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Obama Nobel peace prize
23:13:47 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:


He hasn't done anything concrete yet, but blab with that mouth of his making promises here and there. If anything we should have a president who tells us the turth... remember guantanamo it may not even close by janurary has Obama promised (and the White House acknowledged that they might not be able too, so it ain't something i pulled outta no where)

Obama's promises: 0

Obama's failures: 1


23:16:06 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Drunkoldman:

Obama IS a failure. if there was one thing I could choose to be ashamed about america it'd be him at the moment.

23:17:43 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

usually, you get the nobel prize like 20 years after a medical breakthru.. I have no idea why they would give it to Obama at this point. I mean, he has a great vision and is really trying.. but I dont see him pushing thru any of his goals at the moment. Way too soon imo.

23:20:35 Oct 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Yup, another sign of the apocalypse lol. I'm gonna start saying all wars should end, someone want to nominate me?

23:38:32 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

No way, Obama deserved it, now you either agree with us or we attack you!

23:54:56 Oct 9th 09 - The Architect:

Obama may not have earned the Nobel Peace Prize in my eyes as of yet, but there are absolutely no grounds for calling the man a failure.

He assumed office about 9 and a half MONTHS ago, and because of not being able to reverse 8 YEARS of bad policy in a fraction of that time you call him a failure? If that's you're line of thinking you are extremely mis-informed and I am sorry for you and your family, present and future.

23:59:26 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

um, might I remind you all who else won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Mikhail Gorbachev... rofl

The Nobel Prize means absolutely nothing at all. Nothing. Zilch. I don't care who wins it, doesn't make them better in any way. Just makes them more popular, rofl.

00:00:07 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Jimmy Carter also won it and he was 100% failure.

Edit: I'll be generous...only like 95% failure.

00:01:47 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

The Architect


17:54:56 Oct 9th 09 Obama may not have earned the Nobel Peace Prize in my eyes as of yet, but there are absolutely no grounds for calling the man a failure.

He assumed office about 9 and a half MONTHS ago, and because of not being able to reverse 8 YEARS of bad policy in a fraction of that time you call him a failure? If that's you're line of thinking you are extremely mis-informed and I am sorry for you and your family, present and future.

Twas a lot more than 8 years of bad politics :P  If you think Bush started all of the bad stuff fo rour nation, you are extremely mis-informed and I am sorry for you and your family, present and future.

00:07:00 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

Mahatma Gandhi ftw

00:16:43 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Burninglegion:

Wow i never knew how stupid VU players are, to even consider Obama has failed you have to be a racist moron. Im sorry watch some speeches and listen to what he says because he acually beleives in what he says. If anyone could turn this country around it will be him

00:20:25 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

I really believe I should be a billionaire too :P  I gave a good speech to the gas attendant as I baught my lottery ticket and I was SOO confident...alas, it did not get meh anything in the end :'(

00:48:17 Oct 10th 09 - Ms. Psykee:

"Yup, another sign of the apocalypse lol. I'm gonna start saying all wars should end, someone want to nominate me?"

I've been informed that you put in an application for it. I suggest you go try. Maybe you can convince them that through VU you've learned about peace and war and that you PROMISE to make the world better through what you've learned.

I'm sure we'll all vouch for you.


00:53:26 Oct 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:


So I already been discussing this today and Im doing the lazy way copypaste on my views..  and just leave it on here to swap ideas.

I was watching the news today, also suprised he was nominated, the reasons they were giving ,was his work against nuclear weapons.

 Normally the peace price goes to someone who has achieved something in a lifelong time of work for a greater cause, the comments on why this was beeing done now, was explained by the nobel commentator, as the price nowas a stabilizer holding him to the work he started to do and promised to do( cough on promises and politicians but ok) not working as an awarding price refering to past work, but to try point to diplomacy as the way to go, for trying to reach out to various politicians in parts of the world, that has been sorta left to them selves.

Within the first days of taking office, Obama made it clear that USA is  NOT at war with Islam. Offered the hand of peace and only asked for a hand back. He asked for peace in the Mideast while actually holding Israel responsible for their actions (That's never happened!). The first words of peace coming from a President of the United States in years has immense significance to the entire world

 I like the thoughts behind the nomination, I really have to say, but Im not sure the award is powerful enough to accomplish this, and maybe should be given to those actually sticking by their work for decades

In a way the peace price is to form society as we want it, yes it recognizes what ppl accomplish but why can it not be a hope for peace?

I like to add this lecture given by Michael Nagler at Berkley, lecturing about non violence. In his first lecture he gives a view on what effects the diplomacy the poiticians have been using really has, trying to illustrate why it doesnt work, there is some good examples on peaceful interactions and the effects, also he uses some very simple models to illustrate.

He mentions a very interesting example with hindues and muslims, living side by side in a  village, hindu women hiding and protecting their muslim neighbours, the hindu mob comes knocking on the door, asking if they hide muslims, they saying yes I am, the mob saying give me them, the women saying u have to kill me to get through them, wich made the mob turn around, this is an act of true non violence, and the effect proved to have positive influence on all sides.

I see the peace price nomination as an attempt to incourage non violence and diplomacy. realizing the work twds peace, needs to change to have an effect. If u take a look at the lecture, you  will get an idea on how negotiations are handled today, and what the criteria to actually create a lasting peace might be.

01:04:42 Oct 10th 09 - Ms. Merlin:

He is just being nominated, its not the same as getting it.

I agree however that this nomination is too soon.

Personally I like Obama, and I fully support what he is trying to do. Change in any society, especially large as is US is very difficult thing to do, and afcourse it will  produce strong opposition. But I support him, because I know US can and should do better. He is pointing in right direction, imo.

01:06:52 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

"Yup, another sign of the apocalypse lol. I'm gonna start saying all wars should end, someone want to nominate me?"

If that doesn't come true, i will nominate you. Your effort deserves it!

01:15:08 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

The Architect


17:54:56 Oct 9th 09 Obama may not have earned the Nobel Peace Prize in my eyes as of yet, but there are absolutely no grounds for calling the man a failure.

He assumed office about 9 and a half MONTHS ago, and because of not being able to reverse 8 YEARS of bad policy in a fraction of that time you call him a failure? If that's you're line of thinking you are extremely mis-informed and I am sorry for you and your family, present and future.

YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Do you SERIOUSLY think that our current social and economical state was ONLY attributed to George W. Bush? Mate, I have news for you. A country cannot accumulate more than 9 trillion dollars worth of debt, social immorality out the wazoo, and poor busniess practices in 8 years under the leadership of one man. Is this what the left-wing liberal  (note that i didn't use the word "Democrat") media is brainwashing America into thinking? Let me answer that for you...yes that is exactly what the media is feeding. I will also refrain from calling the media biased. Sure it is biased, but everyone has a bias no matter how "neutral" one can try to become.

01:25:56 Oct 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Sir Burninglegion


04:16:43 Oct 10th 09
Wow i never knew how stupid VU players are, to even consider Obama has failed you have to be a racist moron. Im sorry watch some speeches and listen to what he says because he acually beleives in what he says. If anyone could turn this country around it will be him


^^ you are the type of retard america doesn't need. I hate O'bama, talking and believing in yourself, and actually doing things, is way different. He does not deserve the peace prize, if he follows through with it all, then yes, eventually, he deserves it. As of NOW he does not deserve crap except an 'A' in english for his speeches.

As I said, I hate O'bama and his policies, so, I'm racist? Well, I hated Clinton and his policies too, what does that make me you dumba$$?

I knew once he got elected every backwoods democrat who thinks they know about politics, would claim we are all racists if we don't agree with him. Get a life, maybe open a book, and start educating yourself. That goes for all of you who thinks he DESERVES his award, bullshit he does.

01:28:48 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Sir Burninglegion, believing what you say is one thing...saying you will do one thing and yet doing another is another.

01:30:36 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

Ms. Merlin


19:04:42 Oct 9th 09
He is just being nominated, its not the same as getting it.

I agree however that this nomination is too soon.

Personally I like Obama, and I fully support what he is trying to do. Change in any society, especially large as is US is very difficult thing to do, and afcourse it will  produce strong opposition. But I support him, because I know US can and should do better. He is pointing in right direction, imo.



01:34:03 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

I am writing to my local House Rep. I will compose a letter of concern, carefully elaborated to talk him  (Joe Donnelly) into creating a new Stimulus Package *coughs* *Pork Barrel Project* for the sole purpose of getting this new teenage driver a brand new Mustang, I think that Obama has some spare cash from that widely successful campaign to stimulate the auto industry known as "Cash for Clunkers." Goodness! I smell the hint of sarcasm on my breath...erm...fingers.

01:35:45 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Ok. I would like to challenge anyone in a debate who is solely a cult member of Obama! I do not want to argue against passive foes such as Ms. Merlin but ignorant boobs such as The Architect.

01:39:00 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:


01:40:55 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

Sir Burninglegion


18:16:43 Oct 9th 09
Wow i never knew how stupid VU players are, to even consider Obama has failed you have to be a racist moron. Im sorry watch some speeches and listen to what he says because he acually beleives in what he says. If anyone could turn this country around it will be him


I'm sorry but if he actually believed what he said then he wouldn't need a dam teleprompter. He doesn't say it from the heart, he has someone write it down for him to say.

01:44:50 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

What are you talking about Mr. Master Mind? EVERYONE KNOWS that Obama hires Santa's little elves (in the non-toy building season of course!) to hold up big posters so he can read off what he is going to say next. Teleprompters are OLD SKOOL :p

01:59:46 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Mr. Nathaniel The Great


19:34:03 Oct 9th 09 I am writing to my local House Rep. I will compose a letter of concern, carefully elaborated to talk him  (Joe Donnelly) into creating a new Stimulus Package *coughs* *Pork Barrel Project* for the sole purpose of getting this new teenage driver a brand new Mustang, I think that Obama has some spare cash from that widely successful campaign to stimulate the auto industry known as "Cash for Clunkers." Goodness! I smell the hint of sarcasm on my breath...erm...fingers.

Tell your rep that you still want to see the Porn Stimulus package someone suggested be passed :P  The porn industry is hurting too!

02:00:34 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

"Well, I hated Clinton and his policies too, what does that make me you dumba$$?"

Makes you intelligent :D  And apparently not a cigar aficionado >.>

02:05:53 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

There was one thing that I liked about Clinton. <---does that phrase there make me sound ignorant? anyway.....Clinton took people off welfare after 6 months if the recipient showed little effort in finding a job. He saved us a ton of tax dollars from the infamous gov't money sponges.

02:08:49 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Ben wonders if Ben (no! the other Ben!) has a stake in the multi-billion dollar pornographic industry due to his overwhelming knowledge of the economic condition (or state. whatever tickles your fancy. ah! gah! get your mind out of the gutter! there is no room!) of said porn businesses.

02:16:08 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

02:16:20 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Struddle:

"As I said, I hate O'bama and his policies, so, I'm racist? Well, I hated Clinton and his policies too, what does that make me you dumba$$?

I knew once he got elected every backwoods democrat who thinks they know about politics, would claim we are all racists if we don't agree with him. Get a life, maybe open a book, and start educating yourself. That goes for all of you who thinks he DESERVES his award, bullshit he does." -Karac

Well Karac if your not white or black then ya you'd still totally be racist :P lol I think we should give Obama a chance. I do have to say though he has been the first president in a while that seems to have tried to unite both parties for the greater good but it seems like some people are dragging their feet. Again I could be misinformed because I do not focus to heavily on politics and I wont complain about Obama as I didnt vote so I have no say either way.

I just have to say we elected him. Give him a chance to do what he says he's going to do. If he wins the peace prize big deal it doesnt really mean much anymore hell I think Al Gore won the peace prize or something too for making a documentary about Global Warming.

I mean if we're gonna just give out the Peace Prize I totally nominate those people that do the Anti-Smoking/Anti-Tobacco Company commercials. Those guys are awesome. Gotta love it when a couple thousand people just lay down and play dead in front of a major tobacco company just to try to prove a point.

02:20:37 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

Lol, we gave him a chance.. but he already fucked it up in the first what 9 months now?

I'm still willing to give him a chance on foreign policy.. but he'd fucking better do something about Iran and Korea... he already hurt my belief in his foreign policy when he backed down to Russia with polands missile DEFENSE system... STOP FUCKING APPEASING AND GROW SOME DAM BALLS, show those no good Russian Mafia, communist, socialist fucking pigs.... (sorry if your Eur-o-pean, but i hate socialism AIN'T gunna have it lol)

02:27:37 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

I say we nominate an organization, group, or individual that HAS done something, not one that PROMISES AND HAS HOPES to do something. You are exactly right Sir Struddle.

and Mr. Master Mind, i think you aren't being fair to Obama either! give him more time (and a chance) to go back on more promises he has made both during his campaign trail and his 3 quarters in office. tsk tsk..

02:28:11 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

I'll give him all the chances he needs for 3 1/4 more years, I'll just hold off on giving him a reward til he does something productive :)

02:42:45 Oct 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Struddle, I'm giving him the chance, I'm not saying get out or anything, I don't like him, but he won, so I'm hoping for the best. ALL that I AM saying is he does not deserve the Nobel prize, plain and simple, anyone who doesn't agree, is stupid. He has done nothing to deserve it, except talk.

02:53:22 Oct 10th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

al gore got a nobel prize and his work was based on global warming sham.  I think ZETA will get one next.  worthless trophy.

02:55:59 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Oh I completely agree Karac psht hell I'm not really to interested in the Nobel Peace Prize anymore it never really goes to someone who deserves it. Also I wasnt saying for you to give him a chance I was just sayin in general we should give him a chance. He's coming up on his first year in office. And honestly if it takes more then 8 years to screw up a country it's gonna take a lot longer then one year to fix it. He may or may not help but honestly it's not like it matters either way. Americans are renowned for spending money they dont have so it's not like anything has changed.

My biggest thing is I love how we're in such an economic downturn that people still have the funds to put an 80 yard tv in the Dallas Cowboys Stadium. Or how a company can ask for a bail out and then spend the money and ask for more. It's like a little kid eating a cookie before dinner then saying he's to full to eat his veggies but he has enough room for desert. Though I dont agree with some of his ideals I still have to think in my mind:

Well damn it cant get much worse can it?

03:00:29 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

Amen to that.

03:07:22 Oct 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

I'd like to say amen to that, but everytime I think that, I get proven more wrong lol.

03:07:40 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

The companies should have failed in the first place.. don't keep the same companies which have been failing forever to survive, new blood must be brought into this business....

03:11:28 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

i said amen, it is safe karac.

03:12:54 Oct 10th 09 - Duchess Orioles:

It still amazes me how much people WANT Obama to fail.  It's like all the Republicans who got real sick of the Bush-bashing are venting their pent-up frustration.  And then there's the people who just think it's fun to bash the president and have no real political views of their own.  And, of course, the Europeans and people elsewhere who just like to make fun of anything American, because, you know, that's just what you do.

At any rate, I don't really see how or why Obama deserves this Nobel prize.  He hasn't really... done anything for it, and it feels far too much like political fodder and crap.

03:27:36 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

I am not a Republican. I am a Conservative. There is a difference.

If you have looked at the trends, for example, the past four presidents have gone as so: Republican, Democrat, Republican, Democrat.

Well now why is that? In my opinion (now this is not fact, just my assumption),  I believe that the Republican President four Presidents ago, George H. W. Bush, did not satisfy the American people in some way that they became "sick" of a Republican in office so they turned to the other dominant party (Democrat) in Bill Clinton. This process, I believe has repeated over the last 4 Presidents.

One rant to finish off this message...I believe that the recent Presidents have been so obsessed with the desire to obtain another and final 4-year term that they have selfishly promised and passed anything it takes to gain the majority of Elector votes in the Electoral college. They aren't watching out for the common good, they are watching out for "me, myself, and i."

03:37:59 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

This is sad. People b1tched and moaned about Bush and now look at you sorry saps who voted for this president that is a complete dumbass. B1tch b1tch b1tch. Let me guess. The ones who voted for him were in favor of Obama's idea of selling weed over the counter top to people who need it right? Thinking you would get some doctors sig. to get some medical weed? Pathetic.

But any way he doesnt deserve anything. He was nominated 28 days after he was elected president. OMG the first black president. Wow who cares he hasnt done sh1t to deserve it. There are a lot of other people who deserve more then the first black president of the USA.

03:45:08 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

He is only half-black :)

like a failed attempt to pull a Michael Jackson

03:51:46 Oct 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

I never voted for O'Bama. I voted for, as I put it, 'the lesser of two evils'. His policies always sounded great, but no one looked at the bigger picture.

03:54:25 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

I didn't vote! It is a waste of time! Nah joking! I am too young to vote.

04:09:36 Oct 10th 09 - Ms. Psykee:

"He's coming up on his first year in office. And honestly if it takes more then 8 years to screw up a country it's gonna take a lot longer then one year to fix it. He may or may not help but honestly it's not like it matters either way. Americans are renowned for spending money they dont have so it's not like anything has changed."

Thing is Struddle...MANY Americans want instant gratification...They don't care if he hasn't been in office for only a year. That's how many of us have become. We want instant results. We don't like waiting. Well...some Americans don't

04:17:26 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Nathaniel The Great:

whoa whoa, i was actually going to mention that.

Americans entire culture revolves around instant gratification. Let us take a few thriving industries for example:

Pornography Industries: We want to satisfy our lust for men and women fast "without consequences." We can access the internet anywhere nowadays and get our addiction quenched for the moment.

Fast Food Stops (Micky D's): We want our tasty food then and there on the spot rather than taking an hour to sit down and eat a more healthy meal.

04:50:57 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Why should he get an award? He didn't do nothing speshul. He actually did something bad! He found out there were terrorists on the moon and he bombed it! :O

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