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No offence
00:38:31 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

No offence amariacns but this wa sjust to funny to pass up.


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01:02:47 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:


15:56:24 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Seth:

OMFG...are those ppl brainwashed?
If Bush wants to invade any country he only has to say the freedom of US is at risk and everyone supports him...well prolly most dont even know what is a democracy.... but it should be something good right?:))
The ignorance(to not say smthing else) of the americans is proportional with their ego:P 

16:29:33 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Erm, this is without doubt the wierdest thing I've ev, well the THE wierdest, but on of them

btw, I'm American

17:18:37 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

how many side dya think a triangle has XD, we all knew the yanks were a few bananas short of a fruit salad but omg!

18:05:20 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

'i never knew korea was so big ...' *pointing at australia ...*

18:15:46 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I could get people even more stupid in Europe. They are just pointing out the dum people why deliberatly ignoring the smarter people.

18:38:33 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Yes, a triangle has 3 sides.


18:48:36 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

That was hilarious. I'd seriously doubt anyone is that stupid though... You couldn't get people that are stupider in Europe, that would be impossible...

20:40:16 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

Ofcourse they take the most stupid answers, but it is funny.

20:43:15 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Like america is that stupid.

name a country starting with a U:




I really don't know

How about the united states of america


20:47:50 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Digger:

This is from a popular aussie TV show. Ironic thing is that many of my fellow australians are as dumb as the Americans shown in this clip.

21:03:56 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Mr. Digger


3/15/2008 3:47:50 PM
This is from a popular aussie TV show. Ironic thing is that many of my fellow australians are as dumb as the Americans shown in this clip.



Shut up..... a trinagle has 4 sides.

21:10:19 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Yes but luckily for us Australia isn't a hyper power with an army of retards for citizens blindly following their president because they can't think for them selves.

Perfect example was when that guy was asked of that country was a threat to the US, he said no because they don't have enough power to defend themselves, but he would still support military action against them.....?

That would be like saying LGC or ABY is justified in killing some *beep*y valhalla KD...

Oh well... what can yo do about it :P

21:25:52 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

So much anti american *beep* out there these days because we invaded iraq. Ya guys were so sorry for stoping a mass murder for you guys. Guess its just our egos of wanting to stop someone from massacring people. Contiune with your flmaeing amercia and its allies for trying to help make the whole world a better place guess us and our allies just got huge egos.

21:37:09 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Oh, I will flmae America :)

It's not 'all' to do with the Iraq war, no clue why you think it's 'just' the Iraq thing that people are pissed with America for....

but.. I'll stop talking now :)

21:46:45 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

oh then tell me what else pisses you off about america? Us trying to help the out the people getting massarcerd in africa too? Or mabye all the work we put into protecting the planet from the dangers of space?

21:47:45 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

Mr. Ffhheero


3/15/2008 8:25:52 PM
So much anti american *beep* out there these days because we invaded iraq. Ya guys were so sorry for stoping a mass murder for you guys. Guess its just our egos of wanting to stop someone from massacring people. Contiune with your flmaeing amercia and its allies for trying to help make the whole world a better place guess us and our allies just got huge egos.
 aye america has definately made the world a better place, i mean its not as if america has ever massacered anything......................................and for the benifit of the americans that was sarcasm :P

21:49:13 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

So i guess helping stop the nazis from taking over the world was nothing? Or greatly helping europe rebuild after ww2 and keeping them safe from the reds?

21:54:14 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

or dropping 2 nuclear bombs on two japanese cities with no warning display or giving your new terrorist "threats" weapons in the first place, dont mention WW2 dude it doesnt reflect well on the old US uv A

21:58:53 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

So dropping 2 nukes saving millions more of lifes that the invasion would had casued is bad? They decied to keep on fighting after the first so we had to drop a 2nd. And the weapons? I guess you never heard of Charile. He was sent to help fight the reds outa the middle east. We made the mistake of not helping rebuild afghanstain and aren't making it again in Iraq.

21:59:26 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

or that you are the worlds most polluting country... you sell millions of weapons to terrorist regimes... killing hundreds of thousands of innocent middle east families... constantly killing your own and allied troops....

Shall I go on...?

22:01:42 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

Ya i'd like you to stop spewing bs outa your mouth for once and get some facts to back it up Sqiddy. Also we are making many new ways of energy and China is making coal facotires and lots of em. So *beep* with your bs without facts.

22:07:27 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

you "had" to drop a 2nd? dude they were crippled after the first it could have been resolved by more conventional weaopns without the massive collateral damage that take out the innocent japanese citezins, but hey i guess you think that as long as it aint an american dying its all good.

A huge reason the americans are so disliked is this arrogance. You believe your the absolute authority on earth with absolutely no flaws. Take me, im from scotland, we are the fattest in europe and we constantly obsess after independance, i can admit all our flaws. why cant you admit any?

22:11:03 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

Every nation has flaws i'd just like you to put some real ones. Not bs like we invaded iraq for oil. and btw it doenst matter how crippled the japs were they wanted to fight on. Even after they were going to surrender there army tryid to stop the governemt from doing it. Also they had weapons being made that would had caused millions of death if we invaded. So once again *beep* know the history be4 you talk the *beep*.

22:21:15 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

lol look at the American getting all testy because someone is challenging his government warped education.

You know America started the war between them and Japan, also ignored dozens of warnings from other countries that they were going to attack Pearl Harbour.

Let me guess though, this makes your country look bad so you are going to cry and scream because of course you are right and we are wrong?

22:23:14 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

testy? Nah ju*beep*nny as hell you think i got this info from school. I watch the history channel all the time, but i guess you think thats a warped channel too hell mabye we didnt even win ww2 and they are tricking us according to you?

22:24:15 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

oh and ofc the files and reports from the japs telling about how the army tried to stop it too must be a lie.

22:45:42 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

So you believe everything you see on TV? Let me guess you use hollywood films as historical references? :P

22:54:26 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

Let me guess you get your info. of america of your tv? Let me guess you think the war in iraq is going bad becuase the media tells you it is? Last time I checked the media shows what will get it the most rateing not the most truth.

23:17:41 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

That's interesting, I haven't told you how I feel about the war in Iraq.

I happen to agree with it, just not the way that America goes about it.

23:27:43 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

And how is that? The wars been over. It was over in the first few days. What is going on now is rebuilding and training there secuirty forces. I dont see your governemt putting as many troops or supplies to help rebuild them as we are. Also most of the bobmers come from the nations around iraq. We should be at war with all of them inculding N. Korea and helping all the people in Africa thats the only thing I dont think were doing enought about.

23:39:49 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

They need to invade...

Russia,China,Indonesia,Brazil and Canada cause there all a threat to world security.

Lol that made me laugh.


Anyways to talk serious....Amarica FUCI<ed up the middle east theres no denying that.

Second...Droping 2 nukes on japan was not necessary. Yes even if they were creating more wepones that would have caused millions more lives, you cannot tell me the Short and Long term effects of the Nukes that are still apparemt today would have been less of an evil then the millions of americans and japs that would have died on both sides and would have been a relatively short term evil.


Last but no least Iraq....Amarica as i saked befor fucI<ed up the middle east. They should have never went in because they dident have a plan that a 2yr old toddler with down syndrome who only writes "i like Pie" by sticking a purpal caryon up is A-hole couldent have drew up.

This was probably there plan.

Invade Iraq---------) ? -------- )Happiness

23:41:06 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

lol the reason so many countries pulled out of iraq is because thay dont WANT us their the war has destroyed their lives but the americans are so arrogant they think they are bestowing some great honour by staying put

23:47:03 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ffhheero:

Wow still on the nuke topic.... a little under 200,000  dead is better then millions dead. Plus i didnt see any of the other allied nation saying we shouldnt nuke em. Be happy it only took 2 and not more. No plan? Is that why they(iraq) lost the war in like what a week? Dont really need  a plan more of then rebuidling and training troops to deffend there nation. Doesnt work that well tho when you got guys blowing themesleves up killing kids and women for there religion now does it? Also Bandito just because things are hard doenst mean you give up, guess thats why your not doing that well. If people gave up when things looked bad we wouldnt have the light bulb or planes now would we? So baseically to sum up the mass of words theres a difference between being arrogant and wanting to help people.

23:54:09 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

how did we give up? we went in and won the war alongside you and we tried to help it was rejected, we completed the original object. You cannot force yourslef upon someone with the false idea that "mr bush knows best"

23:59:32 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

America invaded Iraq for "weapons of mass destruction"(oil). They were the guys that killed most of the guys there. I don't see why should other countries put as much money into building it up again. And, America didn't have to bomb Japan at all(I really don't get why people say we when it was done before they were born, or they had nothing to do with it, like fans of sport teams...). What weapons were they making? Only the Americans knew how to make nuclear bombs then(Were they even nuclear? They were atomic, weren't they?). Also, your not funny because someone thinks you got your info from school , that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And America is producing (much) more energy then they should be in comparison to other countries, even to China. So what if they're making other ways of getting energy? So do other countries. There's loads about already, and it's mostly concerned people that are trying to do something about it, not many governments. It shouldn't really be that difficult for governments to provide other sources of energy, just needs a bit of space and time, they just want the money out of oil, oh, and look, there's America getting oil cheap from Iraq... The reason America isn't helping people in Africa is they'd get no benefits from it, most of the precious stones and stuff isn't there any more, but there is oil in Iraq. I'm not saying other governments aren't corrupt, I'd be highly surprised if you could point one out to me without any flaws, but America has quite a few. Maybe not the worst, but the most powerful.

00:02:52 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

And also, how the hell did this come from a slight mockery of Americans to this. That was just making fun of a few Americans, no nation on Earth has people ALL as stupid as that(America having more than usual though... A joke, a joke, no need to huff and puff over it).

00:15:43 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Amarica *beep*ed up the middle east. They stick there nose in where it doesnt belong. Not all the time, but most of the time and by ffar more then any other country. Sometimes, i know it's hard to understand america, but people dont want your help. They'll takecare of it on there own. Because if asking for your help means getting there houses and family blow to bits, then thnak you very much america, but it's ok.


Do not forget it was the U.S that GAVE Sddam the very chemical and biological wepones to use against Iran that they wanted to destroy when he said he dident like the U.S no more. (because amarican lives worth more then iranian lives.) Thats the reason they invented some Sifi theory about him haveing some mobal Nuke producing trucks or some BS like that. They also said that he did not destroy all the wepones the U.S gave him to use against Iran, When infact he did destroy them all and dident have that Star Wars age mobal nuke producer.

Who knows, maby Star-Wars was based on a true story...just like that guy in the video said. Then again...he also said that he thinks there are about 10 Ifal towers in Paris. So dont hold your breth.


An appropriate title is "The empire Strikes back" mabe? But then again, there was nothing to strike back at saddam for. How about "Gods Fist"? Naw, i doubt that would be an appropriate title of what there doing. What about "The Final Solution"? Ahh that seems to be about right.

00:27:46 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Mr. Sorra

3/15/2008 7:15:43 PM

An appropriate title is "The empire Strikes back" mabe? But then again, there was nothing to strike back at saddam for. How about "Gods Fist"? Naw, i doubt that would be an appropriate title of what there doing. What about "The Final Solution"? Ahh that seems to be about right.

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That last part was not my choice.--Watch new video

Some more stupied ideas here.


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00:50:22 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Engel Van Dood:

Amarica *beep*ed up the middle east.

They call us dumb and he cant even spell America correctly and how old are most of you people(probably not even through 3rd grade from your history mistakes and baised opinions made into fake facts) because i've studied a lot of history and most of the so called facts your spewing out are not right and are twisted by your whatever you were taught.
Yes im from American and I learned all my history from WORLD HISTORY BOOKS not America's history books they only talk about America and i like all history not just one countries.

Oh and where do most people go to get a higher education after high school most of the time??? Oh thats right AMERICA'S COLLEGES don't be calling us dumb when most of your smart people were taught a higher education by AMERICA(keyword MOST for those that want to flame).

01:00:14 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Hey, there's no way I'd ever go to an American College. You pay thousands of dollars when in Malta it's FREE for the same standard.

So there are alternatives to American Colleges.

And btw, we had a politician who studies at Harvard and was literally the biggest *beep* in Malta. His proposals have been implemented for years now, he refused to answer ANY questions and he said the opposition have 'something wrong in their DNA' and 'he university students are low-lifes. Besides this, he *beep*ed up the Maltese economy in just 22 MONTHS after supposedly graduating from Harvard with an Economics degree.

I just want to make a point that even some of the best American Universities don't teach their students very well and have complete tards.

01:06:00 Mar 16th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

They call us dumb and he cant even spell America correctly and how old are most of you people(probably not even through 3rd grade from your history mistakes and baised opinions made into fake facts) because i've studied a lot of history and most of the so called facts your spewing out are not right and are twisted by your whatever you were taught.
Yes im from American and I learned all my history from WORLD HISTORY BOOKS not America's history books they only talk about America and i like all history not just one countries.

Oh and where do most people go to get a higher education after high school most of the time??? Oh thats right AMERICA'S COLLEGES don't be calling us dumb when most of your smart people were taught a higher education by AMERICA(keyword MOST for those that want to flame).

So this is the higher education in America... lol ^^

01:29:44 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Engel Van Dood:

Geneva i haven't even left high school yet and I'm smarter than most of these *beep*s spewing nonsense about history(I have a tendency to look up a lot of history and read about it from actually liable sources that are trustworthy aka Government websites.) :) so no that isn't higher education. I am going to college but I'm thinking about the army then college or college then army choices choices :(
Oh and English sucks(I hate it a lot) Japanese sounds so much cooler

01:36:13 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Engel Van Dood:

Oh how'd this get so far off topic?? lol must say that video is funny though that map wasnt even right anyone with knowledge could tell those countries werent in the right spot.

01:37:29 Mar 16th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

i dont get why ppl insult spellin cuz most of the time its written inna rush so quit nit pikkin ebgel, so why dont you actually point out the flaws and debate them instead of (in your words) actin like a "3rd grader" and shouting "nope your wrong im right thats all there is to it"

01:43:26 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Plato:

lol, I'm sure this was a comedy thing, we aren't that stupid

2 + 2 = 5

01:44:58 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Engel Van Dood:

i thought 2+2 was 1.212434235446546462

02:22:41 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Jones:

That was a funny video Sorra... although I think it would have been better if it wasn't edited so much (e.g. actually show the same person answer multiple questions in a row without cutting to someone else)

02:23:08 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

A Triangle has 4 Sides


Thats says it all for "Higher Education"

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