Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Race suggestions

Race suggestions
04:17:12 Jun 3rd 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

As a result of change recommendations being ignored, I have brought on 3 Lua developers to build a correctly implemented version using Lua on CryEngine. Will focus on 10 types of game characters, so feel free to offer suggestions. And no, magic wont be over the top as it is here on VU, so you Harry Potter fuckers can piss off and go shake your magic wands somewhere else.

Think multi seasonal maps, so units need to factor the changing weathers.

04:19:23 Jun 3rd 19 - Mr. Bling Feckers:

Resources will be finite, and geography can be manipulated based on character abilities. Think elves being able to raise forests, or dwarves manipulate mountains

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