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Scientology I
04:21:29 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Random:


04:36:52 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

-see my rant on Christianity =p

06:38:12 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

*jumps on oprah's couch*

Scientology baby!

08:02:01 Jan 26th 08 - Sir Revenge:

What actor said he supports this?
Its someone famous recently

08:10:01 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

Everyone has the right to believe as they wish. No one has the right to force his belief system on some one else. I am a christian, but I do not force my beliefs on any one.To me the relationship with God is more important than the practice of doctrine or religion. Live and let live. There is no need for continuous arguement or debate. I seriously doubt that I would ever be able to convince some one dedicated to another belief system to change their beliefs, and do not see any reason to try. If some one wants to talk about my relationship with Jesus Christ, then I share my experiences with them. But I do not agressively seek out converts. I have been reading these debates on various religious topics, and all I see is people commited to their way of thinking. None of you will ever change one anothers beliefs, so why put each other down or be mean spirited to one another?

11:47:18 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

Sean thats impossible and you know it, as long as there are christians in the way of democracy ppl will never let you be.

And by democracy i meen peoples right to do an abortion,
to chose whatever partner they wish for both sex and marriage
and to not be exposed to religion until they reach the age of 18 so they truly can chose their own way in life. Your fricking kind has changed laws in one state of U.S.A to be able to alter schoolbooks , and that is Not ok.
You might not be seeking out converts, but your likes are, and thats why these discussions Never will be left at peace.

And yes i know lol il get my ass flamed off now

12:39:15 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

*standing in front of oldmanschild with an asbestos-suit ... *  bring it on!


o yes, scientology ... it's science-fiction, for those that didn't know yet  ... see the word fiction?

12:50:44 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Smuff:


12:52:39 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Smuff:

their founder was a sci-fi book writer for god sake!

13:20:40 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

*standing in front of oldmanschild with an asbestos-suit ... *  bring it on!

- for your information i partly worked with asbestos sanitation before i picked up studies again ;)
*puts on the suit and mask, and lets see.. asbestos ususally ends up in a plastic sealed bag...* ;O

14:22:06 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Acheron:

I usualy don't make fun of religeons and this is no exception. Scientology however is a bs cult.

14:44:56 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

lol, i do that for a living, cleaning polluted sites ... not that i actually do the real handjob, but i get things organized and the government pays for the contractors.    safety-rules on asbestos-sites are rigorous (as they should be, considering the healthrisks)(respect to the workers, it's a hard tiring job)

over here we have to pack it up twice ... then it goes to a landfill (for lack of a better solution atm) and it gets covered(hidden?) with 'clean' (read, less polluted) soil ... nothing is perfect, i geuss

19:17:45 Jan 27th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

*Septim watched that episode of South Park.


20:18:21 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

Your fricking kind has changed laws in one state of U.S.A to be able to alter schoolbooks , and that is Not ok.
You might not be seeking out converts, but your likes are, and thats why these discussions Never will be left at peace.

........not even gonna begin to count the amount of racism in those 2 sentences

20:29:09 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

sayin saying "your fricking kind" for a start is a load of bull, you say that religion stands in the way of democracy which is crap, you will notice that abortion is LEGAL in most wester countries and the religious activits only disagree with with whats happening they dont force you not to.the same goes for same sex marriages. Saying that someone should be able to choose a religion ionly when ther 18 is crap too, if thats true then the same HAS to apply for getting to 18 to choose NOT to choose a religion since there is no way to make both things happen then you can whiesht about that. about the schoolbooks have been changed then that means people have voted for it, therefore the majority agrees with that change. That means if you or anyone who agrees with your ideas tries to stop this you will be acting 2-faced as your doin the exact same thing that most people accuse religions of doing "forcing their ideas on other people" finally sayin "you people" is highly offensive to anyone black, asian or religious so shove that (anyway im pro-choice so quit lumping everyone together )

22:28:42 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

Ofcourse, i was very generalistic, not all christians act and think like this, but most of of the ppl doing it, are some sort of christians. And only disagree? il qutoe from wikipedia if you want: "Incidents of violence have ranged from the destruction of property, in the form of vandalism, arson, and bombings, to kidnapping, stalking, assault, attempted murder, and murder"
yea, christians sure are peaceful, as they always has been!
since 1900: 24 wars with a religious dimension
since dawn of religion: ...... a few more.
I know im still generalizing but im sry man, cant keep track on the 100s of sub-groups that the name christianity represent.

Saying that someone should be able to choose a religion ionly when ther 18 is crap too, if thats true then the same HAS to apply for getting to 18 to choose NOT to choose a religion since there is no way to make both things happen then you can whiesht about that.

It is not crap, why should you be able "to choose NOT to choose a religion"?
Why should kids be raised and educated in beliefs they Might would have disagreed to totally if they had any sort of reference?

about the schoolbooks have been changed then that means people have voted for it, therefore the majority agrees with that change

If i remembr correctly, the first schoolboard that did this was voted off immideatly.

And voting about changing scientific theories (Quote from wikipedia: In science, a theory is a mathematical or logical explanation, or a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation.)

to ID (quote from wikipedia: It is a modern form of the traditional teleological argument for the existence of God, modified to avoid specifying the nature or identity of the designer. Its primary proponents, all of whom are associated with the Discovery Institute, believe the designer to be the God of Christianity. Advocates of intelligent design claim it is a scientific theory, and seek to fundamentally redefine science to accept supernatural explanations.) could sure be alot of fun for the religious parents that evidently dominate the region, but you have to think of the kids too man :p

23:13:41 Jan 27th 08 - Ms. Fellatio:

Scientology is a cult and a dangerous one at that.

Anonymous FTW!

23:18:46 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

If i remembr correctly, the first schoolboard that did this was voted off immideatly.

so whats your proplem, it didnt stick and it was voted off, so theres no problem

It is not crap, why should you be able "to choose NOT to choose a religion"?
Why should kids be raised and educated in beliefs they Might would have disagreed to totally if they had any sort of reference?

everyone in just about every recognised religion is free to leave whenever they want, if they have been raised like that then when they reach the age of 18 or whatever they can say toodles and do what they want

23:36:28 Jan 27th 08 - Ms. Fellatio:

02:10:16 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

I think I'm gonna get an Anon t shirt made.

03:42:39 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Random:

heh scientology.

rember this date ;)


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07:59:20 Jan 28th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

Scientology certainly is a cult.  Not only involvement require obscene amounts of money, but it is also not an "open" religion like most branches of Christianity, Islam, and other major faiths.  Also, badmouthing Scientology publicly can result in threats, so watch out! :P

Oh yea, and are skewing the truth.

Most Christian religions, for example, focus on life as their central core of faith...this is why Catholics are anti-abortion and anti-death penalty among other tenants.

It is generally a bad practice to use as an example something that is an antithesis of a religion's teachings.  The real issue here is our human nature, which is weak and can't be denied...religion or not.

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