Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Petiton Unban Random

Petiton Unban Random
14:44:11 Nov 12th 10 - Mr. Griffinwing:

post an x if you think random should be unbanned!!!!!!!!
dooooo eet!


15:54:52 Nov 12th 10 - Mr. Barny The Inactive:

Oh wow, he is banned AGAIN?

In a petition you generally sign a list so the number of signatures is apparent, not a series of X's.

That said, I like Random and I would like to see him and Wilber unbanned from the forums.

15:57:17 Nov 12th 10 - Mr. Gimli:

I will only do the x if they don't do constant trollin.

17:35:24 Nov 12th 10 - Mr. Elven:

Sure, I'll take his place. Ban me instead.

18:10:28 Nov 12th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

he is an aussie.. nuff said

22:21:15 Nov 12th 10 - Sir Horus XI:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic

^ hows its done

06:50:47 Nov 13th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic
5. Insomniac

unban the mofo

06:57:53 Nov 13th 10 - The Architect:

I've personally enjoyed the forums much more since Random has been gone.  It's been civil and pleasant without him.

I don't have much of an opinion of Wilber, but Random I can definitely do without.

10:55:37 Nov 13th 10 - Mr. Pure:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic
5. Insomniac
6. Pure

11:00:39 Nov 13th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

unban dickcunt and ban him again!

15:20:32 Nov 13th 10 - Ms. Ecco:

Idk why Random was banned, but what an incredible crap idea ^^

 Im almost wondering more about how these crappy idesitions are made more than I am wondering if he will be unbanned or not.

Unban him!

This is a forum, and if need to be reminded this is a wargame. exactly HOW do one expect the tone to be in? Everyone is a different character, and should be able to discuss however they like,  liking them or not. If not this game is as good as dead.  Oh wait. nvm

16:39:14 Nov 13th 10 - Mr. Eye Love Black Puddin:

Definitely un-ban him... he is rarely rude or uncivil. Compared to some he is a saint.

18:54:37 Nov 13th 10 - Mr. Griffinwing:

16:21:15 Nov 12th 10 - Sir Horus XI:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic

^ hows its done

thanks horus

and keep up the signing ppl! and remember...random loves you xD

16:42:09 Nov 14th 10 - Mr. Calculus:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic
5. Insomniac
6. Pure
7. Calculus a.k.a Sun Warrior King

18:19:29 Nov 14th 10 - Mr. Perfection:

lol hes a nooobe keep him banned

18:20:28 Nov 14th 10 - Mr. Stormcrow:

lol as if game admin actually gives a sh!t what we think;)

19:19:16 Nov 14th 10 - Mr. William The Evul One:

Can I also sign somewere if I want to keep him banned??

01:11:07 Nov 15th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

I think stormy has a point... good luck to all those trying though

05:14:33 Nov 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent I:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic
5. Insomniac
6. Pure
7. Calculus a.k.a Sun Warrior King
 8. Arthur Dent
9. Random

I like signing lists.  And I believe Random would like his name on the list too ;)

10:03:56 Nov 15th 10 - Mr. Pure The Nub:

Its because of zondy XD. Random knows more of the details and he has to quite him before he tells the whole vu community.

16:06:51 Nov 15th 10 - General Who:

No, i made a topic were he can post whatever he wants about me.

He kept posting crap in politics after being told not too. So therefore he was banned for forum spamming.

20:03:14 Nov 16th 10 - Mr. Noraux:

Ms. Ecco: Ofc this is a war game and ofc this is a forum.

but those 2 are both seperate things. Keep the war in the game and the community a community and not a void zone.

20:44:30 Nov 17th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

unban him!

22:10:30 Nov 17th 10 - Duke Sfd:


1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic
5. Insomniac
6. Pure
7. Calculus a.k.a Sun Warrior King
 8. Arthur Dent
9. Random
10. SFD

unban him now >:@
or i will write you a very nasty msg ZeTa >:(!!!

06:33:12 Nov 18th 10 - King Burninglegion The Swordmaster:

1. Griffinwing

2. Barny
3. Elven
4. Horus/Panic
5. Insomniac
6. Pure
7. Calculus a.k.a Sun Warrior King
 8. Arthur Dent
9. Random
10. SFD

11: Burninglegion
stop banning vets unless they sexual harrass you

19:11:17 Nov 19th 10 - Duke Sfd:

:( But then random would have been banned ages ago :'(

00:19:07 Nov 20th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Love Muffin:

I've personally enjoyed the forums much more since Random has been gone. It's been civil and pleasant without him.

I don't have much of an opinion of Wilber, but Random I can definitely do without.

That's cuz you's a pussy!

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