Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / New Era Updates IV

New Era Updates IV
06:57:33 Sep 1st 08 - Duke Argyle:

There has been few updates this era:

  • Smaller rulers in the new player worlds can now be attacked if they have the gates closed.
  • Guardtower defence changed from 5 to 6 points.
  • Kingdom leaders and vices can send the same message to all in the kingdom.

More updates not related to gameplay might be implemented during the era.

I would like to thank for theese updates, only good ones this time :D

08:03:03 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

I bet it was because I sp@mmed the forums with the topics!

These are the best updates yet !

08:07:09 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Kingdom leaders and vices can send the same message to all in the kingdom.

I haven't found that option thought :p...I still sent every message manually to everyone this morning :(

08:08:02 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Ghost:

The button is on the side of the persons name ur sending it to. Just click on it and uve got it =P

09:27:15 Sep 1st 08 - Mr. Wicked Witch of The West:

Kingdom leaders and vices can send the same message to all in the kingdom

GJ Zeta

10:01:12 Sep 1st 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

yeah that was fair smart

02:20:00 Sep 2nd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Is it so hard to use proper english? "I haven't found that option thought" it is though, not thought, "yeah that was fair smart" fair? Did you mean fairly??

Seriously -_- ...

14:26:46 Sep 3rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Not everyone speaks english as well as the natives...

19:05:10 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Peter is from Austalia, isn't he? They speak English well enough there. As for the 't' though, it was simply a typo, I'd imagine. What's wrong with fair smart? I'd imagine there's quite a few dialects that use that(I'm not saying it's right, it should clearly be an adjective, but I've seen far worse on the forums not reprimanded).

19:21:20 Sep 3rd 08 - Ms. Living Dead Girl:

 Don't be a spelling nazi , get over yourself . some people are busy multi tasking other project's wile quickly responding in forums .  Some people type in haste and do not give a rat's @$$ if they typed everything correct . I have a Friend that can type around 90 wpm and is an incredble speller but even he sound like a down sysdrom kid on crack in some of his posts when he is in a hurry .

19:43:30 Sep 3rd 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Updates are great, but as you can see in the Bugs section, many of us cant send the KD messages... Hope that will be fixed...

21:05:30 Sep 3rd 08 - Lord Verll:

I 'm just wondering if those 2 above really are girls...

EDIT: Possibly the 3 too when I think of it..

21:11:33 Sep 3rd 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

lol @ Verll...not this kind of thing again >_>

04:51:32 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

personally (excluding the mass message thing) i think the improvements could have been better. they are better than past "improvements" these are nuetral or slightly better where as in the aspt they usually suck. could wish for some better ones tho

08:37:53 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

Mr. Killer


9/4/2008 4:05:10 AMPeter is from Austalia, isn't he? They speak English well enough there. As for the 't' though, it was simply a typo, I'd imagine. What's wrong with fair smart? I'd imagine there's quite a few dialects that use that(I'm not saying it's right, it should clearly be an adjective, but I've seen far worse on the forums not reprimanded).

yes i am from Australia, but i am also a high school drop out.
i have an alcohol problem and cant control it so yeah you would figure my "grammar" wouldnt be perfect

08:57:25 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

I dont want to hear you laugh story... I mean Life story..

12:01:12 Sep 11th 08 - Lord Random:

Its how we all talk in big old oz ayeeeeee.

get used to it mate :)

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