Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / OBAMA 08

05:03:09 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

he won baby

05:06:17 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

HUGE surprise...............not.

Also this is IN-GAME politics, not real-world politics

05:51:13 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Resistance:

OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06:40:55 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Acerf:


07:22:57 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Manwe:


byebye world! byebye USA!!! welcome SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA! welcome to the destruction of our world as we know it!

07:27:30 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:

Long live the new king of the world!

07:32:43 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

Mr. Manwe


11/5/2008 9:22:57 AM


byebye world! byebye USA!!! welcome SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA! welcome to the destruction of our world as we know it!


07:35:24 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

no offense to obama, i'm sure he's a nice guy, but he will destroy our country!

07:38:46 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

Ya obama Is a redneck and a warmon...

07:47:47 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Millenium:


08:00:04 Nov 5th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Black man

White house


08:14:20 Nov 5th 08 - Lord Random:

they like the contrast in the U.S.

09:17:27 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

you *beep*s who voted for him will soon relize your mistake....

09:25:40 Nov 5th 08 - Prince Corothius:

gah..maybe the racism will die down considerably since the confeds and yankees era...

10:00:03 Nov 5th 08 - Duke Maltorv:

Lol, I love the Republican wails of despair, the moaning of lambs taught to view the world in such black and white... with McCain's campaigns so focused on fear and lies, how could anyone have ever trusted him to be a good president?

10:01:44 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:


10:05:14 Nov 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

People could at least act like adults instead of insulting everyone else...argue with some dignity at least...

10:21:58 Nov 5th 08 - Duke Maltorv:

I'll agree if everyone else does :)

Obama isn't president yet.  There's still a few more months of Bush.  People should give Obama a chance.  Many people said they'd leave the country if Bush was re-elected.  Well, they stuck around and didn't.  I ask that dissapointed McCain fans give the same grace and respect to the soon-to-be 44th president of the US.

10:54:16 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

You fgts got served Barack style!

PS: Good job America, it seems reason and logic isn't completely dead over there, you made the first good choice since the Bush cluster*beep* began.

11:32:05 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

lol ;)

well..In the end it doesnt really matter ;p..

It's like..well lets say McCain(u spell like that?:S) won...he's kinda old..he could've died a natural dead during his term..that would put Sarah Palin as president (For a short while).. I mean..she doesn't know that much about being president I think ;p

and..well..Obama won..and now there is a big change that he'll get murdered coz he isn't white :p.. and if that happens u'll have that old guy Biden...which brings u back to the same thing as McCain ;p..

and well..McCain lied..and Obama lied :P..Though I know less about Obame then Mccain i think :p.. I mean..Obama ays he was born in Hawaii (didn't he?).. and well..his grandma (i think it was her)..anyway..She says She was with Obama's mum when Obama got born..but That grandma never left Kenia..:p..

Anyway, Next to that I wonder how Obama got all his money.., It is a fact that two of those large banks that went broke gave LARGE donations to obama's campaign days before they went broke..

And well, I mean..He says change..ya..I know he's gonna bring change..but how?

12:06:37 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Samual:

but hes the first black president the world is doomed with all his power hell crush the world due to america being republic he now has lots of power so i wonder how hell use it

12:17:24 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

the best thing to happen to this country in the past 8 years... to bad it wasnt hilary though



go barack!!

13:27:45 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Gallyon: mummy says Nimrod was the first black dicatator..and Obama will be the last :)

14:03:00 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Areand The Destroyer:

i wonder how long it will take before some rasse does a plan of killing him

14:19:58 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Samual:

bobs on the job XD

15:23:52 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Mingan:

Great, now U.S.A. will become just like France. Everybody loves France.

15:53:16 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Spoon:

I don't get the extreme difference between Democrats and Republicans. Both parties try to do best to the country they can. If the party I support loses elections here, I'm not really bothered by it, aslong as the government will do good.

I see comments of Pro-McCains everywhere that Obama will destroy the nation, or atleast *beep* up pretty good, while half of you doesn't even know what he wants to change. I guess, and hope, that your opinions will change the next 4 years, aslong as Obama does what he promises, he will do way better than Bush.

16:40:56 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Sir Gallyon


11/5/2008 11:32:05 AM
lol ;)

well..In the end it doesnt really matter ;p..

It's like..well lets say McCain(u spell like that?:S) won...he's kinda old..he could've died a natural dead during his term..that would put Sarah Palin as president (For a short while).. I mean..she doesn't know that much about being president I think ;p


Queue in the Sarah Palin Tomb Raider action figure.

16:45:06 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:


16:51:40 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Kayn:

I just find it funny seeing little children making opinions on issues they don't understand. Making statements based on race shows how little they know.

And to make a statement saying:
byebye world! byebye USA!!! welcome SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT OF AMERICA! welcome to the destruction of our world as we know it!

Bush didn't even have half the intellect of Obama, so the only reason you would say something like that is most likely cause you're too influenced by what your redneck mommy and daddy think... which again is all based on the colour of his skin and not his accomplishments.

16:59:43 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

Good job America, it seems reason and logic isn't completely dead over there, you made the first good choice since the Bush cluster*beep* began.

we'll see....   many presidents have made promises, few have followed through...

17:20:01 Nov 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

lol Cobra made me laugh...yeah I will give Obama a chance...

17:22:02 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

Obama 08 Biden 09

17:23:31 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Raxbury:

Lol Abama was discribed as ethnically challenged :)

17:26:22 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

Lord Charley Deallus


11/5/2008 11:20:01 AM
lol Cobra made me laugh...yeah I will give Obama a chance...
i wont

17:50:25 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Ya... This guy my parents know was eating at a restaurant and their waiter was wearing an obama pin on his shirt and once the bill was paid and everything, he told the waiter, "I see that you are an obama supporter, so I figured I'd spread the wealth and gave your tip to the homeless guy out front."


19:57:12 Nov 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Obama wont die. anyone who takes a shot at him is stupid. A. the govt will come down on the white supremecy movements (KKK etc) like a ton of bricks B. the last thing they want to do is make him into luther king part 2 amd C. you think the race riots were bad before? think about what would happen if the first black president was killed for being black.. say hello mass riots and probably a lot of reprisal murders

20:00:03 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

I hope he lives long enough, i expect some retard to shoot him.

20:05:46 Nov 5th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

It's scary how many people are actually considering that the assassination of an American president is a real possibility.

20:25:27 Nov 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

yeah its not like shooting the president is easy. especially not for some hyped up angry hick who is probably going to stand on a hill in clear daylight.

20:59:10 Nov 5th 08 - Sir Spoon:

Shoon: Have fun sitting back and doing nothing the next 8 years. You had your 8 years, now it's the turn for the Democrats to be happy again! :D

21:58:51 Nov 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Waits for CNN to put up a poll for the likelyhood that Obama will be assassinated*

I don't like Obama...but assassinating him would cause huge problems...I am just gonna wait and see what he does...better than whining about it because it is not like he will be unelected immediately...

17:14:56 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

logic?america just reached its limits
2x bush was all it can hande anyways.
they war'red as much as they could. without ppl going all hippy or something like in vietnam

18:01:27 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Des:

Spread the wealth!   Yeah take money from the rich who worked(usualy) to get up there and give it to the crackheads!!! Go communism!!!

TAX the big companys big time!   Lets see, income tax of 40% and an income tax of 5% in isreal and ireland... Hello ireland, here we come!

Bankrupt the coal companys!!! Bad for the enviorment, not like coal supplies 70% of our electricity or anything. Thought $200 electricity bill was bad? bring on that $800 electricity bill!

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama. The world is looking. We're going to have an international crisis ... to test the mettle of this guy. I guarantee you it's gonna happen." Biden

Future news "Russia moves missiles to polish border and goergian border."  "Isbula attacks american embassys, US pays 15 million and asks them to stop" "Syria lob missles into isreal, isreal to retaliat." Afganistan invades pakistan, india invades afganistan in retaliation" "Economic depression as bad as the 1930s."

The only hope for the US nation is Barack Hussein Obama II must be assasinated before he is sworn into office on January 20, 2009.

19:14:10 Nov 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

"The only hope for the US nation is Barack Hussein Obama II must be assasinated before he is sworn into office on January 20, 2009."

......whaaat? That would cause so many problems it wouldn't even be funny.  I don't like Obama at all but killing him is a double edged sword.

20:03:36 Nov 6th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

lol ;)
I do not like obama..but i don't like the other candidates either..and i don't like bush at all.. and ya there's a big possibility they will try to assasinate Obama..

during his campaign they tried to assasinate him twice..though it failed both would've been better if he got shot during his campaign though ;P.. (not that I like all the killing and stuff)... but if u kill him now that would create lots of riots I think..

21:08:41 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Des:

Section 3 of the 20th Amendment:

Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

The plan to kill him is out. Everyone(U.S. Citizens), contact your local represenative of the senate and tell them to filabuster the hell out of the next 4 years.

21:53:14 Nov 6th 08 - Duke Maltorv:

"The only hope for the US nation is Barack Hussein Obama II must be assasinated before he is sworn into office on January 20, 2009."

If America were to be entirely filled with people like you, we wouldn't deserve a single thing our founding fathers ever intended, and America should be destroyed.

22:15:14 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

Well Obama says he wants to change the bill of rights so uhh how is Obama protecting what our founding fathers set up? (hes either been recorded saying this or has been on camera saying it. do some research yourself and you'll eventually find it, though who knows how good Obama's campaign has covered that up : /................. )


Also I want my dam money back from social sercurity. LET ME figure out  how to be prepared for retirement. It isn't the governments job to do that for me. I have a brain, and think for myself. I don't elect them to take care of me, but to protect my rights, my property, to keep the order, and to protect my country. Nothing more, nothing less....

22:18:16 Nov 6th 08 - Sir Bohica:

But Braniac! The Dumb Masses of America want their mommy-state government to take care of all that stuff for them. Unfortunately there's more of them than there are of you.

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