Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / New map variables

New map variables
17:07:44 Jul 27th 13 - Mr. Getoffmycity:

Hello people, I just wanted to say the maps are a little, uh... Same. So why don't we have new features? Like a hell map, with lava and a Hostile-to-everyone NPC called demons? Or how about natural floods, that destroys cities near water? Or drought? Which halves all farm production? These are a few ideas, hopefully you have some more, and even more hopefully, zeta will see this!

01:01:01 Jul 28th 13 - Jondy (Beast Lord Jangsta Suu):

I got drunk one night and came up with a human vs dragons map.

not sure how it would work especially with too many dragons bugging the map but....

soldiers would have ropes

archers would be archers

knights would have spears for poking. :)

not sure about magic spells

instead of catapults, ballistas

I might still be drunk.....who knows

10:21:06 Jul 29th 13 - Mr. Hellosmarttoownneverever:

Give it 24 hours and you'll realise you are dreaming, too drunk after that last Friday.

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