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Only two races worth playing
22:49:41 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Chupamela Polla:

The game is only now left with in reality two races that are worth playing?

In my and alot of opinion's

And if Human's get nerfed next era as planned. Them too

That will only leave Troll and Elf

Then we get a  Clean Sweep!

07:54:47 Jul 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Dwarf is still okay, Sloth showed that this era.
Halfling, I can imagine with current food prices they make incredible cash.
Orc is screwed
human get to see every resource first though, so it might just make them a little bit weaker, but not annihilate them totally.

10:25:53 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Halfer if played right is really good right now. I had 40k ponies with 40k MUs by OOP. Given I had a very long protection but still lol

13:31:56 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

why in the world was my post deleted?

i said i agree with Polla. is there a crazy new admin in here?

13:55:13 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Barny:

The gestapo are the new mods.

Halfling is still viable with food prices and the best price for OP/DP points before the Elves get lvl 9 magic and equal military science mid era.

Dwarfs are good if you like to sit and farm behind your kds blockers all era and be useless but farm.

Orc are still viable because as we've seen this era Army upkeep is a bitch and Nazgul partially negate that.

Humans are shit.

Trolls are good for military.

Elves are obviously good for magic, and AM's are the best military unit if you can afford to get high Magic and Military science. Also, because you dont need a lot of MU if you use archmage with lvl 9 magic science they also have the lowest army upkeep, best cost value, smallest armies ect. which really snatches away any real reason to choose Orc aside from viability up untill mid-late era when Elves get their science. Also, archers are great for defending.

So in summary, I only partially agree with you. A good kingdom will rule with an iron fist and make their members play certain races, and for a good dynamic they would need a few members playing as Dwarf/Orc/Halfling. Or course, the vast majority would be Trolls and Elves.

13:59:25 Jul 16th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Mr. Penor The Impressive


12:25:53 Jul 16th 09 Halfer if played right is really good right now. I had 40k ponies with 40k MUs by OOP. Given I had a very long protection but still lol

You had 40k Ponys coming OOP?

14:20:35 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Barny:

When I was on Latha I had 50k Archers, and that wasn't even all of my money. This of of course given protections was very long on Latha. The income topped off pretty poorly this era, but it was a huge bonus up until around 100k land.

I think it changes the dynamics of OOP wars. If you can afford to defend your blocker for 24 more ticks, and farm and abstain from training troops; then your income will be SIGNIFICANTLY higher,

14:47:05 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

my post got deleted >.< and it was a big post >.<

mine short was like orc nerfed elf are average as they pay alot of gold to increase there magic so that then they have good AM halfers are good it plyed correctly dwarves are alright (gokken have proved to be a dwarf mage/fighter whilst on latha :D

Also plz dont nerf troll's I play troll >.<

20:56:18 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Chupamela Polla:

Dwarfs are good if you like to sit and farm behind your kds blockers all era and be useless but farm.

Cept you end up with Crappy Production Income at large Sizes
So they kinda Negates your Statement but Hey.

21:58:50 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Bishop, It was a 6 day long protection lol. That was the joke

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