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Russia China Iran vs all
17:59:10 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Who would you think would win?
( No Nukes )

18:03:05 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Selocgotatanandcold:

If it was only china russia and iran, then everyone else, Japan/UK/USA/Europe are unstoppable.

18:16:12 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Those three could never take on the world.....

18:27:18 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

Nope...they'd enjoy a couple nukes despite what Basch said :P

19:57:39 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

We'd find a way around that rule Basch, we would find a way around ...

00:14:52 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Wouldn't North Korea side with China?

00:55:37 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:

i just hope that admin start locking these stupid and rather boring threads

ITS ALL DOWN TO YOUR OPINUION FOOLS ! no one knows the facts about every army and anyone that says they do is surly lieing

01:05:09 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Where did the iran part come from?

03:36:22 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Because they back russia up

17:19:35 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Espana son nuetrales!

22:22:01 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Wouldent it be more like Iran with like 3/4ths of the middle east, along side Russia and all the countries that it has influence over. China and all communist countries all and all the countries china has influence over. More notably NK and Cuba.

Also like 70%  of africa <whitch will enentually kill of the 30% that dont agree with the majority>(yeah i know africa cant do much but atleast it could be a strong supply of man power and good launching points) Not to mention hundreds of terrorist groups.



Europe and US

*South america is to divided to get involved


I think this would be a more fair analysis


But in my opinion, with no nukes, im going to have to place my bets against the US and Europe allience.

22:23:45 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[ Spain is too nuetral, So they and I will not participate ]

22:32:39 Aug 18th 08 - Dark Singularity:

Clearly mongolia will come out of no where and own the world.

06:14:01 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Benji IV:

"Wouldent it be more like Iran with like 3/4ths of the middle east, along side Russia"

lol the only country in the middle east that will join russia is iran

Turkey - wants to join the EU and they wont risk that to join russia.

Syria - 50% chance that it will join russia and another 50 % it will join the

Lebanon : USA and the EU , yes they wont be a help in the war but they wont be on russia's side

Iraq - it doesnt even have an army to join the war with -_- , but iran will try to invade it and with the troops the EU and USA ... etc have there , it will make it hard fro iran to take it .

Israel - i dont think i would even need to say it , but they will have probs with iran and al-qaida and hisballah (if they join)

Saudi Arabia - now everyone knows that those guys are on the USA side , and with the oil that they have it might give the USA and EU a hand

Other gulf countries (Kuwait , UAE , Oman , Yeman , Qatar , Al-bahrine) they are all on the USA side (plus they will follow Saudi Arabia )

Egypt - USA and EU OFC

"Also like 70%  of africa <whitch will enentually kill of the 30% that dont agree with the majority>"

lol name one country that will join russia ???

Egypt - well see middle east part

Libya - lol USA OFC

Tunisia , Algeria , Morocco  - France but since France and USA are on the same team so USA ( i am not saying that they dont have good relations with the USA)

Mauritania - USA OFC

Nigeria , Niger , Chad , Ethiopia , Somalia , - USA OFC

South Africa - strongest country in Africa and USA OFC

im not sure about the rest but 70% of Africa is with the USA not against it

lol its a long post XD

and the result is

Russia , China , Iran


USA (and Canada and Mexico ofc), EU , Africa , Middle east , South America

06:18:17 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

3 words- Tomahawk Crusie Missles =P

07:18:54 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

The US has the Indians... We would kill you all

07:32:27 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha ill say it again. Rednecks are the ones you have to worry about not the military. Rednecks sit on their porches drinking beer and shooting lol =P

16:29:22 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Justin wrote: "3 words- Tomahawk Crusie Missles =P"

You mean the ones made in China? Well at least the electromagnets and some other navigation components are. What if the Chinese won't sell you any more? Oh dear, what to do?

Not to mention $10/gallon gasolene and a national draft of everyone under 40. Also I'd say the credit rating of the USA would take a knock and, since selling bonds is America's principal remaining business, there would be the slight problem of paying for said war. (Paying for stuff is what your grandparents used to do--an important concept, even if it's unfamiliar to you).

Not sure the Chinese would agree to finance any more wars, let alone wars aimed at them. ;) They're only financing the current ones 'cause it's good for business.


16:44:16 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Benji wrote: " South Africa - strongest country in Africa and USA OFC"

South Africa would more likely be nonaligned. Also, you left out India, a really major power. Would also more likely be nonaligned. South Africa has especially good relations with India, China and Iran.

In fact, you would have great difficulty getting even all Western European countries to sing the same tune at any one time. Iran's principal trading partners are Germany, Italy and Japan.

The US would most likely be supported by the UK, Australia (but I'm not sure about that any more), and.....Georgia! ;)

17:00:29 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Viktor:

Oh super, a discussion of World War III.  It's highly unlikely as there is very little to be gained in a world domination conflict with both sides fully loaded with nukes. Even if it started as a conventional war, the side losing territory would resort to nukes and that means endgame for the planet and every one of the military commanders and political leaders know this (even Amedinejhad, despite the Bush administration saying otherwise).

But for *beep*s and giggles, let's play out a conventional war without the threat of nuclear holocaust...

Russia starts and takes Georgia. ex-Soviet satellite countries split evenly in their allegiances... half west, half east. Expect the stans to side with Russia, due to proximity and...

Iran invades Iraq with heavy Chinese and Russian air and naval support. Russia simulataneously invades Israel with heavy Arabic assistance. US army is tied up in an Asian ground war as Iraq disentigrates into all-out civil war. Saudi Arabia-civil war. Egypt...possible civil war. US army takes equivalent of Pearl Harbor is damages, but still holds 70% of Iraq.
Air force and Naval forces take some damages, but are otherwise intact.


China- takes Taiwan. North Korea, Myanmar, and 3/4 of the rest of south East asia sides with them. Seoul Korea is destroyed, but not taken immediately. Pressure from China ensures the alliance of the stans. Japan and US protct the taking of South Korea but are unable to push China out due to Russian-japanese battles in NE Asia. India equivocates, allowing China to take northern Thailand, but then drives into Myanmar and sens troops to Thailand to help. that's when Pakistan attacks India.

And then there is South America... Venezuela, Peru, 1/4 of Columbia, Guatemala, Bolivia, etc... side with China-russia. Chile and Argentina stay neutral at first, waiting to see how the tides turn. Mexico sides with the US, probably. Brazil probably sides with the US or stays neutral. Possiblility remains that they go with China-Russia if neutral and China-Russia seems to have the upper hand.

Africa-total chaos. Heavy chinese and Russian influence meets some pro-western idea how this pans out, but more Chinese-russian influence than Western. Many civil wars.

So, I think that would be the start. How this senario goes would determine the rest. US would then go on war footing, drafting a huge, well-equipped army. Maintains Air and Naval superiority. Chinese have way more troops that are almost as teched out, but have decent naval and air.

so how's that for a crazy conventional w*beep*nario?

17:23:48 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

In this scenario of yours Viktor, I suppose Europe sit there and twiddle their thumbs while its happening?

17:29:35 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Dude:

@ Viktor. You forgot the European troops. They'd most likely help the US fighting Iran, but that'd be a short war- Iran can't hold against that. And the Arab countries wouldn't support Russia, their terrorist groups might though. So Israel would hold aswell. It'd take a while but Europe/US/Japan would win on all fronts eventually I think. Indonesia/Australia/New Zealand would interfere if China was to invade south-east Asia. India would also help a bit, but would get their hands full with the Taliban coming from Afghanistan/Pakistan. Japan remains intact because Russia and China have too much fronts and eventually they'd collapse.

17:37:06 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Gothrim


8/19/2008 8:29:22 AM
Mr Justin wrote: "3 words- Tomahawk Crusie Missles =P"

You mean the ones made in China? Well at least the electromagnets and some other navigation components are. What if the Chinese won't sell you any more? Oh dear, what to do?

Not to mention $10/gallon gasolene and a national draft of everyone under 40. Also I'd say the credit rating of the USA would take a knock and, since selling bonds is America's principal remaining business, there would be the slight problem of paying for said war. (Paying for stuff is what your grandparents used to do--an important concept, even if it's unfamiliar to you).

Not sure the Chinese would agree to finance any more wars, let alone wars aimed at them. ;) They're only financing the current ones 'cause it's good for business.


Ok first we have plenty. One of those missles can kill 1 million ppl. Second we can use the oil that we got from our states instead of using other ppls.

18:20:41 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Viktor:

I have no idea what Europe would do, to be honest. Not sure they would do anything during the several weeks this senario would be playing out. Seriously, this senario only goes to like 1 month, as I think a lot of these would determine the outcome of the war. Not sure Europe would be heavily involved there.I think China and Russia would be prescient enough to realize that Europe wouldn't commit troops elsewhere during this time in fear that Russia would head west so would be extremely politic with Europe to buy the time. And the actual invasions wouldn't be NATO countries so they might not be under treaty. Interesting possibilities either way. It's also possible the the EU would collapse and split between Western allies and neutrals.

18:26:49 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Looks fun to me though, chaos. Would be interesting to see how the world develops after such a war :)

18:41:06 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

lol no, likely EU gets involved just not 100%, so from some european countries u may see large contributions and in others u may see some tanks and aircrafts contributed but nothing much on the grand scheme of things. UK would most likely end up getting tugged into the war by the USA and other countries in need of help, also south africa would very likely be on OUR side due to the fact that it wuz a brittish colony and is home to MANY brittish people, and lastly although is now a republic it is still a commonwealth nation. There are 53 commonwealth nations, and likely if the UK was fully involved and needed help, most of other commonwealth kingdoms would ALSO come to our aid in such a war. Although by being a commonwealth nation we are all equal to eachother and no one has authority over the other, it is nevertheless seen as a bond which would come into action. This would mean that india and pakistan could end up on the SAME side of the war with us.

19:20:11 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Not if the taliban gets power in Pakistan now that stability there has no chance :)

20:22:36 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Viktor:

I absolutely agree these countries would get involved, however they wouldn't be in play for most of that critical first month. At least not in large numbers. Probably the RAF, but how big are they these days?(legit question, I have no idea how big they are...)

And there is no way Pakistan is siding with the west on this one... Mussharif is already heading to court for violating the constitution. Pakistan, in reality, might be the most dangerous nation on earth in a matter of months.


05:28:12 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Benji IV:

Mr. Gothrim


8/19/2008 4:44:16 PMMr Benji wrote: " South Africa - strongest country in Africa and USA OFC"

South Africa would more likely be nonaligned. Also, you left out India, a really major power. Would also more likely be nonaligned. South Africa has especially good relations with India, China and Iran.

In fact, you would have great difficulty getting even all Western European countries to sing the same tune at any one time. Iran's principal trading partners are Germany, Italy and Japan.

The US would most likely be supported by the UK, Australia (but I'm not sure about that any more), and.....Georgia! ;)

i was talking about middle east and africa and thx for the info i didnt know that =)

23:05:56 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Grawl:

Considering numbers:

China has 2,2 million troops. Can draft 340 million.
Russia has 1,1 million troops. Can draft 35 million.
Iran has 350k troops. Can draf 12 million.
TOTAL: 3.6mil troops. Draft 390mil.

*These countries have Obligatory military training between the age of 18 and 30. From 1 to 2 years. Most of the population has done such training. It means they know how to shoot.
*Iran's military is considered the strongest in Middle East (by the USA)

Let's compare to the biggest miltaries of the rest of the world:
USA has 1,4 mil troops. Can draft 65 mil.
EU has around 2,2mil troops. Can draft approximately 90 mil.
(sub)TOTAL: 3.6mil. Draft 170mil.

* These countries will draft people that have never seen a rifle before.

China is powerful. Russia pwns. Iran ... is iran. But they won't be able to kill off the rest of the world completely. Just partially...



23:33:22 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Gporhp:

ummm when they draft people they dont just give em a gun and say go over there.... those people have to go through boot camp just the same as every1 else has to. so when the fightn does start they DO know how to use a gun

21:16:56 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Stones Throw:


No DOD hardware or software can be purchased or made in any country on the list of hostile countries. So no worries about that. As far as Oil...70 plus % comes from allies and the ability to tap our own would make the hurt temporary. Also oil is a world comodity so the whole world would see an increase in price so the effects would be felt by all not just Am.

Another thing about these large China armies is that you have to equip, feed, arm, mobilize and maintain those armies. So the large numbers arent that scarey. Just make for easier targets. If they did mobalize that many people they would starve. Only thing to worry about china is invading china and i dont think anyone even dreams of doing that.

21:21:14 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Brain:

If you killed 1 million chinese per day,
after a year you'd have a bit more than when you started.

(As in, they have, at least had some years back, over 360million nativity/year)

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