Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / One and two letter words?

One and two letter words?
15:01:55 May 7th 08 - Mr. Bob Loblaw:

Whats the deal with not being able to use two letter words for armies and cities?

18:47:28 May 7th 08 - Lord Marche:

When you could use 2 letters they would both be capitalized. I think the dirty fix that doesn't solve the problem was to disallow using 2 letters instead.

20:45:02 May 7th 08 - Mr. Graurk:

oh so thats why half my armies are coming out looking liek they were named by someone who cant say vowels.

02:44:06 May 8th 08 - Sir Look Out:

you cant say most 2 letters words not all of them be careful their are a few that are allowed or it could be that the game liked me and let me use 2 letter words anyway!!! Oh and im pretty sure OF was allowed still unless he took it out sometime during the era.

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