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Phi Empire
00:07:48 Jun 23rd 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu):

anyone left from Phi Empire?

03:05:48 Jun 23rd 12 - Mr. Killstone:

i just started playing again for this new era on fant dunno if ill stay after this. i saw zeta switched a couple things up (which i dont think he had since i had last played) so thought id give it a shot!

03:43:11 Jun 23rd 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

i saw mavich a few era's ago. but its been a long time.

04:18:17 Jun 23rd 12 - Sir Dark Magician Who Cantusemagic:

i've momentarily been in phi before. But then got kicked after about 8 hours after joining for no freaking reason!

04:53:03 Jun 23rd 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

that would explain why i dont know you. hha

09:20:33 Jun 23rd 12 - Mr. Ninja:

i played with phi for 2 eras

09:21:49 Jun 23rd 12 - Ms. Lawathe:

PHI haters allowed? :D

09:44:37 Jun 23rd 12 - Mr. Binh Teh Loser:

10:06:12 Jun 23rd 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

I played with Phi for what... 5 eras?  My first KD when BoW merged.  Good kingdom.  Nice to see you again Senturu ;)

21:31:26 Jun 23rd 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

PHI haters are not allowed. get outa here lawathe!!!!!

Binh just wanted to show up for what reason?

good to see you arthur!

00:36:01 Jun 24th 12 - Mr. Fizz:

00:40:54 Jun 24th 12 - Mr. Epyon:

Where my naked men at?

00:42:32 Jun 24th 12 - Mr. Klaus Heissler:

have you met chris?

00:46:35 Jun 24th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

epyon, you do not get any Naked men! zero and mavich decided that a long time ago

04:39:50 Jun 24th 12 - Prince Pesterd:

I was in PHI, and BoW for a bit, nothing permanent. I mainly played with the LGC guysm FEAR, FW, etc..

03:10:18 Jul 14th 12 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Hermit):

binh the loser is not me just so you know :P I'm kind of in retire mode atm.

05:36:32 Jul 19th 12 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

Hm, lots of old people in here. Fun. =P

09:55:47 Jul 19th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

were not that old....

14:58:02 Jul 19th 12 - al (Mr. Ermahgerd):

what am i doing here

20:14:23 Jul 21st 12 - Mr. Killlstone:

im pretty old to VU

23:51:16 Jul 21st 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

Killstone, youve been around what, a couple era's longer than me? era 14.

02:44:04 Jul 23rd 12 - Mr. Oreeh:

It's been awhile

16:37:52 Jul 23rd 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Lukethe):

I mostly played with the dark nights, BoW and Kingdom of Lithuania. I played with phi once or twice. not for long though. This was a long time ago. I used to be known as Paracelzus

19:35:42 Jul 23rd 12 - Mr. Killstone:

ya i think my first era was 10 or 11

17:20:37 Jul 24th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

I remember you Paracelzus ;)

17:36:49 Jul 24th 12 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Zephyran):

i was a phi once like 2 eras.

04:36:55 Jul 25th 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Lukethe):

Dang, someone recognizes me. Whats a name i would know you as?

22:56:14 Jul 25th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Well the name I still use ;)  Arthur Dent.  I guess you don't remember me :(  Did you use to play troll?

23:38:51 Jul 25th 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Lukethe):

Yeah, once or twice. Didn't really like the race. Haha! I didn't care for trees that much.

17:28:49 Jul 26th 12 - Mr. Theodore Roosevelt:

am i right in thinking that Phi is short for philipines? or did twamao lie to me all those years ago

i dont beleive any of you are from the philipines...

06:53:14 Jul 27th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

lol, no your are fight PHI was short for Philipines, however Zero and Mavich (the two who created the KD)  are from there. most of the rest of us. are not.

17:38:08 Jul 28th 12 - Ms. Bluemark:

i played in PHI for 3 eras. been missing zero and crisscross.

01:07:28 Jul 29th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Oh I always thought it was just the Greek letter.  Cause you know, that was the banner.

06:11:50 Jul 30th 12 - Mr. Kilstone:

lol i did too dent i knew mav and zero were from the phillipines but my geeky science math mind just went straight to the greek alphabet there haha

08:00:35 Aug 4th 12 - Mr. Aloysius:

That's is also the reason why MAD is always NAPed with PHI.... I too came from the Philippines. :D

08:14:06 Aug 4th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Nice!  I remember when Phi (Either Phi or BOW, can't really remember) was wiped out OOP by Zond's 40 man lightning KD.  I ran away to another world and MAD protected me ;)  Ever since I've liked 'em.

00:11:31 Aug 5th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

well that And Aloysius used to (if i remember right) be in PHI as well. or some other kingdom where i was in i know that much

00:31:47 Aug 5th 12 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

interesting, i assumed aloysius was a lithuanian

01:13:05 Aug 5th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

thats what you get for assuming Brann

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