Petition: No title for Erunion |
11:49:21 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Messiah:
Self explanatory. Doesnt matter if you go to vacation. If you leave VU for too long, you need to be punished. Help me, oh masses! Make the Almighty ZeTa NOT hear Erunions plea! Duke? HAH! Erunion should be given the costum title "Maggot" if any!
(Add your name here)
Signed by: Messiah
11:51:03 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:
11:53:51 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Love:
Maggot would be a good title. "Maggot Erunion".
12:04:27 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Gilth:
Well, whats more fun then annoying someone else.
Signed by: Messiah Carolus Rex Love Gilth
12:08:20 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Ject:
- Messiah
- Carolus Rex
- Love
- Gilth
- Ject
- ZeTa (It's pretty obvious, isn't it? :) )
12:45:27 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:
- Messiah
- Carolus Rex
- Love
- Gilth
- Ject
- ZeTa (It's pretty obvious, isn't it? :) )
- The Mighty Twamao
12:50:52 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Lassie:
14:21:25 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Onuris:
16:24:18 Sep 12th 07 - Lord Mac:

He deserves his title back that's all I have to say.
17:20:09 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:
  I think the mad Messiah understands that....
17:24:30 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Mcikan:
17:39:10 Sep 12th 07 - Lord Yerean:
- Messiah
- Carolus Rex
- Love
- Gilth
- Ject
- ZeTa (It's pretty obvious, isn't it? :) )
- The Mighty Twamao
- Lassie
- Onuris
- Mcikan
- Mac (thats his true will, although his hands won't let him say it)
- Yerean
19:20:36 Sep 12th 07 - Lord Mac:
- Messiah
- Carolus Rex
- Love
- Gilth
- Ject
- ZeTa (It's pretty obvious, isn't it? :) )
- The Mighty Twamao
- Lassie
- Onuris
- Mcikan
- Yerean
Very funny >:-( but no.
19:51:10 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:
- Messiah
- Carolus Rex
- Love
- Gilth
- Ject
- ZeTa (It's pretty obvious, isn't it? :) )
- The Mighty Twamao
- Lassie
- Onuris
- Mcikan
- Yerean
- Kassius (just earn it back, the inactive rule is there for a reason)
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