I might learn something useful from it that will help further on down the road."

im glad that others see it this way


^^ By all means, pack your shit, go to the moon, and tell me how it ends......

13:57:49 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

only a matter of time before the moon retaliates now

05:22:46 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Samual: "Well its funny no one had the inteligents to post it here then before I had to you were talking about the moon being a asteroid..."


wait what? I'm sorry I tried but I don't know what you were trying to say.

05:26:25 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

^^ By all means, pack your shit, go to the moon, and tell me how it ends......

ah how ignorant some people are to scientific advancement it makes me almost sad

05:31:30 Oct 11th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

so a blown up moon... thats gonna be super great for tides and such...?

Are we gonna have like super tsunamies now???


05:33:02 Oct 11th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Mr. The Beast


07:57:49 Oct 10th 09 only a matter of time before the moon retaliates now

*waves to the man on the moon and points towards Moscow*

05:34:41 Oct 11th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft: on the moon???? I thought he left O.O... .he must be old..

*waves just incase and points at US*

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