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Orc core drop
15:00:57 Mar 24th 24 - Mr. Zaneth:

All of you orc core drop experts, have you tried testing orc core drop going full military science vs orc core drop getting magic science first? Which one is better?

17:20:29 Mar 24th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Magic is nice but your bottleneck is peasants. But it's cheap and fast to train but you'll rely on MW and it makes it harder to prep for a longer period of time.

Magic is great if u aren't the only to drop, so u can force enemies to get some magic defence early.

If u drop solo, for maximum damage I'd say military science first is stronger, allows u to use guardtowers for some defense more effectively also.

18:04:11 Mar 24th 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Ancient):

Personally, the magic way is superior due to being able to get self-AoTD later in the era. Magic Weapons gets you a lvl 5 military, which you can easily cast on a scout, but you'll have to be smart about where and when you prep. The information that magic gives you early is great, as you don't telegraph your intentions via a scout check.

All of that said, going magic > military gets you significantly less Gaia. You could come OOP with 30k gaia + 2k MUs + 4 magic, or 60k gaia + 4 military. Those are highly efficient drop numbers (and I mean these numbers at tick 48 of the era - AKA right at OOP). Most don't come out with more than 10k gaia going military, with 20k being fairly decent.

In short, if your econ game is highly efficient then both systems are viable, depending on how skilled you are as a dropper (with military being much easier). If your econ game isn't strong, then military drop 100%. You should master the military drop before magic, as only a handful of players in VU can pull off an effective magic first drop.

A good gauge is what is your econ at tick 24? 200k? Anything is viable. 150k? You can make magic work, but only if you're well experienced. 125k? Military only. 100k or less and you really should figure out your econ game before trying to drop anyone.

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