Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Pretentions Rankings Thread

Pretentions Rankings Thread
05:20:58 Nov 18th 17 - HorusPanic (Mr. Dance):

Your character Sir Panic is the 5th most powerful ruler in Fantasia (orc)

Your character Lord Horus XLI is the 1st most powerful ruler in Mantrax (halfer)

Your character Mr. Polymer is the 11th most powerful ruler in Zetamania (troll)

Your character Mr. Dance is the 5th most powerful ruler in Valhalla (troll)

05:27:11 Nov 18th 17 - Mr. Bling The Badass:

Your character Bling is the sexiest ruler in Fantasia (orc)

Your character Bling is the sexiest ruler in Mantrax (orc)

Your character Bling is the sexiest ruler in Zetamania (orc)

Your character Bling is the sexiest ruler in Valhalla (orc)

05:31:41 Nov 18th 17 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus XLI):

Pretentious *

10:54:58 Nov 18th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Unfroze Toes):

Your character God Hotline is the 1st most powerful ruler in Fantasia (halfer)

Your character Mr. Nayoke The Chuunin is the 5th most powerful ruler in Mantrax (halfer)

Your character Mr. Bond James Bond is the 3rd most powerful ruler in Zetamania (elf)

Your character Mr. Eros Unfroze Toes is the 1st most powerful ruler in Valhalla (halfer)

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