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Ouch Eduardo breaks leg: Video
08:56:17 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Revenge:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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08:57:34 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Wait, for the pictures about mid-way
My stomach turned
Best luck Eduardo.....
I hope your back soon



P.S  : They say he will be back around the 2010 mark....

11:46:58 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Im from scotland. But i watched the game, and match of the Day last night. It looked horrendous. Hope he get's well soon. But also, i wouldnt blame martin taylor, the ball was their to be won..

14:53:59 Feb 24th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Yer, I saw the reply, If eduardo hadnt of sprinted quickly then it woud have proberly been a good tackle
But the fact remains that he had studs showing which is not a great idea  =[

17:00:23 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Ye not a good idea at all lol. Eduardo was just to fast for taylor, just nicked the ball before taylor got their. You can sorta understand why his ankle snapped so easily though. Martin taylor is MASSIVE lol. Still hope he can still play football again, it was deffinately one of the worst injuries ive ever seen, it makes henrik larssons one look like a scratch ( It wasn't he also broke his leg, though not as bad).

22:07:22 Feb 24th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

well actually, taylor flew in too high to me. everyone keeps saying its not his fault, but i think he was being reckless
im not saying he intentionally went out to hurt eduardo or anything

01:54:35 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Architect:

15:13:19 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Hmm I see your point bran, he was a little too high but like you said , I dont think he intended to hurt him

P.S - Thanks architect =]

16:46:32 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Alban III:



17:28:59 Feb 25th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Search it on youtube.....

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