Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Save the Vowels

Save the Vowels
23:47:18 Nov 1st 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I'm sick and tired of people never using vowels when they write . It's annyoing and it doesn't make you cool if you write "OMGBBQ" or whatver the new word is. If you support the Save the Vowels Movement post this picture on your post. It's not to late to save the vowels.

Note: If you find the banner doesn't animate refresh your page.

00:18:35 Nov 2nd 07 - Ms. Galadriel:

v bad m8  ;)

I agree i'm anti-text, must be my age :p

00:56:56 Nov 2nd 07 - Duke Epyon:

wth r u talkin bout u dont kno wut u r sayin


(I dont really care how people talk as long as I can understand what they are saying :P)

01:02:59 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Chimey The Chonga:

Well.... I talks wit random stuffs addinated onto whatever I writes..... but I don't get taking aways stuff.

If anything people should add random suffixes to there posts. Make it more colorful

05:19:38 Nov 2nd 07 - Lady Lacewing:

wt r u syng u dnt lk d wy i tlk?

12:06:21 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Messiah:

omg ts thread is lame... ctr+s yr bs 4 l8r

15:43:33 Nov 2nd 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I agree! Save the Vowels!

15:51:13 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

I am with you Sigheart !!

16:29:11 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Killer:

Hell yeah. Those annoying words without vowels are incredibly annoying. Like hymn and nymph...

17:40:28 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Although I still find it amazing how we can read anti-vowel documents.

t's ctly rlly mprssve, hs nyn sn th dvrts n TV wth nly txt wtht vwls. Thy nvr gv y nth tm th rd th whl thng knw.

Sometimes you just can't understand it know.

18:02:14 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Kassius Son of Rome:

i take ths as a personal atk on me :P anywho i dunt rely care if ppl dunt rite out properly i mean cmon most of the ppl playin dis are nerds theyv gotta be able to rebel SUMHOW :P

18:15:15 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

Nerds play this game ??

Cool !! ;-))

19:33:15 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Seloc I think you're confusing now and know.

19:38:37 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Umm no I'm just in a stupid habit of writing know at the end of my sentences.......I say it in real life too 0.o

20:18:33 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Actually I believe I'm confusing though and know.....0.o

22:39:14 Nov 2nd 07 - Lady Lacewing:

" Like hymn and nymph... "

Y can be considered a vowell you know :D

22:43:50 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

yes a vowel or a consinente

is that how you spell consinente?

i dont know im only 15 leave me alone

stop spying on me


06:03:52 Nov 3rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:


*Septim runs

16:49:35 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Angel of Death:

*angel grabs a shotgun, sniper rifle, M-16, and steals a tank*

I dare em com fo me. Ill giv em hel

kill the vowels kill the vowels!

16:57:30 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

Maybe a VOWELS WAR is going to form... consonants vs. vowels.

17:03:02 Nov 3rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

I would win. ^_^

18:03:43 Nov 3rd 07 - Sir Santa Claus:


06:42:54 Nov 5th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Most definitely...

00:19:45 Nov 6th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

w@nt t0 k1ll d@ v0wlz 1s wh@t 1 w@nt t0 d0!!!

Seriously though, I try to use good spelling when I post...

03:16:01 Nov 6th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I hear suicide is accepted by religions now a days, Septim.

06:02:58 Nov 6th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

Mr. Sigheart


11/1/2007 3:47:18 PM

I'm sick and tired of people never using vowels when they write . It's annyoing and it doesn't make you cool if you write "OMGBBQ" or whatver the new word is. If you support the Save the Vowels Movement post this picture on your post. It's not to late to save the vowels.

Note: If you find the banner doesn't animate refresh your page

Mr. Sigheart


11/5/2007 10:00:04 PM
Barrel Dragon , got it in my first Yugioh pack and then I got addicted gawd I even entered some tourneys and won in some. I must have been some kind of nub. It's embarresing thinging about it. In fact I sold all my c*beep*xcept for a few. I will never sell Barrel Dragon!

Wow, and you call yourself an anti-sp@mmer? Patton would be ashamed!

21:42:34 Nov 6th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

We all have our problems, Yugioh is mine. A ten page essay on the creation of universes including information on the Eagle Nebula and how stars form helps too.

15:04:50 Nov 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

Hey vowels could actually win...
Consonants VS. Vowels

18:23:08 Nov 7th 07 - Mr. Brinsbane:

I want to actually want to understand what people say

19:26:03 Nov 8th 07 - Sir Archias:

I dont care, peeps can speak the way they like...

prime example - the guy who says F*** every other word, I understand him and dont really care, but in secret I laugh at his very existence...

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