Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Screenshot competition

Screenshot competition
20:50:11 Dec 13th 07 - VU Admin:

You will be competing for a total of 15 bonus turns! There are three competitions.

1) Best screenshot showing strategy - 5 bonus turns

2) Best screenshot showing war - 5 bonus turns

3) Best screenshot showing politics - 5 bonus turns

End date: 21th December


How to make a screenshot

If you have a PC, hit the button that says "Print Screen". Then save the image using a image program, for example "MsPaint".
Then upload the image to the Internet or mail it to

21:17:38 Dec 13th 07 - Ms. Minge:

It's a little hard to convey politics or strategy through image form, but I'll give it a shot.

This one would be an example of strategy. The image was named "For Sal", mainly because I needed to give Salamon a precise.locationer of where we were to BT to with our armies and merge, in order to smash all those PHI armies individually before they merged up to attack us (pretty silly tactic for them to do actually)

Which we did. And they got slaughtered =P

This one would be a decent screenshot of warfare. Mainly because it came out of the 3-kd man era, meaning there were a lot of flashy banners about, and a lot of seperate army movements. =P

This would be another strategic image. Mainly me telling a KD mate that the town was uh, get the picture. ;)

22:08:47 Dec 13th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

Elsin and company's armies last era :P

and just below that...

22:40:12 Dec 13th 07 - Duke Arzun:


Not sure where this could go, perhaps if you wanted to show the building aspect of the game.

And this would be war.



23:15:00 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Cool! My first era! And I see 1 of my cities :)
Uh...doesn't really fit, but pretty funny:
Ehh..I have no idea how to post an image actually. Let's hope this works :p

Nvm. I failed in my attempts. That should be the url of the image though.

23:17:56 Dec 13th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

it doesnt work with the (url= crap so here, take this link for Atreides pic

lol I remember that too, Val is hilarious :)

23:24:00 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Ok, thanks to Epyon, I just realized how easy it is :p
For anyone that doesn't wanna click the link...oh, and sorry about causing there to be 3 posts when only 1 was needed :p
Oh, and when you're looking at it, just ignore all my stuff and look only at the pic in the center!

17:32:54 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Seloc:

some pics, decide as you will:

thumbnail sized.

wallpaper sized, p.s don't look to closely.

19:49:42 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

I love this one that I took before Mr. Nester's Strike Force was slowly cut down to size...

In one of most brilliant moves from the last era, Mr. Nester was basically singlehandedly holding a huge block against an enormous Peacekeepers merge that had at least 10 Corps.

In a desperate attempt to divert their merge and at the same time open a hole into their core, Nester burned 3 turns to pass them (and since he was a single army and not a merge, he also moved much faster), and then sequentially built 2 walls behind his advance to slow them, with the entrances in a zig-zag pattern.

The giant Peacekeeper merge broke, and he destroyed many of their smaller armies as they desperately chased him into the heart of their core.  He also burned several cities to the ground on his rampage.

20:39:57 Dec 14th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:


22:35:57 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I called this on "The Beauty of War"

That was all BoW territory before we took it from them.

01:17:48 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Soc:

y isnt jester on here? u have spag! and red hand! and a bunch of weird ones that no body knows!

03:09:03 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

Tactics -> Here is the height of the stalemate with Phi vs DB last era.

06:16:44 Dec 15th 07 - Sir XelNaga:




07:00:51 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Spoon:

Wimboweh! My precious wall!

Show that walls can fart.

Fancy core plan image of a few eras ago

Trying to locate all kingdoms on the map

12:16:19 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI:

Got here some images:


In this picture Phi scouts want to invade carnage territory or settle near other phi towns..


In this pic carnage pumped a lot of troops into the blocker, to defend from abydos :)


18:03:22 Dec 16th 07 - Ms. Sezymon:

Haven't got all my pics on this computer, these are mainly from the last eras, got the rest back home, will have a look through them soon:)

Found a good one though, supposed you might call it strategy:P

18:42:04 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:


Try not to clog up your mountain space, your ally might want a 90k mine in your spot!



The more blockers you have, the thinner you have to stretch your defense.



When fighting overpowered Gaia and/or LW, its always good to use diversions in your attacks.



You dont have 3 hours to reach your city, if your enemy has 3 BTs.



Dont let the enemy split up your forces (into 3 man kingdoms).



If there's something strange

in your neighborhood

Who you gonna call?

02:05:38 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

If the enemy has a larger and more powerful force them you then best is to avoid it... remember armies cant be everywhere at once

Sin core getting taken and opposing army's being flanked

13:33:31 Dec 20th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Fa about to be killed

06:54:40 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Lmao, the screenshots link on the front page just links to this screenshot competition thread! Lol!

19:34:17 Dec 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

So who won?

22:07:00 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

i did didnt you see my invisable SS? ;)

23:31:57 Dec 22nd 07 - VU Admin:

5 bonus turns each have been given to Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI and Mr. Sloth.

11:47:16 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI:

yeeey =) i won

16:14:03 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

"You will be competing for a total of 15 bonus turns! There are three competitions"

Thats only 10 :P

16:27:26 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Umbar:

he forgot the politics :O

19:35:13 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Vengence:

how do i take a screenshot??

02:34:21 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

thanks zeta!

03:42:22 Dec 24th 07 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Lets Keep it up, share those old goodies;)

10:46:30 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI:

OMG Britney spears... Are you crazy? :p

01:58:09 Dec 27th 07 - Prince Mielo:

First an example how to get overran by armies when there are summer holidays for most of your kingdom :p

Then how it sux if Legacy won't open their gates nor kill you off ...

How you form a stalemate

How hard it is to pull a straight army set up line when you are drunk and abydonian :)

How farming should be done

(ok, I copied them sometimes)

How to make something obvious :)

How to settle a core


using the 'game tactics'


That's about it for today :), where are my 15 bts? :)

05:27:53 Dec 27th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

haha 20k MTs in anti wallonia?!?! i wasnt even a amge and at one point i had a 3% chance for EITS from ym army in BB wall!

and btw with your 3 mil troops phi coulda pummled you probobly with there like 8-13mil troops or soemthing but we didnt want to lose that wall

lucky if arma was actually cast anti woulda been gone i bet! =P good but boring era though!

16:16:34 Dec 27th 07 - Sir Spoon:

Drunk @ 6? :o

06:32:11 Dec 28th 07 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

More recent one:)


p.s never mind the other pics in the album:P

12:29:16 Dec 28th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

i can't see the other pictures! wheeeeee!

00:32:46 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Leopold:

wow man this is some wicked *beep* with all those armies on one spot......i sure wouldent want to spy there XD

01:34:41 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

how come there are different landscaps in VU then in other worlds?

14:45:01 Feb 3rd 08 - Lord Scientist:

Strategy........I'm sure I had some plan when doing this........

15:03:26 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:


15:55:04 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Clone V:

lol poor abydos

01:27:00 Feb 4th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

great pic

06:20:01 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Intensive:

06:44:30 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

Grats, you just beat the native people ^^

07:14:44 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Rake:

11:44:01 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Revenge:


12:01:15 Mar 8th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Get the kid with the crayon away from the walls! :(

13:26:44 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

there cool

13:31:45 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Com:

yes jay

21:17:39 May 9th 08 - Ms. Boreil:

End of era boredom....

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